CBtY has a 2-hour delay today, and I’m wondering if that means I should head in a little late myself. I can’t even remember the last time I had to make that decision…
I can’t believe CHristmas is on Friday. How did December fly by so fast?
Weather permitting we’re going to Cincy on Thursday to celebrate the holidays with Jim’s family and then to my sister’s on Friday. And then on Friday we’ll be celebrating that CBtB was born on Second Nature’s birthday. You do have that all arranged, right?
We were hoping to maybe beat the Christmas rush this week, but the weather put a damper on that. 😉
Actually, whatever day he decides to come is fine with me. We’re planning to be here at home this week, and I have work today, half of tomorrow (midewife appt in the afternoon) and Wednesday.
I’m going in a little late this morning because of the weather.
Arggh, that was supposed the CBtB was arriving on Saturday. Now I know what I want for Xmas — the ability to edit comments. 🙂
It’s nice when people share birthdays — it makes remembering much easier. One of my great-nephews was born on Jim’s b-day and he’s the only one of the great-nieces/nephews whose birthday we can remember.
Having the same or close birthdays does make it easier to remember. One of my old neighbors (we moved 13 years ago) STILL remembers CBtY’s birthday because it’s the day before his.
One of my friends has the same birthday as her brother and sister. Pretty freaky.
Yep the Farm is always ready. This house is almost ready and George has been quiet for the last two days. I think he’s saving his voice for all the yapping he’ll do when the family gets here.
Nope not wrong at all. However, those New Years babies always get stuff for some reason. Just think of it. You could get a baby and a new car, or a new heating system or…..
Just depends on what the city, state or a business wants to give to the New Years baby. Then again, you might end up with a gift certificate that had to be used by last X-mas.
still haven’t finished (maybe tonight?) I dj’ed two parties this weekend – one was last night, so I’ve been fried on energy. I’m so late on the shopping that my mood’s become defiant on the whole thing. I’ll end up being one of those guys on Christmas Eve.
You’re in house filled with boys. Pork rinds and fireworks are perfect. And of course, there are those special magazines behind the counter…usually festively decorated this time of year.
I saw a giant, metal menorah strapped to the top of a compact car the other night, with 7 of the bulbs glowing. It was driving past the Jesus McDonalds…the one that always has a rather combative “Jesus IS the reason for the season” on its sign from Thanksgiving to the middle of January.
Did someone do a DNA analysis to come up with that number? Or did McD’s suppliers somehow breed really, really teeny tiny cows? And while I’m asking questions, just where on a chicken is the part called a McNugget?
That’s what I figured – especially since “hamburger” is really just all the left over bits, of which it takes many, many cows to make a “cow’s worth” of meat. Or, as a friend of mine used to say of hotdogs, “they’re just lips and a$$holes”.
Yep, illiterate people, especially immigrants, have been know mistake canned animal food for human food. Labels were changed to make the difference more discernible.
I was thinking of rendering plants — where, apparently, many immigrants find employment.
I have no problem accepting the possibility that we feed our pets their own kind, since we do the same with cattle. Why allow so much flesh to go to waste?
I sense there’s a real connection, too, between this possibility & the highly profitable pet health-care industry here in the US.
Ah, I get where you were going. Well, they think dogs were originally “domesticated” so that we could eat them, at least at times. Makes me think of Sweeny Todd, where Mrs. Lovitt declaims the possibility of cats in her pies by singing:
Poppin’ pussies into pies!
Wouldn’t do in my shop!
Just the thought of it’s enough to make you sick!
And I’m telling you them pussycats is quick.
Looks like we have the same weather today Manny. Except that here we have a low layer of partial clouds keeping us a bit cooler than usual for this time of year. Which means, I should get my butt in gear and get outside and do some work.
Just joined last night (left DKos a while back) Had no interest in another blog, but I remembered reading a few diaries by Booman on DK, and was so impressed by his thoughtfulness.
Welcome to the pond – the cafe is the place for chat in the morning – or any time, really.
Looks like you registered years ago, but never became active here.
There may be more coming. I still have friends there. I got a link about a really ugly mess that happened there. It’s sad. I became so skeptical about poster’s motives and agendas there. I sense more genuiness here.
Some of us still hang out at Big Orange, but I find myself less and less drawn to the big emo diaries about health care and the like and more interested in diaries where I can let my inner smartass out to play with its friends. There’s still some good writing over there, but the signal to noise ratio has admittedly been dropping for a while.
True, not too much shouting and name calling here. But we had an incidence here this morning, I can see you already saw that tread. Ratings other than 4’s are rare, but in such cases 2’s come in handy.
Usually problems are nipped in the bud here and don’t escalate.
Hang out in the cafe long enough and you’ll get superpowers (good old fashioned ‘0’ capability).
