It is 45 here and supposed to be in the 50’s later. Nice and sunny. Will be lazy again with the foot up and watching TV or reading. Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!
Not sure. I see the surgeon on the 4th and he tells me what is next. He said the healing time was between 3 and 5 months before he did the surgery. I guess breaking 3 bones at once is sort of rough. LOL
I’m having lunch with the friends I made at the previous job today, which I’m looking forward to (and glad that the baby isn’t here yet so I can go). I have plans with friends scattered throughout the week, so it will break things up nicely. I’m honestly enjoying the free time while it lasts, even if I joke around about waiting for someone to arrive a lot.
If next Monday arrives with no baby and I have to decide whether to go back to work for a few days, then I’ll be getting tired of this…
What are you up to this week? Is it still vacation for you?
I guess it’s time to give the CBtB a stern talking-to. 😉
Today I’m going over to Terre Haute to a meet-up with two of my old high school/college friends. We usually meet in Indy so this will be only the second time I’ve spent more time in Terre Haute than it takes to drive through it on I-70.
I’m on self-unemployment break. If it’s like last year, things will stay slow to non-existent through February. I made enough this year that this isn’t a big concern but the not-knowing part is yuck (as you well know).
The hardest thing about those breaks is that you know you should relax and enjoy it while it lasts, but it’s hard to do while worrying about what will happen next. I liked it much better when I knew August was slow and could plan to take most of the month off to be with the boys, knowing that in September I’d have plenty of work to make up for it.
Have fun in Terre Haute. Did you get any snow yesterday?
Well with Jim’s regular employment and our healthy savings plus the two decades more I’ve got on you (so I’m much more ready to think of myself as semi-retired) and no kids, I actually don’t have much trouble relaxing. 🙂
We got about 2-3″ inches. I’m hoping the roads are all cleared off before I go because a lot of the drive is through the hills and all but 7 miles are on 2-lane roads.
The kids and health insurance thing does make it harder to relax… 🙂
Be careful out there on those roads. We just have a windy day predicted (which will make going for a walk a challenge), but none of your snow seems to be coming our way.
Heh. My stubborn independence would probably prevent me from letting on that I was in labor, and I would be insistent on driving myself home to get ready.
Very nice picture Andi. For down here it’s cold today. The high is supposed to be 45. We had a very nice X-mas. We had a non-traditional dinner and out of everything that was there, the gumbo was the best.
I was thinking how I’m turning into an old fart. For out of all my X-mas presents, I thought that the new pair of house shoes were the best. Geeze!
Hope everyone’s X-mas was great and that New Years will be even better.
I’m liking “old fart” gifts as well these days 🙂
Seconding that I hope everyone’s holidays were wonderful, and New Years will be even better. We are doing an Old Fart New Year’s eve – movie and takeout Chinese. NOT what we were doing in the old days…
I’m doing the “old farts” New Years too. I’m staying home and will probably be asleep before 11:00 pm. Actually I’ve been doing that for a number of years now. If I remember right, the last New Years party I went to was in 96. Ended up the band was so loud you couldn’t hear what anyone was saying even when they were yelling in your ear. Not my idea of fun.
I hadn’t thought of it, but I think takeout Chinese would be perfect for New Years Eve.
Hey FM. This young thing does old fart New Year’s eves too. I can’t remember the last time I stayed up til midnight on New Year’s even though I rarely go to bed before then anyway. I guess I like to sleep through the realization that another year has passed and I’m no wiser or further along. :/
Oh I doubt that you’re no wiser or further along. Even though we don’t realize it, we pick up a little wisdom along the way. For example, I know now that a professional groomer can give George a lot better haircut than I can. Poor thing looks like he went through a shredded. 🙂
Here’s my vote for the OFNY as well. Of the 3 essential experiences of the sixties, I’ve aged out of one, don’t have as much energy for another and with diminished hearing, don’t appreciate the last one like I used to. I’ll let you guess the order;-)
Hi guys, I belong to the same club.
