We’re expecting a winter storm to some parts of the state, probably not here. But since the words “possibility” and “some snow” are in the local forecast it means that everyone will be out stocking up on groceries and firewood today in preparation for being stranded at home until the big thaw. 🙂
I’m thinking that’s what’s going to happen around here. Except that there will only be a light dusting after the panic shopping today and tonight.
I’m home today. Didn’t feel so good when I woke up, and I’m a little afraid to push too hard and get REALLY sick right now. The upside is that the diaper service has already come and gone, and I can do some baby laundry and organizing while I’m resting up.
I admire you for trying cloth diapers. I had a service for the oldest one I just hated it. He was always getting rashy no matter how often I changed him. I wish they’d come out with an environmentally friendly disposable diaper. Maybe SNL had it right with their Chewable Pampers.
I’ve always used cloth, but when CBtY was about a year old, we began having rash issues. They changed the pH of the diaper rinse, and that still didn’t help, so I started doing home laundered cloth instead, which cured the problem.
Wanna know what’s really weird? I have the same diaper service, and the same guy doing the deliveries as when CBtY was a baby. Only with much grayer hair…
Ah, the circle of life. I was wondering if diaper services even existed anymore. I haven’t seen a truck in at least a decade and thought they had gone the way of the milkman.
Good morning,
It was 16 when I got up (4.45 – ugh). Up to 20 now and crisp, clear skies.
Snow coming tomorrow, hope it doesn’t affect air travel too much – swimmer is coming back from college in the afternoon.
Somehow, I wouldn’t mind that too much once in a while. My favorite New Years Eve was the one where it was 70 degrees out and we could sit on the porch and drink champagne without a coat.
I’ve only experienced one really warm New Year’s Eve – but that was in the Caribbean. Went midnight swimming (cleansing, according to local tradition).
Will your own new fireworks be on this side of the new year?
I loved last Christmas Eve. It was the first one without the cheating spouse, and it was about 70 degrees with a strong warm breeze. We walked around the block in the dark, drinking adult beverages and looking at the luminaria.
That sounds very nice. I was having fun looking at all the lights last night when I went to pick CBtE up, remembering how I used to do that with them every Christmas eve to wind them down to fall asleep.
Everybody’s out for the night tonight, doing the overnight thing with friends. We’re going to spend what might be our last night with no kids for a while watching dollhouse and eating lasagna.
We’re supposed to get a bunch of snow, and it’s not even going to wait until morning, apparently.
Wow, that’s cold. I knew it was pretty cold today because this is the first time that I’ve been really cold since I started carrying my little portable heat generator around.
Only 2″ predicted for us. At least that’s enough to cover the trash and make things look all fresh and new for a few hours.
Continuing the # 1 son’s water heater project tomorrow. He thinks an 80 gallon will get him a hot shower during his kids’ teenage years… hah! He forgets his younger brother’s penchant for long hot showers that ran the hot water out before any of the rest of us could muscle in.
Good morning.
Forecast is for 6-9 inches of snow, but nothing yet. Just checked the radar and it looks as if most of it is hitting south of here (heavy snow in Philadelphia area at present, according to radar).
I’m so used to them hyping storms only to have them fizzle that it’s hard to take anything the weatherman says seriously.
Gracie (the girl aussie) hates wet weather. She steps 2 steps outside and backs right back in the door…no desire to go out and check it out throughly for her.
We’re off to a good snuggly start, laptop blogging (I;m the only one up) and morning teevee watching with coffee. 🙂
We had giant, fluffy flakes of snow for about 30 minutes yesterday at noonish and then it turned to rain. And rain. And rain. Thank the FSM it wasn’t a few degrees colder.
Hope everyone is safe and warm and has the makings for vegetable soup and home made bread (and a gas stove)in case you’re housebound.
We’re in the mid 40’s here and we’ve finally had a no rain day. George is on a barking tear today and will not stop. He’s about to drive me up the wall. It should quieten down some because the brother and sil just left to go X-mas shopping.