Welcome from southern Indiana hill country, a little enclave of blue around IU/Bloomington. I’ve always felt welcome here and have been lucky enough to actually meet some of those who post here.
Adding another welcome from southern Indiana hill country.
And here’s another fun thing that can happen. IndianaDem and I live in the same very small county but it took BoomanTribune for us to actually meet one another.
BTW: my housemate tells me they’re airing a story on Tasmania on public TV here this week. (A travelogue, I’m guessing.) Personally, I can’t wait to see it.
My favorite bit of that photo is how Lily has her one eye just barely open keeping a watch on Hector, but at the same time not wanting to seem like she’s actually looking at him – which might cause him to leave.
Y’know, after countless, endless hours on the interwebs I still haven’t gotten used to the idea of having a conversation with someone in two places simultaneously.
Cat’s have staff, so you’re definitely hers (dog’s have masters, cats have staff, and bunnies have minions – or at least that’s what our house rabbit says). Calico is my favorite color(s) in a cat.
If you’re in the US west, I’m about 17 hours ahead of you – in the US east It’s more like a 15 hour difference. So, that means I can put up the “Thursday” Dog Blog any day from Thursday my time, which is Wednesday your time, to Friday, my time, which is Thursday your time.
Oh, and some days I’m more dyslexic than others – you’ll get used to it.
The Pack are in awe — they can’t believe that amount of adorable in that picture and were furiously trying to figure out a competitive image but realized it was hopeless.
CBtY has a 2-hour delay today, and I’m wondering if that means I should head in a little late myself. I can’t even remember the last time I had to make that decision…
I can’t believe CHristmas is on Friday. How did December fly by so fast?
Can’t go for claiming that you’re snowed in and work from home?
Time will probably slow down once the baby is here and you aren’t getting any sleep.
What? You mean BooMan won’t be in charge of getting up in the night while I get 8 hours of beauty rest? Wait a second…
Well I’ve heard that men can lactate …
Oh boy, hairy chest baby nursing sounds so appealing…
What are you up to this week?
Weather permitting we’re going to Cincy on Thursday to celebrate the holidays with Jim’s family and then to my sister’s on Friday. And then on Friday we’ll be celebrating that CBtB was born on Second Nature’s birthday. You do have that all arranged, right?
We were hoping to maybe beat the Christmas rush this week, but the weather put a damper on that. 😉
Actually, whatever day he decides to come is fine with me. We’re planning to be here at home this week, and I have work today, half of tomorrow (midewife appt in the afternoon) and Wednesday.
I’m going in a little late this morning because of the weather.
Arggh, that was supposed the CBtB was arriving on Saturday. Now I know what I want for Xmas — the ability to edit comments. 🙂
It’s nice when people share birthdays — it makes remembering much easier. One of my great-nephews was born on Jim’s b-day and he’s the only one of the great-nieces/nephews whose birthday we can remember.
Having the same or close birthdays does make it easier to remember. One of my old neighbors (we moved 13 years ago) STILL remembers CBtY’s birthday because it’s the day before his.
One of my friends has the same birthday as her brother and sister. Pretty freaky.
Wow, three identical birthday in one family. That is amazing.
One of my favorite episodes of Family Guy:
Is blank. Oh well, feel free to write in your vote in the white space provided. 🙂
Oh. It did show up. Weird.
That’s kind of how I pictured it. Figures Family Guy has already been there and done that. 🙂
And now I’m really off to work. Have a great day!
(Maybe my water could break and I could come home early?)
Good morning CG and Andi,
CG that baby hasn’t gotten here yet? Well if not on X-mas just hold it in until New Years.
Morning FM.
Is the Farm all ready for the holiday invasion?
Yep the Farm is always ready. This house is almost ready and George has been quiet for the last two days. I think he’s saving his voice for all the yapping he’ll do when the family gets here.
I hope you get to enjoy some more quiet before the onset of full yapdom, FM. 🙂
I think it’s covered until X-mas eve and then all hell will break loose. Just one of those things you put up with when family comes to visit.
And you’ll be taking lots of pictures of the festivities at the Farm … right?
Of course I will Andi. If I remember the camera. 😉
Can’t wait to see them!
Don’t forget to install those new batteries you picked up the other day;-)
I really want him to come this year so I don’t have to pay my whole insurance deductible again in January…is that wrong?
Nope not wrong at all. However, those New Years babies always get stuff for some reason. Just think of it. You could get a baby and a new car, or a new heating system or…..
Just depends on what the city, state or a business wants to give to the New Years baby. Then again, you might end up with a gift certificate that had to be used by last X-mas.
Yep I think your way is the best. 😉
Sounds very reasonable to me.
Well I’m off for a walk.
Hope your drive to work isn’t a pain in the butt.
What Andi said about the drive.
