Hi FM. I got to sleep in a little, and now I’m getting myself tgether to make some cookie dough while everyone is asleep, with the thought that they can help bake when they get up.
One of my friends is supposed to drop by this morning for coffee, and I’m really looking forward to it since I haven’t actually seen her since the summer.
For the last 10 days or so I’ve been teasing her that we have to get together before I’m the mother of three. I think the last time I saw her was in July, before I was showing.
I am so enormous today, no one could miss it, btw. Yesterday at work I got a little lightheaded, and my friends actually came to make sure I hadn’t passed out in the ladies room. I’m glad work is done for the time being.
The last couple of weeks are so uncomfortable. I’d actually start to get pissed off a little when they were right there squeezing my lungs so I could barely breathe and then they’d kick and it would kind of hurt. I was more than ready to get those big guys out of there.
I just got everything finished for Christmas Eve celebration here and I’m sitting down to drink Coquito, which I just discovered yesterday and is my new best friend. Apparently you’re supposed to sip it in shot glasses. That sucks. 🙂
It looks like you and Imogen are going to have your hands full. I had seen on the Animal Channel about some group raising baby Orangutans in Africa I think. It looked like a lot of work. However, the babies were very cute in the way they wanted to hold onto their surrogate mothers. The way ya’ll are with all the animals you have around your place, I think Carmen and Elisa will be lucky to be with ya’ll.
We’re not that crazy. Our “adoption” only pays for their care in their native Indonesia. Imogen’s mother gave us each an adoption as our xmas present, and adopted Carlos for herself. We get updates aprox. every six months on the status of our adopted ‘child’.
And as cute as baby primates are, I’ve never really wanted to put in that much work (human primate babies ones included).
George has already started. I just found out that my niece is bringing a friend of hers. That in its self is not a big deal. My sil told me the friend has two Great Danes that she is bringing. I really hope she is kidding because I’d hate to see George get swallowed up.
Nope they haven’t swallowed him yet. The way George is acting though, I don’t see why they haven’t already. I’m hoping that one of them will just sit down on George and pin him to the floor. Maybe that might teach him to keep his mouth shut.
Tried to go to bed, but got right back up. I’m drinking coffee right now and trying to get enough energy to make that breakfast casserole I promised to make.
What Christmas goodies are you cooking up for breakfast?
Well when you say “what andi said” it’s kind of understood that you read what andi said … but then again maybe that’s not true of the ultimate slacker.
Thank you! I fell back to sleep after I posted this, and didn’t get up until 8:30. And now I’m ready for another little nap…which I think I’ll take after the boys leave for their dad’s (shortly). I am so ready for vacation. 🙂
Very windy, mild morning here. All of my different wind chimes are bonging, clanging and tinkling.
Any question that we’re a weird family? Here’s O’s latest oil painting to his brother for Christmas. It’s the old man from Home Alone in case you aren’t a big fan.
Thank you!!! I see the surgeon on Jan. 4th and will know more then. I am totally off narcotics and only take a couple of ibubrofen(sp) a day for pain so I am doing much better.
I spent most of the day yesterday attempting to resurrect my new (in Oct.) PC that chose to expire while I was checking my mailbox early in the AM. Guess the next step is to open the case & unplug, plug back in to see if maybe a connection is bad somewhere. Gaaaah! I don’t want to think about having to retrieve Mrs. ID’s client data from online storage so she can process a payroll tomorrow:(
Hope you’re having a merry one and glad to hear you’re progressing in recovery! I decided to take Family Man’s advice and slack today. Back to the computer tomorrow.
Thanks – if I can’t find the problem, it may go back to California from whence it came. I just hate thinking about all the data transfer and reconfiguration to swap servers again. Hope you and all the Cabineers are having a good holiday.
I’m in total agreement with both RF and CG. However, since you don’t want to overtax yourself, be sure to take some slack time to clear your mind. 😉
I been running around in circles trying to find stuff today, but I not making any headway.
Yes, it was very good! But we had to sit in the second row and I got so seasick watching from so close that I had to keep looking down. I want to see it again from the middle of the theater. 🙂
Nothing, I hope. The kids all have to work and I’d just as soon let it slide. I hate my birthday and I hate New Year’s Eve too, so it’s the double-whammy of depression. 🙂
Yeah, just squeezed that diary in a few minutes before going to the movies. 🙂
The boys are off at their dad’s so we’re enjoying some quiet time alone while we still ca..n. Trying to balance out the sugar that was in all the cookies I’ve eaten since yesterday…
Thanks for that, dada!
It so happens that my alma mater is in Bergen. I’ve done the trip many times.
Parts of Star Wars 2 was filmed at the high point of the crossing.