Anyone who has a little extra snow can send some down my way. 😉
Or, I could try sending you some sunshine. Absolutely gorgeous day here. Which I’m not going to let be spoiled by the fact that I’ve take the dishwasher completely apart and I still can’t find the spot from where it’s leaking. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
I’ll just have to put it back together and wait to see what happens next. Sometimes it’s only a clog and by taking things apart you’ve fixed it without actually knowing that’s what you were doing. At least I’ve learned how to take it apart, so next time it will go much faster. <rolleyes>.
The dogs finally got brushed and washed yesterday. They’re WHITE. Who knew?
Man, I am always lamenting not having a husband to do repairs around the house. Maybe I just need a handy wife. I could totally get used to that…she cooks, she takes the dishwasher apart, she installs solar water systems…
Oh I’ve always wanted a wife. But I was thinking of the cooking and nurturing aspects of it. But if you could get that AND someone who knows how to do household repairs, all in the same package…cool.
I normally hear that comment from her during championship bouts with laundry. I think she almost had one of her friends convinced, but then the friend got a new boyfriend…
I’ve curtailed that activity quite a bit in the last few years, polluting little devices that mowers are. (Sshhhh – its a great excuse, too. How am I doing Family Man?)
But y’know, if you had a wife who could do handyman stuff, you could wind up with one who might also be inclined to sit around in front of the TV all day watching sports, guzzling beer, alternately snoring and belching and never picking up the empty pizza boxes….
Do you know I remember my divorce anniversary, but have a hard time remembering the associated wedding anniversary? Of course, I’ve been divorced way longer than I was married to him.
The weather oracle says 70% chance for snow tonight. Hope some of it sticks around this time, but I’m also thinking be careful what I wish for, especially in that area.
Morning SN! The new water heater project at # 1 son’s is finished! I was pretty well pooped when I returned home last night from their place and have “glue glove” from the PVC pipe cement, as I’m pretty sloppy when gluing pipe joints.
He thinks an 80 gal. water heater will solve the skimpy hot water reserve with 3 pre-teens in the house, bwahahahahaha. What say ye?
Ooh, he can always hope. I don’t want to speculate on the reasons, but my teenage boys seemed to take exceedingly long showers and it would take the water heater almost an hour to recover so I could take one. I think ours is a 60 gallon though.
When our kids were teens, #2 son could drain the entire 50 gal. on one shower, no problem. I remember all the rest of the family outside the bathroom yelling at him to please get out so the rest of us could shower without freezing.
We replaced ours a few years ago, so t’s not happening here anytime soon. Plus. I found out that they don’t work so well with well water (it comes out of the ground too cold to heat adequately).
We have cable heat in our house, but the morons put them in the ceiling instead of the floor. If I’m sitting with my legs under a desk, I freeze from the knees down when its really cold out.
When we were looking at the house to buy back in the 80s, the Realtor actually told us “heat goes down” when talking about the ceiling heat. It was all we could do to hold the giggling until he was gone! Later, I thought it must be a product of the Fourth Law of Hoosier Thermodynamics.
Ah, they’re pretty enough, in their own buggy way. Just don’t let them get a hold on your finger, it’s hard to get them detached again without pulling their little legs off (a lot like Japanese beetles).
Wow, this cafe has definitely left me way behind. And it’s too much work for a Sunday to catch up so I’m glad to see that IndianaDem is taking care of the Brown County pride of place.
Hope your road gets cleared soon, CG. Stay cozy.
My whole understanding of the purpose of showers has been enlarged — thanks SN. 🙂
Gotta get started on bunch of things to get done today.
The sky has cleared a little bit here and we’re down to 29 degrees.
I found out what really being terrified is last night. My brother and sil were out late last night and I had gone to sleep. Unfortunately I was having a nightmare about someone breaking into the house. It happens that my brother and sil were coming into the house as I was waking from the nightmare. It was like one of those nightmare where you can’t wake up from it, then I realized I was awake and there was someone out in the hallway. I had fallen asleep with the tv on and my sil thought I was still awake so she yelled through the door that they were home. Thank goodness she did that because I think I was a couple of minutes away from a heart attack. Oh well, just another day in paradise.