The drive wasn’t bad at all. The worst part was picking my way through the snow into the car.
And don’t forget that little extra tax exemption that’s good for the entire year if he shows up before midnight on the 31st.
That part might be especially cool after the off year I’ve had work-wise.
Maybe you’ll wind up in the “earned income credit” category. If so, it might be worth a couple of extra bucks.
Not only that, you get the tax deduction for all of 2009.
Another bonus!
It’s nice to see you here, Omir.
Thanks. Nice to be here.
Time for me to tromp off to work…see you all this afternoon/evening!
It’s 72 degrees and sunny – I’m blaming the weather for my procrastination on any holiday shopping this year.
Me too…all that snow slowed us down over the weekend.
Is the casita all decorated up for the holiday?
still haven’t finished (maybe tonight?) I dj’ed two parties this weekend – one was last night, so I’ve been fried on energy. I’m so late on the shopping that my mood’s become defiant on the whole thing. I’ll end up being one of those guys on Christmas Eve.
One of those guys shopping at the Kwik-e-Mart?….Slim Jims, a quart of 10W-30, a pine-scented car deodorizer. Really, who needs to go anywhere else?
zactly. there’s usually egg nog stocked in the coolers this time of year, too.
Wow, why didn’t I think of shopping at Kwik E Mart? Some fried pork rinds and fireworks, what more could my loved ones want?
You’re in house filled with boys. Pork rinds and fireworks are perfect. And of course, there are those special magazines behind the counter…usually festively decorated this time of year.
We still don’t have our tree up yet.
you could be like the house I saw on Friday night with a Festivus Pole adorning the front yard in the midst of a winter wonderland neighborhood.
Only if we get to have the airing of grievances along with the pool.
I saw a giant, metal menorah strapped to the top of a compact car the other night, with 7 of the bulbs glowing. It was driving past the Jesus McDonalds…the one that always has a rather combative “Jesus IS the reason for the season” on its sign from Thanksgiving to the middle of January.
If Jesus IS the reason for the season, what is the reason for approximately 1000 different cows per hamburger?
Good evening O wenchy one. I don’t want to think about that. Fortunately I haven’t had a burger from McDonalds in years. Now the fries…. 🙂
Just the fries? I’d say you’re doing fine.
I can’t remember the last time I had a McDonald’s burger. Probably back when there was only one arch.
1000 different cows per hamburger
Did someone do a DNA analysis to come up with that number? Or did McD’s suppliers somehow breed really, really teeny tiny cows? And while I’m asking questions, just where on a chicken is the part called a McNugget?
Think of small remnants & very large vats.
That’s what I figured – especially since “hamburger” is really just all the left over bits, of which it takes many, many cows to make a “cow’s worth” of meat. Or, as a friend of mine used to say of hotdogs, “they’re just lips and a$$holes”.
Yes — which are often intimately connected.
(I mean in the political sense, not the other one.)
I think the nugget is the tail. Mixed with feet.
Again: the crucial concept involves the profitable disposal of what we’ll call the ‘lesser’ cuts. After McDonald’s comes Friskies.
Thanks for reminding me why the egg sandwich is the only thing we ever get from there. 🙂
I’m very happy to remind you, CG. Especially at the moment!
Yep. And after Friskies comes Meat Food Product (i.e. Vienna sausages).
I’d really hope the food product meant for human consumption comes before the Friskies.
According to some accounts, there’s a very good reason why there’s a dog or cat on a pet food can.
</sad, horrible thought>
Yep, illiterate people, especially immigrants, have been know mistake canned animal food for human food. Labels were changed to make the difference more discernible.
Of course. I hadn’t considered that.
I was thinking of rendering plants — where, apparently, many immigrants find employment.
I have no problem accepting the possibility that we feed our pets their own kind, since we do the same with cattle. Why allow so much flesh to go to waste?
I sense there’s a real connection, too, between this possibility & the highly profitable pet health-care industry here in the US.
Ah, I get where you were going. Well, they think dogs were originally “domesticated” so that we could eat them, at least at times. Makes me think of Sweeny Todd, where Mrs. Lovitt declaims the possibility of cats in her pies by singing:
Poppin’ pussies into pies!
Wouldn’t do in my shop!
Just the thought of it’s enough to make you sick!
And I’m telling you them pussycats is quick.
As for cats, though, I don’t think the plan was ever to eat them. Torture them, yes, as Satan’s allies. But never to eat.
I’d much rather think about SN blushing.
On that note — must go tend the fire. Then to bed. Good
nightday!Looks like we have the same weather today Manny. Except that here we have a low layer of partial clouds keeping us a bit cooler than usual for this time of year. Which means, I should get my butt in gear and get outside and do some work.
