SAT Test Analogy Questions
1.) FDL : Riverdaughter ::
(A) dog : doghouse
(B) tree : tree
(C) beaver : dam
(D) cat : litter box
(E) book : library
Update [2009-12-31 15:41:37 by BooMan]: Lambert Strether is such a dipshit. How’s that for epic fail?
SAT Test Analogy Questions
1.) FDL : Riverdaughter ::
(A) dog : doghouse
(B) tree : tree
(C) beaver : dam
(D) cat : litter box
(E) book : library
Update [2009-12-31 15:41:37 by BooMan]: Lambert Strether is such a dipshit. How’s that for epic fail?
My skills are poor. How is riverdaughter (puma) connected to the FDL diarist?
I don’t know. Could it be related to a litter box? No, that’s probably not it.
cat : litterbox
book : library
item : depository
FDL : Confluence
Riverdaughter mission statement: “It seems like an apt metaphor for bringing the divided together again. We will start with the Democratic party and then work to bring together the rest of the country.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Truly, they are uniters, not dividers. Exhibit A: Grover Norquist.
Obama, Rick Warren, DOJ continuing to fight against federal rights for gay couples.
Nice analogy?
left wing blogosphere: high school cliques
and working on making sure they’re equally relevant.
You win the award for most ironic statement in a post.
I don’t know what you mean. Riverdaughter doesn’t support reaching out to Grover Norquist or anyone like him. In fact she’s said so:
Movement Inertia
I wasn’t talking about Riverdaughter; I have no idea what her gig is.
But since you’re here, Happy New Year to you! I’m looking forward to watching this decade end tonight.
I’m anxious for the end of the decade (especially this year) too.
About the best thing this is was Facebook: I’ve enjoyed the few times we’ve run into each other on facebook this year
(I’m glad I clarified your comment, I thought that by “they” you meant both Jane and RD.)
B. Clearly.
E. Hiding toxic assets in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is definitely a subset of the financial meltdown caused by the repeal of Glass-Steagall.
And the questiona about Geithner’s due diligence in the financial meltdown are as germane as those surrounding Rahm Emmanuel’s due diligence in his role on the Board of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Indeed the due diligence exercised by everyone involved in coping with the financial meltdown and the entire board of Fannie/Freddie need to be reviewed.
For a long time I’ve imagined the first briefing given to a president-elect being something like that famous Ned Beatty scene in Network. He, or someday possibly she, is told in dramatic terms exactly Who Rules America and the punch line is: If you fuck with us, we will destroy you!
Due diligence, har. Let’s help the Power Elite scapegoat a couple of Democratic puppets for the mess we’re in. That will surely help.
Maybe, you start with the puppets and go on to the puppet masters; that is, if you can overcome your denial.
I’m not in denial. America is like a sports franchise. All the teams are owned by rich fuckers. No matter which team wins, the rich fuckers win. Now, the common folk — us — we pick a team and root for them to win even tho is doesn’t necessarily benefit us if they do. In some ways it can, like if our city gets a new sports arena and that generates jobs, etc., and tourist dollars because our team won or whatever.
But, here’s where I’m going with my analogy: It doesn’t make sense that when your team has won the Superbowl you start demanding that a couple of your players be investigated for steroid use. It only destroys your team and does not affect the rich fuckers. at. all. Can you get the whole franchise to investigate all the players? Can you convince the rich fuckers to expel all the steroid users whose performance literally makes them richer? Um, no. They own the game. It will be played the way they want.
With baseball or football, we — the fans — can stay home and keep our money in our pockets until the owners make examples of a few players and warn the others to be more careful about being caught using steroids. With the franchise of America, Inc., we can’t stop spending money on food, gas, clothing, etc. We can’t stop paying our taxes and not expect the whole country to be turned into a prison to accomodate us. We can’t start a revolution without invoking martial law…
So, bottom line: Be loyal to your team because that’s the only way you’ll get any benefits at all from the rich fuckers. So Rahm and Tim are corrupt; jeebus, man, the whole game is corrupt!
The progressive battle for the general welfare has never been easy. Often times it went on for decades. Think of the forty hour week, minimum wages, social security, abolition of child labor in the mills, mines and factories, the public education movement, women’s suffrage, abolition of slavery, the graduated income tax. Granted there are many goals still to be achieved: public health care for everyone; gay rights, environment protections; immigration reform, graduated income tax, control of the military/defense/insurance/pharmaceutical complex to name but a few.
The conflicts seem unending and progress comes ever so slowly. Yet, the struggle is worth it because we are dealing with people here and the quality of their lives. Entrenched interests rarely give anything away. Their addiction to power and pleasure is complete and they are quite willing to sacrifice others upon the altar of their own selfishness. But, we can and do score victories. It just takes so damn long.
“For a long time I’ve imagined the first briefing given to a president-elect being something like that famous Ned Beatty scene in Network. He, or someday possibly she, is told in dramatic terms exactly Who Rules America and the punch line is: If you fuck with us, we will destroy you!”