Behind the Scenes
The Hoth battle sequences were filmed on location atop the H?rdangerj?kulen Glacier in Finse, Norway. The locale was located about four miles (6.4 kilometers) from the ski lodge that served as production headquarters. Formed of stark blue ice, and 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) high at its summit, the glacier required very little visual effects work to transform it into the ice planet of Hoth. The production crew had to endure subzero temperatures, chilling winds and the occasional avalanche.
Of Finse, associate producer Robert Watts said, “In clear weather, the glacier provides the uninterrupted, treeless expanse we need for the Hoth scenes. However, a film location must also offer two other essentials: accommodation for the crew and a link with transportation to get people and equipment in and out. Otherwise, filming at the North Pole would be feasible.”
I was up there for skiing just days after the filming – a couple of friends were actually extras for the battle scenes at the ice planet.
Wow – we’re getting old.
Yep it was good. All the kids were happy with their presents and the food was good. My nephew asked his girlfriend to marry him yesterday, so we were celebrating a lot of things at once. The two Great Danes have been very well behaved and George has just been George.
Today is bake cookies and macaroni and cheese day!
It’s go to Cincy to do Xmas with Jim’s family and hope the freezing rain doesn’t stick day for us.
So hi and bye.
Have a safe trip!
Have a safe trip!
Thanks; we did.
Cookies! Did someone say cookies!
Morning CG and Andi,
Had to get that cookie thing out first. Happy baking CG and Andi you and Jim be careful on the roads.
Hi FM. I got to sleep in a little, and now I’m getting myself tgether to make some cookie dough while everyone is asleep, with the thought that they can help bake when they get up.
Have the hordes descended on you yet?
Morning CG,
You’re just too industrious this early in the morning. 🙂
Nope no hordes yet. They should starting getting in this afternoon. At which time George and I retreat to my room and only come out when needed.
Well, I hope they bring you cookies. 🙂
One of my friends is supposed to drop by this morning for coffee, and I’m really looking forward to it since I haven’t actually seen her since the summer.
If they bring me cookies they might coax me out of my room.
Woo Hoo the friend is dropping by. Have a good visit.
Do you think she’ll notice your changing shape? 🙂
For the last 10 days or so I’ve been teasing her that we have to get together before I’m the mother of three. I think the last time I saw her was in July, before I was showing.
I am so enormous today, no one could miss it, btw. Yesterday at work I got a little lightheaded, and my friends actually came to make sure I hadn’t passed out in the ladies room. I’m glad work is done for the time being.
The last couple of weeks are so uncomfortable. I’d actually start to get pissed off a little when they were right there squeezing my lungs so I could barely breathe and then they’d kick and it would kind of hurt. I was more than ready to get those big guys out of there.
Yeah, I’m tired of the superhuman effort it takes to roll over in the middle of the night. 🙂
Not too much longer, though.
a very
clik to enlarge
And to you too, dada, and everyone else.
A healthy and happy holiday to all the lovely people at BT!
We’re having a quiet morning before heading down to Imogen’s mother’s house for a semi-traditional xmas lunch.
Enjoy your day with family!
I just got everything finished for Christmas Eve celebration here and I’m sitting down to drink Coquito, which I just discovered yesterday and is my new best friend. Apparently you’re supposed to sip it in shot glasses. That sucks. 🙂
What? You never heard of the 48-ounce shot glass?
Ha, Omir…I’ll have to find one of those. 🙂
Meet our Christmas presents. Imogen and I were given the “adoption” of two baby orangutans, Carmen and Elisa respectively.
Hi Keres,
It looks like you and Imogen are going to have your hands full. I had seen on the Animal Channel about some group raising baby Orangutans in Africa I think. It looked like a lot of work. However, the babies were very cute in the way they wanted to hold onto their surrogate mothers. The way ya’ll are with all the animals you have around your place, I think Carmen and Elisa will be lucky to be with ya’ll.
We’re not that crazy. Our “adoption” only pays for their care in their native Indonesia. Imogen’s mother gave us each an adoption as our xmas present, and adopted Carlos for herself. We get updates aprox. every six months on the status of our adopted ‘child’.
And as cute as baby primates are, I’ve never really wanted to put in that much work (human primate babies ones included).
Sorry I’m up way later than I usually am and just not reading things through.
That’s still pretty cool adopting them though. Although if you had them they would add a certain something to all the other critters ya’ll have. 🙂
I had tried to be clear in my post, but you never know if you have been until you get some feed-back.
Besides, orangutans would violate my one and only “pet rule” – no pets with hands.
Now, off to bed with you.
I’m heading there right now.
You have a good day and a good Christmas.
Hoping everyone has a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Same to you, FM! Hope you get some quiet time from the barking and yapping. And from George, too.