Just joined last night (left DKos a while back) Had no interest in another blog, but I remembered reading a few diaries by Booman on DK, and was so impressed by his thoughtfulness.
The cabin is in a gorgeous setting.
Welcome to the pond – the cafe is the place for chat in the morning – or any time, really.
Looks like you registered years ago, but never became active here.
I did, but got heavily involved with DKos. I loathe people “screaming” at me in real life, so will not tolerate it in cyberspace either 🙂
I’m not seeing the craziness here though.
I told some friends that you can actually BREATHE at BT. Hopefully they will try it as well.
Thank you for the welcome.
There are a lot of us dKos refugees here. 🙂
There may be more coming. I still have friends there. I got a link about a really ugly mess that happened there. It’s sad. I became so skeptical about poster’s motives and agendas there. I sense more genuiness here.
Some of us still hang out at Big Orange, but I find myself less and less drawn to the big emo diaries about health care and the like and more interested in diaries where I can let my inner smartass out to play with its friends. There’s still some good writing over there, but the signal to noise ratio has admittedly been dropping for a while.
Hi Omir! Good to “see” you!
Hey Indy, right back at you. What’s new?
I’m not much of a writer, so most ALL the work was better written than I could have done – whether or not I agreed it with it!
Yep. A long while.
Howdy, Omir!
Hi WW, how ya doin’? 😉
I’m always very happy on the Solstice. Yourself?
Doing pretty well, the grandkids got an unexpected visit from Santa tonight. I think he was checking up on them. 😉
If we ever meet, SN, I’ll show you my flesh wound from the Pie Wars.
Watch out, I blush easily.
A luscious trait indeed.
True, not too much shouting and name calling here. But we had an incidence here this morning, I can see you already saw that tread. Ratings other than 4’s are rare, but in such cases 2’s come in handy.
That was NOTHING compared to the other blogs 🙂
Usually problems are nipped in the bud here and don’t escalate.
Hang out in the cafe long enough and you’ll get superpowers (good old fashioned ‘0’ capability).
Ah, you mean “trusted user” 🙂
And now to go work out. Too many holiday cookies…
Welcome from southern Indiana hill country, a little enclave of blue around IU/Bloomington. I’ve always felt welcome here and have been lucky enough to actually meet some of those who post here.
I cannot believe the difference in tone between this and other blogs – congrats!
Adding another welcome from southern Indiana hill country.
And here’s another fun thing that can happen. IndianaDem and I live in the same very small county but it took BoomanTribune for us to actually meet one another.
Thank you so much, Andi!
I’m starting to feel like participating here is the present I gave MYSELF for the holidays 🙂
Hi GC. Since I live in Tasmania, I do most of my posting when everyone else is asleep.
I post the Thursday Dog Blog, where all critters, especially bunnies, are welcome.
The Winner, and still champion, Hector.
That’s one of your best group photos, keres.
BTW: my housemate tells me they’re airing a story on Tasmania on public TV here this week. (A travelogue, I’m guessing.) Personally, I can’t wait to see it.
Cool, I hope it does us justice.
My favorite bit of that photo is how Lily has her one eye just barely open keeping a watch on Hector, but at the same time not wanting to seem like she’s actually looking at him – which might cause him to leave.
That is a great one.
It was taken in the evening – after the dogs got bathed – which meant they were especially fluffy and especially tired out from the ordeal.
Yes — that’s a great aspect of the photo, too.
I hope the show does you justice as well. Unfortunately, I’ll have no way to know.
Y’know, after countless, endless hours on the interwebs I still haven’t gotten used to the idea of having a conversation with someone in two places simultaneously.
I’m such a plebe!
And in my case, often on two different days (since it’s mid-day on Tuesday here).
Oh, wow. That’s heavy.
Yeah, the whole space time continuum gets a bit blurry. Try to keep your eyes on the horizon, and you’ll feel better.
Yes. Thank you.
Hope you’re enjoying a good Solstice!
Me, I’m off to bed with a cup of tea & Colette. Seems like it’s been months since daylight.
‘Til later.
Yep. Thanks. ‘Night Wench.
I can be a terrible night owl, so we may connect – thank you for the greeting! I’ve got a Calico (or she has me)
Cat’s have staff, so you’re definitely hers (dog’s have masters, cats have staff, and bunnies have minions – or at least that’s what our house rabbit says). Calico is my favorite color(s) in a cat.
If you’re in the US west, I’m about 17 hours ahead of you – in the US east It’s more like a 15 hour difference. So, that means I can put up the “Thursday” Dog Blog any day from Thursday my time, which is Wednesday your time, to Friday, my time, which is Thursday your time.
Oh, and some days I’m more dyslexic than others – you’ll get used to it.
The Pack are in awe — they can’t believe that amount of adorable in that picture and were furiously trying to figure out a competitive image but realized it was hopeless.