Yikes, I hate when that happens. I have intruder dreams where I am just terrified, and then I have recurring dream that one of my kids is drowning in front of me and I can’t save him. Maybe the answer is a shot of Jack Daniels before bed. You might still have nightmares but you would give a damn.
The 29 is what the weather channel says. It’s more than likely mid 30’s here. It’s still cold enough that I’ve got to throw on a lot of clothes to take George out. Of which he’s start to whine to go.
Here in the wild & woolly woods, the Big Blizzard gave us about an inch of snow.
The wind’s outrageous, however — blowing little birds backwards, with white-outs. Air temperature is at about 15 degrees, with a wind chill of stay-the-hell-inside.
What we’re actually doing here is engaging in substantive discussion on global warming for the benefit of future historians (who will find our self-portraits above very interesting).
‘Warm and sunny’ sounds loverly. Good luck on the plumbing!
I thought you’d gone to your mother’s which obviously you aren’t (and so you can ignore my comment in the Flog). The weather sounds like it’s trying to encourage you to go visit her.
I think we’re supposed to get snow here tomorrow.
What’s everyone up to today?
Aw, what a cute picture.
We’re expecting a winter storm to some parts of the state, probably not here. But since the words “possibility” and “some snow” are in the local forecast it means that everyone will be out stocking up on groceries and firewood today in preparation for being stranded at home until the big thaw. 🙂
I’m thinking that’s what’s going to happen around here. Except that there will only be a light dusting after the panic shopping today and tonight.
I’m home today. Didn’t feel so good when I woke up, and I’m a little afraid to push too hard and get REALLY sick right now. The upside is that the diaper service has already come and gone, and I can do some baby laundry and organizing while I’m resting up.
I admire you for trying cloth diapers. I had a service for the oldest one I just hated it. He was always getting rashy no matter how often I changed him. I wish they’d come out with an environmentally friendly disposable diaper. Maybe SNL had it right with their Chewable Pampers.
I’ve always used cloth, but when CBtY was about a year old, we began having rash issues. They changed the pH of the diaper rinse, and that still didn’t help, so I started doing home laundered cloth instead, which cured the problem.
Wanna know what’s really weird? I have the same diaper service, and the same guy doing the deliveries as when CBtY was a baby. Only with much grayer hair…
Ah, the circle of life. I was wondering if diaper services even existed anymore. I haven’t seen a truck in at least a decade and thought they had gone the way of the milkman.
Actually, I think the other service that we used when we lived in Philly is out of business.
I now have the Lion King theme stuck in my head.
I’ve had “Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen” in my head all week.
Yep, snow tomorrow and 12 degrees now!
I’m not sure what the temp is here, but it’s definitely colder than it has been. How much snow are they predicting up your way?
Good morning,
It was 16 when I got up (4.45 – ugh). Up to 20 now and crisp, clear skies.
Snow coming tomorrow, hope it doesn’t affect air travel too much – swimmer is coming back from college in the afternoon.
we’re in the 70s this week. supposedly a “cold front” is moving in for Christmas that will chill it down to the low 60s. brrrrrrr
…a “cold front” is moving in for Christmas that will chill it down to the low 60s.
Real Christmas ambiance, then…
Somehow, I wouldn’t mind that too much once in a while. My favorite New Years Eve was the one where it was 70 degrees out and we could sit on the porch and drink champagne without a coat.
I’ve only experienced one really warm New Year’s Eve – but that was in the Caribbean. Went midnight swimming (cleansing, according to local tradition).
Will your own new fireworks be on this side of the new year?
I loved last Christmas Eve. It was the first one without the cheating spouse, and it was about 70 degrees with a strong warm breeze. We walked around the block in the dark, drinking adult beverages and looking at the luminaria.