NYE will be spent quietly at home; curly and me w/another couple from the neighborhood. Probably hitting the sack as soon as the ball is down in Times Square – as usual, viewing on TV will be the better option to watch that.
I hear ya Ask. I used to think it would be kinda cool to be in the crowds at Times Square. However, after going through a number of Mardi Gras in N.O. and a number of Octoberfest in Munich, I tend to think a quiet night at home is the best recourse.
I think I would hate to be born on a holiday. My X’s B’day was on Dec 25 and I always felt sorry for her that her B’day and X-mas were the same day. So I pick a day in Oct and we celebrated that as her B’day.
Here at home in a town of around 5000, I won’t even go to the New Years fireworks display. Too many people. 😉
It depends on the holiday. Fourth of July? No problem. Mother’s Day? No problem. Christmas? eh. Mostly because it’s such an incredibly busy time of year already.
Mostly it’s like an afterthought. At least my birthday being the day after is. People are getting sort of sick of being together. Everyone is stuffed and bloated. Oh yay, more cake. Another gift to wrap. Woo hooo.
That’s a good enough reason for your B’day to be on June 3rd. That would be your day and yours alone. That way it wouldn’t be any post X-mas burn out. Plus you would have the perfect Southern weather – hot! ;P
Wow, 44 years is quite a while. You met in preschool? 😉
I think taking my blood pressure is a way for the midwife to be mean to me…I’m really wanting Chinese food on New Year’s Eve, but that will be out unless the baby is here, since it wreaks havoc with me. Of course, we could just cook something yummy instead.
Better than fine! Mine with BP meds isn’t that good. As a noob here, I only realized last week that you are Ms Cabin-Booman. So my best to both of you and the half sibs as well.
It feels like a day for brunch. I’m starving!
How is everyone else this morning?
It’s finally Sunday? I’ve been feeling like it’s Sunday for at least 3 days.
Yay for the sun finally being out, as well.
And all our snow is gone, too. There is green grass out there. And muddy dogs.
And we are enjoying our second weekend in a row with no children…why on earth would I want to give birth today? 🙂
It’s a lovely day to give birth! 🙂
Do the boys come back today?
I think they’re due back later this afternoon. I’m going to try to squeeze in a nice walk beforehand.
It feels like it’s been so long since the sun was out.
Yep, all the snow is now gone, and the car is clean! But the mud has replaced it.
Skies are gray here and the weather oracle is predicting 2 – 3″ of snow for this afternoon. Good day for reading & snoozing, I’m thinking.
You’re having snow? I wonder if that means we’re getting more soon.
We got lucky, the mud here isn’t too terrible. I hope we get some more sun to dry it out.
More snow and rain this morning! Ugh.
It is 45 here and supposed to be in the 50’s later. Nice and sunny. Will be lazy again with the foot up and watching TV or reading. Hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!
Sounds like a nice day! How much longer with your feet up?
Not sure. I see the surgeon on the 4th and he tells me what is next. He said the healing time was between 3 and 5 months before he did the surgery. I guess breaking 3 bones at once is sort of rough. LOL
We had decent weather, a visit from the parental units, a nice walk, I finally spent some time knitting a baby sweater, and the boys are back home.
And there’s still a whole week of vacation left. 🙂
So got any plans besides spending the week waiting to see if it’s baby time this year or next?
I’m having lunch with the friends I made at the previous job today, which I’m looking forward to (and glad that the baby isn’t here yet so I can go). I have plans with friends scattered throughout the week, so it will break things up nicely. I’m honestly enjoying the free time while it lasts, even if I joke around about waiting for someone to arrive a lot.
If next Monday arrives with no baby and I have to decide whether to go back to work for a few days, then I’ll be getting tired of this…
What are you up to this week? Is it still vacation for you?