Hi SN,
George has already started. I just found out that my niece is bringing a friend of hers. That in its self is not a big deal. My sil told me the friend has two Great Danes that she is bringing. I really hope she is kidding because I’d hate to see George get swallowed up.
Uh oh. Keep the food way up high.
And clear the coffee tables, before their tails do.
All of that will be up to my sil. I really hope they’re very well house trained. Because I know one person that won’t be cleaning up after them. 🙂
I’m not worried about food or anything else, but if George gets in there yapping at them, well……..
great danes!!!!!
i take mine everywhere
send pics
Merry Christmas, anna!
merry christmas to you too CG and Big Boo and thr Cabin Boys and the little boo on the way:
Hi Anna,
Haven’t seen you in awhile. Hope you’re having a great holiday.
I’ll have pictures coming up sometimes tomorrow.
hey there:)
yes ive been cocooning in florida.
im nice and warm but crazy with activity.
HH to you and yours and i cant wait to see those pics
Merry Christmas to everyone. 🙂
Now to finish wrapping the presents…
Hope everyone’s enjoying a great holiday!
Warm wishes to all from the wild wintry woods.
Same to you WW and stay warm.
Thanks, FM! We do our best.
‘Til later ..
to all who celebrate it and happy day off to those who don’t.
click for larger
Morning Andi,
Cool looking frost flower.
I’m glad to see you and Jim made it back home safe. I kept thinking ya’ll would be driving on icy roads.
Got a strange sense of deju vu on the frost flower? 🙂
Not only did the predicted freezing rain not happen, we didn’t have any rain on either drive at all. Nice luck for us.
Are all the rels settled in?
Yep the rels, friend and humongous dogs are all settled in.
Glad to hear the predictions for freezing rain didn’t come through.
I take it the Great Danes haven’t swallowed George … yet.
Nope they haven’t swallowed him yet. The way George is acting though, I don’t see why they haven’t already. I’m hoping that one of them will just sit down on George and pin him to the floor. Maybe that might teach him to keep his mouth shut.
Have you gone to bed yet, FM?
Hi CG,
Tried to go to bed, but got right back up. I’m drinking coffee right now and trying to get enough energy to make that breakfast casserole I promised to make.
What Christmas goodies are you cooking up for breakfast?
We had scrambled eggs with ham (leftover from Christmas eve dinner). And CBtY had some of the macaroni and cheese from last night too.
I’m waiting until after the little fella’s arrival to eat any more of the salty yummy stuff.
What was in your casserole?
Very cool frost flower. And happy day off to you!
After going to bed at 2:15, I’m up again already. By myself. What the heck?
What the heck?
heck = very big bump
Merry Christmas to you all your boys, bump, younger, elder, and eldest. 🙂
but without typo, right. I’m sure your version says “Merry Christmas to you and all your boys, bump, younger, elder, and eldest.”
Hah! Why of course my version says that. Now if I can just figure out what the hell we’re talking about. 😉
Well when you say “what andi said” it’s kind of understood that you read what andi said … but then again maybe that’s not true of the ultimate slacker.
Wow I’m getting so confused for this early in the morning. I’ll cope for the ultimate slacker plea. 🙂
So what are you and Jim planning for the day? Gonna stay nice and cozy at home?
Ultimate slacker it is. 😀
Nope, we’re going over to my sister’s but it’s only 30 minutes away so no big trip like yesterday.
Thank you! I fell back to sleep after I posted this, and didn’t get up until 8:30. And now I’m ready for another little nap…which I think I’ll take after the boys leave for their dad’s (shortly). I am so ready for vacation. 🙂
Before I get any more confused, I’d better get into the kitchen and start on the breakfast casserole.
I’ll check back in a little while after the haze has cleared from my head. 🙂
See ya later.
Be careful on the roads and will talk to you later on.
Very windy, mild morning here. All of my different wind chimes are bonging, clanging and tinkling.
Any question that we’re a weird family? Here’s O’s latest oil painting to his brother for Christmas. It’s the old man from Home Alone in case you aren’t a big fan.
‘morning SN! It’s calm now but we’re getting an ice storm later on. Your son did a great job on that painting!
Oh yuck, ice storms. Here’s hoping the temp makes up its mind and either snows or rains, but not both.
I’ll pass on your compliment.
Great painting. Is Home Alone someone’s favorite movie or something?
What are you all up to today?
Merry Christmas to All!!!!
And to you, rf!
Hope the healing progresses well and that you are soon more mobile.
Thank you!!! I see the surgeon on Jan. 4th and will know more then. I am totally off narcotics and only take a couple of ibubrofen(sp) a day for pain so I am doing much better.
I love the reindeer!
Merry Christmas, RF!
Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
Hiya RF,
Very Cool Yule you’ve got going there.