That sounds very nice. I was having fun looking at all the lights last night when I went to pick CBtE up, remembering how I used to do that with them every Christmas eve to wind them down to fall asleep.
Everybody’s out for the night tonight, doing the overnight thing with friends. We’re going to spend what might be our last night with no kids for a while watching dollhouse and eating lasagna.
We’re supposed to get a bunch of snow, and it’s not even going to wait until morning, apparently.
Wow, that’s cold. I knew it was pretty cold today because this is the first time that I’ve been really cold since I started carrying my little portable heat generator around.
Maybe 6 inches.
They’re saying 2-4 inches here..we live in the area that’s usually on the high end of the range, though.
I kind of hope it holds off, even thoug I do like a bit of white CHristmas.
Only 2″ predicted for us. At least that’s enough to cover the trash and make things look all fresh and new for a few hours.
Continuing the # 1 son’s water heater project tomorrow. He thinks an 80 gallon will get him a hot shower during his kids’ teenage years… hah! He forgets his younger brother’s penchant for long hot showers that ran the hot water out before any of the rest of us could muscle in.
Great picture!!! No snow here thank goodness. I could see me out with a walker in that mess. LOL
Yeah, all you’d need would be to wreck the other ankle. ugh.
How are you doing? Excited to have your own place to celebrate the holidays in this year?
Hark, the herald frog snow angels croak ….
Or maybe “Jeremiah was a bullfrog…joy to the world”?
Very — uh — seasonal.
I want that for a ringtone on my phone…
Stay safe.
Good morning.
Forecast is for 6-9 inches of snow, but nothing yet. Just checked the radar and it looks as if most of it is hitting south of here (heavy snow in Philadelphia area at present, according to radar).
We have maybe an inch, and it’s a fine, stinging, misting sort of snow.
The dogs are totally unimpressed with it.
I’m hoping we’ll get one more chance to run out this morning before it gets bad.
Good luck with the weather. All we’ve got is a dusting and the dogs think we need to go take a much closer look at it.
Hope you have a nice, snuggly day.
I’m so used to them hyping storms only to have them fizzle that it’s hard to take anything the weatherman says seriously.
Gracie (the girl aussie) hates wet weather. She steps 2 steps outside and backs right back in the door…no desire to go out and check it out throughly for her.
We’re off to a good snuggly start, laptop blogging (I;m the only one up) and morning teevee watching with coffee. 🙂
Hope you stay warm and cozy too!
Hope the power keeps on flowing for you through the storm.
That’s my idea of a nice amount of snow … so long as it comes down over a reasonable number of hours.
We had giant, fluffy flakes of snow for about 30 minutes yesterday at noonish and then it turned to rain. And rain. And rain. Thank the FSM it wasn’t a few degrees colder.
Hope everyone is safe and warm and has the makings for vegetable soup and home made bread (and a gas stove)in case you’re housebound.
Good afternoon everyone,
We’re in the mid 40’s here and we’ve finally had a no rain day. George is on a barking tear today and will not stop. He’s about to drive me up the wall. It should quieten down some because the brother and sil just left to go X-mas shopping.
Anyone who has a little extra snow can send some down my way. 😉
Or, I could try sending you some sunshine. Absolutely gorgeous day here. Which I’m not going to let be spoiled by the fact that I’ve take the dishwasher completely apart and I still can’t find the spot from where it’s leaking. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
I’ll just have to put it back together and wait to see what happens next. Sometimes it’s only a clog and by taking things apart you’ve fixed it without actually knowing that’s what you were doing. At least I’ve learned how to take it apart, so next time it will go much faster. <rolleyes>.
The dogs finally got brushed and washed yesterday. They’re WHITE. Who knew?
Hi Keres,
My hat is off to you on for taking on the dishwasher. Any home repair or home improvement job I’ve ever taken on always turns in to a disaster.