I guess it’s time to give the CBtB a stern talking-to. 😉
Today I’m going over to Terre Haute to a meet-up with two of my old high school/college friends. We usually meet in Indy so this will be only the second time I’ve spent more time in Terre Haute than it takes to drive through it on I-70.
I’m on self-unemployment break. If it’s like last year, things will stay slow to non-existent through February. I made enough this year that this isn’t a big concern but the not-knowing part is yuck (as you well know).
The hardest thing about those breaks is that you know you should relax and enjoy it while it lasts, but it’s hard to do while worrying about what will happen next. I liked it much better when I knew August was slow and could plan to take most of the month off to be with the boys, knowing that in September I’d have plenty of work to make up for it.
Have fun in Terre Haute. Did you get any snow yesterday?
Well with Jim’s regular employment and our healthy savings plus the two decades more I’ve got on you (so I’m much more ready to think of myself as semi-retired) and no kids, I actually don’t have much trouble relaxing. 🙂
We got about 2-3″ inches. I’m hoping the roads are all cleared off before I go because a lot of the drive is through the hills and all but 7 miles are on 2-lane roads.
The kids and health insurance thing does make it harder to relax… 🙂
Be careful out there on those roads. We just have a windy day predicted (which will make going for a walk a challenge), but none of your snow seems to be coming our way.
I think the snow petered out as it went west.
Some wind here too (15-20 mph) so there will be probably be some blowing snow but it was also a pretty wet snow so I’m hoping it won’t blow too much.
Well I guess I ought to get my butt in gear.
See ya later.
Sounds like a full week. I can see you at lunch saying ” Can someone drive me to the hospital after dessert?”
Heh. My stubborn independence would probably prevent me from letting on that I was in labor, and I would be insistent on driving myself home to get ready.
Welcome to the week all. Yay for those who are still off work. Condolences to those who have to go back.
click for larger
Cool picture.
Precisely. 😉
Love the photo as always. Even if I could find my camera, I doubt I could do as well as you do.
Good afternoon all,
Very nice picture Andi. For down here it’s cold today. The high is supposed to be 45. We had a very nice X-mas. We had a non-traditional dinner and out of everything that was there, the gumbo was the best.
I was thinking how I’m turning into an old fart. For out of all my X-mas presents, I thought that the new pair of house shoes were the best. Geeze!
Hope everyone’s X-mas was great and that New Years will be even better.
Stay safe and stay warm.
I’m liking “old fart” gifts as well these days 🙂
Seconding that I hope everyone’s holidays were wonderful, and New Years will be even better. We are doing an Old Fart New Year’s eve – movie and takeout Chinese. NOT what we were doing in the old days…
Hi GC,
I’m doing the “old farts” New Years too. I’m staying home and will probably be asleep before 11:00 pm. Actually I’ve been doing that for a number of years now. If I remember right, the last New Years party I went to was in 96. Ended up the band was so loud you couldn’t hear what anyone was saying even when they were yelling in your ear. Not my idea of fun.
I hadn’t thought of it, but I think takeout Chinese would be perfect for New Years Eve.
Hey FM. This young thing does old fart New Year’s eves too. I can’t remember the last time I stayed up til midnight on New Year’s even though I rarely go to bed before then anyway. I guess I like to sleep through the realization that another year has passed and I’m no wiser or further along. :/
Oh I doubt that you’re no wiser or further along. Even though we don’t realize it, we pick up a little wisdom along the way. For example, I know now that a professional groomer can give George a lot better haircut than I can. Poor thing looks like he went through a shredded. 🙂
Poor George.
The great thing about it was that George didn’t care one way or the other. 😉
Here’s my vote for the OFNY as well. Of the 3 essential experiences of the sixties, I’ve aged out of one, don’t have as much energy for another and with diminished hearing, don’t appreciate the last one like I used to. I’ll let you guess the order;-)
I’d guess it’s b, a & c.
Hi guys, I belong to the same club.