I’m glad to hear you are doing better. It sounds like you’ll be up and around pretty soon
Hope you’re having a great X-mas and that you’re up and around to have an even greater New Years.
Take care,
Thanks and back at ya FamilyMan!!! I might5 even have more exciting news in the New Year.
Merry Christmas/Happy Day Off everyone!
I spent most of the day yesterday attempting to resurrect my new (in Oct.) PC that chose to expire while I was checking my mailbox early in the AM. Guess the next step is to open the case & unplug, plug back in to see if maybe a connection is bad somewhere. Gaaaah! I don’t want to think about having to retrieve Mrs. ID’s client data from online storage so she can process a payroll tomorrow:(
Hope you’re all having better days.
Sorry you are spending Christmas Day working. Hope the bugs are found quickly!!! Happy Holidays to you and yours!!!
Hope you’re having a merry one and glad to hear you’re progressing in recovery! I decided to take Family Man’s advice and slack today. Back to the computer tomorrow.
Oh, that stinks! I hope it gets resolved without too much hassle.
Thanks – if I can’t find the problem, it may go back to California from whence it came. I just hate thinking about all the data transfer and reconfiguration to swap servers again. Hope you and all the Cabineers are having a good holiday.
Hiya ID,
I’m in total agreement with both RF and CG. However, since you don’t want to overtax yourself, be sure to take some slack time to clear your mind. 😉
I been running around in circles trying to find stuff today, but I not making any headway.
Hope your day turns out better.
I took your advice and put the work off until tomorrow, resulting in a most calm, serene day. You are certainly correct, O Master of Slackdom.
Tim Minchin is a wonderful lyricist who usually does musical comedy, but this song is a bit more serious.
It appears I’ve been busy blogging on the front page today…who knew?
Wonder if anyone will realize what happened?
I was wondering about that. 🙂
Hey, you’ve got to get started on that baby-birthin’ if we’re gonna share a birthday.
We’ll get right on that. Can I take another nap first, though?
Did you go to Sherlock Holmes? We did Up in the AIr (needed a little holiday Clooney entertainment).
Yes, it was very good! But we had to sit in the second row and I got so seasick watching from so close that I had to keep looking down. I want to see it again from the middle of the theater. 🙂
That’s the next movie on my list if we have time fr one more before the CabinBoo makes his appearance.
I hate sitting anywhere near the front of the theater too. Our theater was pretty empty when we went around 5 pm.
What’s on for tomorrow’s celebration?
Nothing, I hope. The kids all have to work and I’d just as soon let it slide. I hate my birthday and I hate New Year’s Eve too, so it’s the double-whammy of depression. 🙂
I was wondering, too.
How does she find the energy…
Dinner done, asklet on his way home – time for Alka Seltzer.
Yeah, just squeezed that diary in a few minutes before going to the movies. 🙂
The boys are off at their dad’s so we’re enjoying some quiet time alone while we still ca..n. Trying to balance out the sugar that was in all the cookies I’ve eaten since yesterday…
in my family if you want to induce labor you have a big bowl of pasta fagiola.
works every time.
while you’re waiting for the alka seltzer to kick in, download this and take a ride on the Bergensbanen.
be warned, it’s a HUGE file…..22g’s
Thanks for that, dada!
It so happens that my alma mater is in Bergen. I’ve done the trip many times.
Parts of Star Wars 2 was filmed at the high point of the crossing.
I was up there for skiing just days after the filming – a couple of friends were actually extras for the battle scenes at the ice planet.
Wow – we’re getting old.
Happy Birthday SN and many more to come
Morning FM.
Did you have a good time yesterday?
And more importantly, did you take lots of pictures for me?
Morning Andi,
Yep it was good. All the kids were happy with their presents and the food was good. My nephew asked his girlfriend to marry him yesterday, so we were celebrating a lot of things at once. The two Great Danes have been very well behaved and George has just been George.
Hey good news that the Great Danes didn’t eat George. And congrats to the nephew.
Now what about the pictures!
Just now putting the card into the computer. I’ll have to look through and see if any of them came out.
Looks like George wants to beat the Great Danes outside this morning. So I’m off to the outside.
Oh and Andi, I’ll mosey on over to the pictures right directly. 😉
Have a good day.
Oh and I’ll be expecting a post over at your place full of great pictures.
And good morning to everyone else. 🙂
I somehow managed to get a migraine last night, so I’m moving a little slowly today. Hopefully it will wear off by lunchtime.
I think we need a enw cafe..
Ugh, what a rotten way to end the holiday.
How about using SN’s birthday card (see above) for the new cafe?
for the birthday wishes. And now that that’s out of the way I’ll try to glide right past the part about turning fifty.
More gloomy weather, I’m afraid. Cloudy and damp, but warm.
Happy Birthday, SN!!