I’m sure the dogs are just waiting for another mud puddle to get into. 🙂
Man, I am always lamenting not having a husband to do repairs around the house. Maybe I just need a handy wife. I could totally get used to that…she cooks, she takes the dishwasher apart, she installs solar water systems…
I could use one of those myself. 😉
Mrs ID has been remarking for years that we could use a wife around here.
I’m with Mrs. ID. Where do we sign up?
Oh I’ve always wanted a wife. But I was thinking of the cooking and nurturing aspects of it. But if you could get that AND someone who knows how to do household repairs, all in the same package…cool.
I normally hear that comment from her during championship bouts with laundry. I think she almost had one of her friends convinced, but then the friend got a new boyfriend…
Then there’s the fact that you can just pay someone to mow the lawn and avoid ever having to remind them to do it…
I’ve curtailed that activity quite a bit in the last few years, polluting little devices that mowers are. (Sshhhh – its a great excuse, too. How am I doing Family Man?)
Hiya ID,
polluting little divices that mowers are.
You’re doing great!
But y’know, if you had a wife who could do handyman stuff, you could wind up with one who might also be inclined to sit around in front of the TV all day watching sports, guzzling beer, alternately snoring and belching and never picking up the empty pizza boxes….
Husband 2.0 had that covered.
Actually I had a wife exactly like that except she didn’t do any handyman stuff.
Wow, FM, you must have been crushed to lose her. 🙂
Yep so crushed that I stopped celebrating my B’day and now celebrate my divorce day. 😉
I’ll soon have two divorce anniversaries to celebrate. I can hardly contain the excitement. 🙂
Gee that’s like having two birthdays. 🙂
How’s your weather been? Get any snow today?
Nope, just rain, though it’s been hovering in the low 30s all day. The air aloft must be warm.
We’ve been mid 40’s and going down to low 30’s tonight. Alas I see no snow in our future though.
Do you know I remember my divorce anniversary, but have a hard time remembering the associated wedding anniversary? Of course, I’ve been divorced way longer than I was married to him.
Festively colored and festively named. This is the female. The male is golden orange. They hatch out around Christmas time.
Well … uh … how festive.
I think I prefer the jingle bells video for starting up the holiday spirit. 😉
I think I’ll stick with poinsettias and Christmas trees, myself.
Good morning! How’s the snow situation out your way? What little we had yesterday is mostly gone.
It looks like we might have a foot out there. I haven’t heard the plow go by yet this morning, either.
I’m trying to decide what to make for breakfast. Waffles or cereal?
On a cold, snowy morning, for me it would have to be waffles.
Yeah, I think wafffles are the ticket today.
The weather oracle says 70% chance for snow tonight. Hope some of it sticks around this time, but I’m also thinking be careful what I wish for, especially in that area.
Mmmm, waffles.
Morning, everyone. Looks like the sun might come out today after 4 days of gloom. Yay!
Morning SN! The new water heater project at # 1 son’s is finished! I was pretty well pooped when I returned home last night from their place and have “glue glove” from the PVC pipe cement, as I’m pretty sloppy when gluing pipe joints.
He thinks an 80 gal. water heater will solve the skimpy hot water reserve with 3 pre-teens in the house, bwahahahahaha. What say ye?
Ooh, he can always hope. I don’t want to speculate on the reasons, but my teenage boys seemed to take exceedingly long showers and it would take the water heater almost an hour to recover so I could take one. I think ours is a 60 gallon though.
When our kids were teens, #2 son could drain the entire 50 gal. on one shower, no problem. I remember all the rest of the family outside the bathroom yelling at him to please get out so the rest of us could shower without freezing.
I think I would have cut the hot water off to get him out…
I have one long showerer and one short shower person…your son might get lucky.
I want one of those instant hot water heaters next time we need a replacement.
We have friends who put one of those in and it seems to work well for them. They’re pretty spendy up front tho.
We replaced ours a few years ago, so t’s not happening here anytime soon. Plus. I found out that they don’t work so well with well water (it comes out of the ground too cold to heat adequately).
