Apparently there was an attempt to blow up a passenger jet on Christmas and the right-wing is very exercised about it. I’m guessing that this means we are supposed to invade and occupy some country in Asia that we have not already invaded and occupied. I hear things are cheap in Dubai these days. They have nice beaches, too. And it’s really small, so we could occupy it with a division or two. I’m sure that if we just invade and occupy Dubai that we won’t ever have another lunatic try to blow up one of our planes. Don’t you agree?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Let’s see now. A clown with a firecracker in his shoe stimulated our wise securitizers to check out all our shoes. Now we get a clown with a firecracker in his pants. Al Quaeda must be wetting themselves with anticipation.
I worry about winding down our foreign adventures, possibly releasing some competent people with real IED experience to come here and do some real damage.
If flights required you to fly completely nude, what would al Quaeda do? And then what would TSA do?
The secret to winding down our foreign adventures safely is having economic prospects that are easier and cheaper than fabricating an IED. “No justice, no peace” is not a threat; it’s an accurate description of the dynamics of conflict. Now, understanding what a person considers just can get complicated at times.
How about Yemen instead?
Like Armando, I find myself on the Afghanistan escalation side. However, this is just getting ridiculous, and I don’t like being in company of people this idiotic.
Maybe we can bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities and have green pom poms at the ready to support their protests, too? You know, because we all need to be matching colors so the protesters know, we’re on the side of freedom.
Has been under U.S. attack for some time during Obama’s watch – Al-Awlaki Family Members Killed.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
And we let our country be run by this idiot, why?
The other idiot was incompetent.
We’ve given up so many rights, multiple data-bases with personal information, billions of dollars given to contractors. pressured our European allies to dump their citizen’s records in our files … with what result?
A young man from Northern Nigeria with a multiple-entry visa for the U.S., refused a student visa to the United Kingdom, traveled to Yemen via Dubai, sneaked back into Nigeria for one day, his wealthy father had warned the U.S. consulate about his radicalization, booked a round-trip flight to Detroit via Amsterdam, had only carry-on luggage (backpack), must have listed a forwarding address where he would be staying in the states, had to divulge what sort of meals he would eat, how long he planned to stay, etc. I just wonder when a RED FLAG would be raised!!!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
If we didn’t invade Saudi Arabia after 9-11, we’re certainly not going to invade Dubai now. We don’t invade places we do a lot of business with, or that can fight back, financially or militarily. Yemen’s a much more likely target.
Though following the post-9-11 logic, why don’t we invade Sierra Leone? Sure, it had absolutely nothing to do with this, but it’s sort of in the same part of the world as Nigeria. If only they had oil…
How are its beaches?
We don’t invade places where we can bribe the leadership to control its rabble.
We didn’t invade Yemen. The Yemeni government is facing an insurgent movement; they are carrying out attacks on the ground.
Sierra Leone is recovering from inter-ethnic strife that left a large part of its population without limbs. Under your cynical logic, we don’t invade Sierra Leone for the same reason that a burglar doesn’t go into an already burglarized house. It’s already been wrecked.
Does Dubai have any oil?
Pumps 240,000 barrels a day; has a 20-year reserve.
In the Emirates, Abu Dhabi has by far the largest oil reserves and money to spend.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I say England. That’s where some of his “terrorism breeding” appears to have been started and we won’t need to hire any of them damn foreigners as Arabic translators. Teach them folks some good ol’ US democracy ya’ know?
You weak-kneed lily-livered gutless libruls have got it all wrong as usual.
Let’s invade the Netherlands!
That’s where the plane stopped on the way to Detroit, right?
I’ve never trusted people who wear wooden shoes and raise tulips anyways…
Wore my wooden shoes a few days ago cleaning snow from the sidewalk. My dad (bless his soul) had a nursery growing tulip bulbs, of course.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I heard on the radio (CNN, I think) that TSA is issuing new regulations to ban blankets during the last hour of a flight. Honest!
I’d like to know how this guy got aboard with a syringe, an unknown liquid, and explosives around his waist. I can’t even bring a cup of coffee on board and what happened to the explosive sniffers?
And people ask me why I drive interstate on business trips.
Well trained in Yemen by Al-Qaeda …
Abdulmutallab was able to carry the powdery substance undetected by concealing it on the inside of his upper thigh, close to his groin – an area likely to avoid detection even by the most conscientious of security officials. It would appear that he was allowed to take a syringe containing a liquid on board the aircraft by apparently taking advantage of airlines’ policy of allowing diabetics to inject themselves during flight.
New technology – crotch bomb
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
…and what’s TSA’s response: passengers will not be allowed out of their seats the final hour of all international flights. no access to carry-on baggage, no blankets, pillows, bathroom breaks, laptops, gameboys, etc. on your lap. wtf that’s got to do with the issue, and what will it accomplish other than further alienating the flying public is a mystery to me.
what’s next? C4 rectal suppositories with cell phone detonators?
pretty soon you’re going to have to undergo a colonoscopy to board a plane.
who are the damned lunatics running this asylum?
Seems like a clear strategy to completely shut down any desire for air travel in the US.
Islamabad, Oct. 5 (ANI): Al-Qaeda has reportedly developed a deadly explosive device that can be hidden in suicide bomber’s intestine and go undetected at airport security checkpoints.
Recently, an Al-Qaeda militant, Abdullah Hassan Tali al-Asiri, passed through several airline security checks with such a bomb hidden in his intestine and made a failed attempt to assassinate a prominent Saudi Prince. Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef is the head of Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism operations
According to security experts, the explosive and an electronic detonator were probably contained in a long thin animal gut casing to protect it from stomach acid.
The Saudis believe the bomb weighed 100gm and was made with PETN plastic explosive, to avoid detection by airport and other metal detectors.
“While not wanting to be alarmist, I admit this is alarming,” Richard Barrett, head of the United Nations al-Qaeda and Taliban monitoring group was quoted as saying.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
to be expected l suppose. drug couriers have been doing it for years. although, ims, condoms were the containment device of choice, although it has advanced considerably since the 70’s…called body packing
I hear Columbia has oil. And the people who live there are brown.
No need to invade there, they already do our bidding. They’re kind of like Saudi Arabia; disgusting head of state, full of oil, staunch ally.
OK ….. Venezuela!
It’s already led by the next Hitler. Does it have oil development contracts signed with the Chinese? If so, then it’s perfect.
“Camptown ladies sing this song. Dubai! Dubai!”
There! I said it!