And so, assuming your little absurd fantasy is true (let’s do that a moment and see what we get) the apparent upshot to what looks like a conspiracy-theorist’s ultimate wet-dream is that this supposedly “great nation” has had nobody but nobody (since the inception of whenever it was that you imagine this Dark Age set in) who, upon hearing such a threat issued possessed enough intelligence and guts to expose those making that threat?
LOL!!! Wow.
And I guess this absolutely air-tight, perfectly -managed and maintained lock on any and every individual who’d break the evil spell is, well, the only example of such perfection in human affairs because, interestingly enough, everywhere else in the real world “shit happens” just all the time.
I’d be game to discuss your silly delusion at length, picking apart its patent nonsense; but all my experience in this blog shows me that neither you nor anyone else would have the staying power for that match.
You already have the country you deserve; while dongi, by contrast, deserves much better but is stuck with what a preponderance of others like you produce.
your condescension violates the prick rule. Please clean it up.
Not only “prickish” – sanctimonious, too.
Well, I think you’re a prick. How about that?
Look, as you’re such a censorious asshole, I’ll make it easier for you and just quit your site. You harm your own causes by censoring and throwing a chilling effect on valid criticism. As I’ve seen so much of that here, and, as I’ve said already would probably be the case, I’m going to leave you and your apologetic idiocies to fester in the mistakes they engender or prolong.
If you wanted to know why the left is morally lost and a political irrelevancy, you’d have only to read your own blog with a fair and open mind—but first you’d have to have a fair and open mind.
So long, asshole.
What a sad and hateful character you are. Pathetic, really.
Booman has never censored the drivel you post and, in fact, at times he has tried to engage you in good faith discussion. Regular users and posters have had an inordinate level of patience with your BS. Of late, you have experienced a few warnings and troll ratings – all of them soundly deserved.
you see the thanks I get? heh.
It keeps things interesting, but only up to a point…
Happy New Year and thanks for all the hard work!
Aren’t you foolish to take a humorous observation and treat it with serious consideration?
But since you have, I’ll seriously reply: Of course, this scene is never played out because by the time someone is president-elect they already know who owns them.
Perhaps the poster finds nothing humorous about the state our country is in.
Furthermore, who is this humorous too?
It must be some sort of inside joke because I didn’t think it was funny at all. Then again I don’t think kindergarten humor where somebody calls other people “poopyheads” humorous either. I just consider it juvenile.
Gosh, I miss Arthur.
It’s been months since I’ve danced to
“Wake The Fuck Up!”
(Does that help a little?)
I was reminded of a similar encounter between you and AG years ago. Maybe there’s some hope here.
Civilization is such a long, slow process isn’t it?
“So we beat on, boats against the current…” I miss old F.Scott too, not to mention Paddy.
What the heck are they teaching in school nowadays?
Has been around more often than you think. Be sure to reply to his comment.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Wow, thanks Oui – guess I wandered off.
I’m planning a trip & wondering how suspect my underpants will be in March. Que sera, sera.
Lately I don’t dare attempt a serious reply to anyone. Especially Yeats.
really mess w/ their heads…don’t wear any. :{)
AG’s diary – Apathy is but one side of the Goldilocks pyramid, Booman
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Lambert Strether is such a dipshit. How’s that for epic fail?
I did get a kick out of this, though. Spank me, baby.
LOL – the stupidity is hurting.
you want searing pain? Read the comments that attempt to psychoanalyze my fetish-preferences.
as mr. spock might say: fascinating… the amount of repressed sadomasochism some bloggers exhibit.
Speaking of epic fail, you’d think Captain Emopants could at least get his co-blogger and Mope Enforcer’s pseudonym right. It’s “okanogen”, Lambert, and you spelled it wrong in both posts. In two different ways. Show a little respect.
There are no analogy questions on the SAT.
If there were, they wouldn’t include the garbage found at
Not to worry though…there’s a money back guarantee on all of their FREE practice questions and you can email them “if you think you discovered an error that slipped past [their] crack team of test question writers”.
Now what was that you said about epic fail?
Some of us are older than you.
Or maybe it’s just that I’m better informed than you.
At any rate, it seems to me to be very dubious policy to go to sources like and cite their expertise in a misguided attempt at a gotcha moment.
Not that there’s anything wrong with their answer set, besides being facile and obvious. It’s your prompt that’s problematic. You were trying to be funny, but only succeeded in being illogical and bitchy. When you got called on it, your response was to appeal to the authority of and babble something about epic fail.
I took my SAT in 1972.
I took the Miller Analogies test for grad school admission in 1977.
I read Lambert at Corrente every day.
Now if you really want to talk about epic fail, why not do a retrospective of Obama’s first year in office?
I have to admit that I don’t know where this post is coming from. The split(s) in the Left leave me connfused, sort of. This analogy doesn’t make sense to me. Booman no longer makes sense to me. Corrente makes sense to me now.
What to make of it?