We looked into those but they were prohibitively expensive. I want a heated bathroom floor, like in Japan.
We have cable heat in our house, but the morons put them in the ceiling instead of the floor. If I’m sitting with my legs under a desk, I freeze from the knees down when its really cold out.
When we were looking at the house to buy back in the 80s, the Realtor actually told us “heat goes down” when talking about the ceiling heat. It was all we could do to hold the giggling until he was gone! Later, I thought it must be a product of the Fourth Law of Hoosier Thermodynamics.
Haha! I’d like to live in his world, where gravity makes you look more youthful and perky as you age.
I’m breaking out the Trader Joes blueberry sauce for them too.
We have a slight bluish tint to the sky this morning, although it’s still a bit cloudy. It should be a much cheerier day than yesterday, for sure.
Ooooh, blueberry – yum!
Ah, they’re pretty enough, in their own buggy way. Just don’t let them get a hold on your finger, it’s hard to get them detached again without pulling their little legs off (a lot like Japanese beetles).
Wow, this cafe has definitely left me way behind. And it’s too much work for a Sunday to catch up so I’m glad to see that IndianaDem is taking care of the Brown County pride of place.
Hope your road gets cleared soon, CG. Stay cozy.
My whole understanding of the purpose of showers has been enlarged — thanks SN. 🙂
Gotta get started on bunch of things to get done today.
Hi and bye and, as a Family Man acolyte, don’t forget to slack.
You are learning well the path to slackdom, grasshopper. 🙂
Good morning everyone,
The sky has cleared a little bit here and we’re down to 29 degrees.
I found out what really being terrified is last night. My brother and sil were out late last night and I had gone to sleep. Unfortunately I was having a nightmare about someone breaking into the house. It happens that my brother and sil were coming into the house as I was waking from the nightmare. It was like one of those nightmare where you can’t wake up from it, then I realized I was awake and there was someone out in the hallway. I had fallen asleep with the tv on and my sil thought I was still awake so she yelled through the door that they were home. Thank goodness she did that because I think I was a couple of minutes away from a heart attack. Oh well, just another day in paradise.
Yikes, I hate when that happens. I have intruder dreams where I am just terrified, and then I have recurring dream that one of my kids is drowning in front of me and I can’t save him. Maybe the answer is a shot of Jack Daniels before bed. You might still have nightmares but you would give a damn.
Erm, wouldn’t give a damn.
Maybe the answer is multiple shots of Jack Daniels. 🙂
Hi Family Man! Sorry about the nightmare. Its just a little warmer at our house at 31.
Morning ID,
The 29 is what the weather channel says. It’s more than likely mid 30’s here. It’s still cold enough that I’ve got to throw on a lot of clothes to take George out. Of which he’s start to whine to go.
Have a good day and stay warm.
Sounds scary, FM. You need to do some extra slacking today. But maybe that would be too much extra effort.
Hope everyone’s enjoying a good afternoon.
Here in the wild & woolly woods, the Big Blizzard gave us about an inch of snow.
The wind’s outrageous, however — blowing little birds backwards, with white-outs. Air temperature is at about 15 degrees, with a wind chill of stay-the-hell-inside.
Seems the only thing you lot have to talk about is the weather. 😉
‘Morning Wench, et. al.
I got warm and sunny, in case anyone was wondering. A day to do laundry, and also a bit of plumbing.
What we’re actually doing here is engaging in substantive discussion on global warming for the benefit of future historians (who will find our self-portraits above very interesting).
‘Warm and sunny’ sounds loverly. Good luck on the plumbing!
Well then, I applaud your contributions to the future studies of the ‘archeology of crowd sourcing’.
I applaud yours, as well — most especially with regard to the future literature of early interspecies linguistics.
I thought you’d gone to your mother’s which obviously you aren’t (and so you can ignore my comment in the Flog). The weather sounds like it’s trying to encourage you to go visit her.
click for larger
Perfect for a new cafe…back in a minute.