NYE will be spent quietly at home; curly and me w/another couple from the neighborhood. Probably hitting the sack as soon as the ball is down in Times Square – as usual, viewing on TV will be the better option to watch that.
I hear ya Ask. I used to think it would be kinda cool to be in the crowds at Times Square. However, after going through a number of Mardi Gras in N.O. and a number of Octoberfest in Munich, I tend to think a quiet night at home is the best recourse.
We’re planning an old farts NYE too, I think. Unless the new little squirt decides he wants to give us something special to celebrate every year. 🙂
I’m thinking a nice dinner and a movie at home sounds perfect. We already did our movie theater night on Christmas night.
I can’t even imagine doing a NYE like in the old days. It would take me 3 days to recover. 😉
I think I would hate to be born on a holiday. My X’s B’day was on Dec 25 and I always felt sorry for her that her B’day and X-mas were the same day. So I pick a day in Oct and we celebrated that as her B’day.
Here at home in a town of around 5000, I won’t even go to the New Years fireworks display. Too many people. 😉
It depends on the holiday. Fourth of July? No problem. Mother’s Day? No problem. Christmas? eh. Mostly because it’s such an incredibly busy time of year already.
I thought I was incredibly lucky at first. B’day and X-mas same day, hey only one present to buy. I was very very wrong.
Some people really go overboard for B’days, but I’ve never been one for that. If anything, just say happy B’day and that’s more than enough for me.
Mostly it’s like an afterthought. At least my birthday being the day after is. People are getting sort of sick of being together. Everyone is stuffed and bloated. Oh yay, more cake. Another gift to wrap. Woo hooo.
That’s a good enough reason for your B’day to be on June 3rd. That would be your day and yours alone. That way it wouldn’t be any post X-mas burn out. Plus you would have the perfect Southern weather – hot! ;P
My sister Marianne already has that birthday. We’ll have to pick another one. 🙂
I’ve got a Gemini birthday I can spare if you want it. I’d just as soon not have any more.
Yeah, it would be better to have a day off in between. Instead, it must feel like 3 days of endless partying and eating.
I think you should just have a party in the summer with cake and presents.
I’m outta here. Everyone have a good night.
Maybe I should go away more often. It seems to make people way more sociable. 🙂
Morning/afternoon/evening all.
Good morning, Andi! Haven’t we always very sociable here? 🙂
Off to fight the wind storm. See you later!
We’re having a blustery day here too. Don’t blow away!
Hi b2. I hope you had an uneventful drive to work.
Good morning! How was your day in Terre Haute?
Today is midwife appointment day for me – or should I say blood pressure anxiety day? 🙂
We had a great visit, thanks. It’s a bit scary to think how long we’ve know each other (44 years).
Seems like the fact that having your blood pressure checked raises your blood pressure is just a way to be mean to your midwife. 😉
Wow, 44 years is quite a while. You met in preschool? 😉
I think taking my blood pressure is a way for the midwife to be mean to me…I’m really wanting Chinese food on New Year’s Eve, but that will be out unless the baby is here, since it wreaks havoc with me. Of course, we could just cook something yummy instead.
What are you up to today?
That right — it was preschool … 12 years or so. 🙂
Well I already did my big plan for the day which was to take a nice long walk with the dogs.
Good luck with the midwife.
Off to my appointment…I’ll be back with a new cafe for lunch.
Have a great day, everyone!
Good luck with the BP! Is this your first child?
We are having A Level 1 Wind Alert here in NE. The noise outside – kind of weird…
Thanks! It was 126/76, which is totally fine (and the midwife attributes to my finally stopping work last week).
I have 2 teenage boys, but this little one is a first for BooMan.
The wind here is awful today, but not quite that bad.
Better than fine! Mine with BP meds isn’t that good. As a noob here, I only realized last week that you are Ms Cabin-Booman. So my best to both of you and the half sibs as well.