Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Random.
Website(s) of the Week: For those of you who hate holiday shopping.
AndiF Frost Flower Bouquet
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With Moss
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Flying Nun?
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Almost Gone
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olivia’s random
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NOTE: We’ve made some changes to the Flog schedule:
- Dec. 25: Flog on hiatus for the Xmas holiday
- Jan 1 Theme: Gates, Doorways, and Passages (h/t Knucklehead)
- Jan 8 Theme: Aphorisms and Quotes (h/t keres)
Info on Posting Photos
When you post your photos, please keep the width at 500 or less for the sake of our Bootribers who are on dial-up. If you want to post clickable thumbnails but aren’t sure how, check out this diary:
Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Some really random stuff!
Incredible set, Bob! I especially love the first two. So much green in that shot I’m green w/ envy.
Gorgeous colors in that top photo — the trees make it feel like they are running of the image.
I love the composition of the second photo — creativity in all its messiness.
Hi Bob, a great set for random! I’m w/ stand strong and Andi … love that first photo. I love the moss on the trees and that green water.
Thanks, I wasn’t entirely sure that was going to work. This is the pool of the spring that was posted last week. The other landscape is an overview of the entire pool. The green water comes from the green algae that grows on the bottom of the sandy pool.
Fantastic composition in the first.
Amazing imagination in the second.
You`ve been taken by Olivia`s knitting basket of colors in the third.
Great shot.
One third rule vanishing point in the fourth. Very good.
THe mystery shot of a speed bump/reflector & the lines cut in the pavement for left turn sensors.
(Call me Sherlock.)
Fabulous set.
Thanks for the comments. The mystery shot “49”. They marked booths at a street fair with chalk numbers, it looked like an abstract painting with lines and tensions in play.
I like the collection of art supplies. It reminds me of my grandfather, who worked in oils from a big box full of paints in what appeared to me to be multicolored toothpaste tubes.
That reminds me of my wife’s tubes of oils when she was in art school when we were dating. She had it everywhere, and I mean everywhere! I still run across bits of it here and there.
Love that U shot, Bob. What is it?
Thanks, it’s a sign for a magnet store called Magnetron.
BobX — living in the mid-Atlantic area, by the middle of March (when the chance of snow is pretty well over) until the middle of April, your top and bottom photos are the kind of green images I begin to crave. I guess I get “envy for green,” instead of “green with envy.”
Your “electric U” is wonderfully balanced, but what I really like is that it is the sun providing all the light.
The well used brushes, stool and paints brought a smile — lovely, lovely colors.
The “49” is a delightful graffiti optical puzzle.
Thanks! Tell you the truth, there are times I miss the beauty of the stark trees and snow. Growing up just outside Boston we had plenty. Not having it makes you appreciate it a little more. But then I think of shoveling…
Nutin’ new that is.
Random critterage.
Very nice critters indeed. I especially like the bottom pictures with the spacing of the birds, the ripple pattern on the water, and the waves in the distance.
Hi keres. I really like the minimal colour in the second photo and all the activity in the third, like the ripples versus the waves.
I love the “Kangaroo Lounge”, the new hot spot & pick-up joint in town.
The bird landing with the bright beak is great as a faux black & white.
I like that one the best.
I’m with ‘Head on the first one. The small amounts of red in the grass makes for interest.
Well, your “nuttin'” is pretty wonderful!
The photo of the kangaroos (and Knucklehead’s comment about “Lounge,” reminded me of Thomas Mangelsen photo of polar bears, called, “Bad Boys of the Arctic.”
Continuing with critters, especially for keres.
Meet Reina

Reina sometimes visits our office with her friend Mary

She is very sweet, but also quite shy

What a sweetie. I especially like her big apricot spot.
Was she in to complain that you assessed her dog house too high? 😉
Reina’s friend and companion Mary works in the office next to ours, where they deal with real cash, unlike the arcane values we deal with in the abstract. Come by sometime and I’ll show you the secret runes we employ to decide the values of your properties;-)
A government office can’t be all bad if dogs are welcome. 😉
The county treasurer’s dachshund once left a rather unwelcome “deposit” on my office carpet, but that’s when he was a puppy (the dog, not the treasurer) and he’s been good during subsequent visits. It struck me at the time that he got away with doing what a lot of taxpayers would probably like to do;-)
Thanks for the amazing ice flowers, Andi!
Thanks ID. They are my favorite thing about this time of year.
From a couple of weeks ago.
Really nice shot. Bet you’ve got more now. 😉
There are a few more. Unfortunately, they’re either very similar or not very good.
With our coming weather pattern, I may have a lot more tomorrow.
That’s beautiful! One of the few winter shots that makes me miss snow.
Nice one! Lovely to look at, glad I don’t have to work outside in it anymore;-)
Beautiful shades of blue.
Now that is a “blue light special.”
First I would like to thank you all on behalf of Teri, for all your best wishes.
She is doing fine.
Now I hope this is what “Random” means.



(best viewed large)




(stereoscopic effect, best viewed large size)





(My friends trucking co.)
Great news about Teri.
Well I’m feeling quite extreme this week — the first and last shots are my favorites.
And I’m pretty sure you’ve got a solid feel for life’s randomness. 🙂
Nice collection, knucklehead. And great news about Teri! I’m glad she’s doing well.
A very nice set, as usual! I especially like Lip Smack and I can imagine that one coming out with, “FEED ME, SEYMOUR!” like the Little Shop of Horrors plant.
I`ve never seen that movie, but someone visiting here yesterday said exactly the same thing. “Feed me Seymour”.
Wonderful group of photos!
Thank you Boran.
I`m running late to join you at the Painting Palooza, but I`ll be there.
Teri’s flowers are my favorite image here today, ‘Head.
So glad to know she’s doing well.
Thank you Wilderness wench.
And how do you feel about Florida now?
I hope you`re OK with all the snow.
I feel the same way about Florida that I always do. It’s on the wrong planet.
As for snow, we had about 6″ on the ground before this weekend. Now we have 8″.
Took me a while to figure out your reference to Teri — what a harrowing tale! I am so very glad she is on the mend with such a loving partner. (Hope your nerves have calmed down too!)
“Eye Pod” was laugh out loud – thank you.
It always difficult to choose a favorite, but I really like “Nymph of Light.” There is a complexity in the lines that appeals to me.
KH — it has been a while since I have been able to post much. A long time ago (this past summer), you had created a file with photos to show how you decide to make them better or to reject them. It was on your desktop under “Tampopo.” Did you ever post them? If so, when and where, so I can look. And if you haven’t, could you post them?
Now that you`ve reminded me, sure I will.
How about I post them on my blog tomorrow night?
I shoot just about anything I see, so in the post you`ll see railroad boxcars, a Lincoln penny, a robin`s egg, a lizard being transported, a grandfather clock, a vegetable & a black & white, plus some transparency work on feathers.
Then I`ll show you how all these work in conjunction with a scale shot so you can see size comparisons.
The subjects I mentioned above are all in the folder you reminded me about.
Then you may call the guys in the white coats.
They`ll be posted in the early evening here, Malibu time, at
http://frenchpirate.blogspot.com/, although you can go there anytime & get lost exploring.
60km south of Paris.
That’s a lot of snow for us; three inches and the whole region has been tied up for three days.
It looks like kind of like the view out our window this morning.
What a pretty view. Nothing like that here yet but I’m sure our turn will be forthcoming.
Lovely view from your home office. I don’t have a window unless I get up to replenish the coffee cup.
gray scale 158
winter creek
Love that snow! Where you been?
thanks, we’ve already had over 5′ of snow this year and we’re not even into the big part of the season….so the love has sorta worn off.
l’ve been preoccupied dealing w/ with the harshness of reality in real time and very limited intertubz access the past several months; hopefully things will improve.
hope so.
I wish you positive change, dada.
In any case, change is inevitable.
Your first pic seems like Essential Dada to me, in terms of your imagery. Very elegant.
Sorry to hear there is harshness in your reality — I have noticed myself saying, “A dada photo,” though I don’t usually have a camera on me. Here is one, sort of, “imitation dada”:
I thought at first it was blurry, then realized it was all the snow coming down that was softening the photo.
Simplicity. Beauty.
The stream is fantastic.
I like the static freeze of the whitened branches, against the black motion of the stream.
I relate that image to events in life where the light is stopped, yet you have to move on, albeit with a dark heart. (the stream)
Follow the stream.
My walk into work this morning.
45th and Spruce Sts
Looking East on Spruce, 46th up ahead
Wow, looks like a white Christmas for you!
Glad I’m not there.
I like your use of the green lights to make focal points. I think it works especially well with the perspective in the bottom photo.
Wow, you all got at least as much snow as we did out here in the burbs.
23.9″ I believe is to record at the moment.
These set such a serene mood. I hear that morning silence under snow. The lights add warmth. Lovely contrasting colors!
Pink snow!! The Cat in the Hat must have been around 😉
Lovely reminder of why I flew south years ago.
I love the memory of the ‘other time’ when I`d walk in the same footsteps you took.
The stillness of the Northern Canadian crisp winter allowed one to hear sounds from so far away, sounds that were not part of the normal background, & all the houses held in place by a fine thread of smoke from the chimneys, going straight up into the darkness of night.
I still miss many of those times that I don`t think much about, till I`m reminded.
Olivia & Andi: your selections this week are just great. I can relate completely!
Thanks, WW. Hope you had an uneventful trip south.
Very uneventful. I never went!
Teddy bear stump:
Stumps on Saturday morning:
Stumps on Sunday morning:
Great sequence … if a little horrifying.
I hope you are surviving this frozen deluge.
Love the snow pics. The teddy is pretty neat. It’s amazing what we can see if we open our minds.
I like your stump compositions a lot.
The frost flowers are just stunning. The “Flying Nun” reminded me of a rabbit made from a hanky.
I never thought of them melting! Do they last for days if it stays cold?
They don’t even last beyond late morning.
They’re very delicate and thin so any warming up melts them. Also, they don’t happen when it’s really cold. I’ve never seen them when the overnight temps were lower than the mid-twenties.
You actually caught sparkles on the squirrel’s whiskers. Or else s/he was drooling.
There is such charm in the expressions you have captured. I feel like you and the squirrel were having a conversation!
AndiF & Olivia,
Thanks for another venue filled with varied postings.
This is really an interesting place to hang out in on the weekend.
AndiF, you`re Frost Flowers, never cease to amaze.
Olivia, you`re going to have to stop meeting that guy in the park like that. People will be talking, although I`m very happy you introduced him to us.
Personally I approve of him. The way he looks at you, you know he`s a heartbreaker.
And to hell with the town gossips anyway.
Great character capture.
Thanks, Head. And thanks even more for taking the time to contribute your photos. I’m always so delighted by your view of the world.
I agree, this really is a great place to hang, great people. Hats off to everyone.