Astounishing, see video of discussion with citizens of Yemen. Apparently these people appreciate the U.S. giving them support. Clearly they have worse enemies of their state: Iran foremost and Saudi Arabia waging war on their homeland. Yemen is the poorest nation on the peninsula and are fighting multiple battles with secessionists and foreign meddling. They don’t need Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

More below the fold …

Lieberman: Iraq was Yesterdays war Afghanistan is today’s war and Yemen will be tomorrow’s war if we don’t act. Too late!

VIDEO – Yemen conflict worries Middle East region

More tomorrow but as usual with our so called leaders we are a day late and a dollar short. We have ignored activities in Yemen for years. I have written about it numerous times and sometimes been criticized for it. That said it is too late to make Yemen a priority. Let me reiterate in part something I wrote last week first! Yemen the first open battleground for new Middle East order

First, we hear we have quietly stepped up air attacks in Yemen hunting down and killing Al Qaeda. It is no secret we have been discussing it and the fact that Iran’s revolutionary guard is also there supporting Houthi rebels in an effort to get Shiite dominance. The attack on a packed air bus on Christmas day came from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula; a terrorist cell led by a former personal secretary to Osama bin LadenOsama bin Laden and was in retaliation for recent attacks in Yemen by the US. There are promises that this was the first of many. I’m the first of many, warns airline ‘bomber’

While getting ready to say this I have to wonder why Cheney crawled back into his hole right now at this time? Is it because the airport security system that just failed was theirs? Is it because two of the leaders responsible for the attack were released from Gitmo by Cheney and Bush? They have failed the country from beginning to end. Anyway!

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Releases Statement on Jihadist Website Claiming Responsibility for Attempted Christmas Day Terrorist Attack

  • Al Qaeda ties of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab: How deep do they go?
  • Yemen says may harbor up to 300 Qaeda suspects

    Another source of many headaches is piracy in the Gulf of Aden and Somalian refugees. Of course, the neocon of Israeli loyalty has a single remedy: “Bombs, bombs, bombs away.” The world of 2010 would take a different shape with McCain as POTUS and Lieberman running affairs of State. Democrats must count their blessings and fight for human rights, starting at home. Never again a Dick Cheney as VP, an ugly warcriminal who needs to be brought to Justice.

    Gains for the United States and the citizens of Iraq in 2009: far less US soldiers died and the number of civilian deaths were cut in half. Thank you Democrats for voting Obama/Biden into the White House, the world is going to be a better place because of it.

    Joe Lieberman: How About Another War?

    (THE nATION) – Lieberman, the neoconservative solon who wanted to be the Secretary of Defense in the administration of John McCain (his 2008 candidate for president) and who would gladly play the same role in the administration of a Sarah Palin or any other saber-rattling Republican, is proposing the launch of a new preemptive war on Yemen.

    Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the 23-year-old Nigerian accused of attempting to explode a plastic device aboard a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Friday, has told authorities that he traveled to Yemen to link up with al-Qaida operatives.

    Lieberman admitted that in a Fox New interview that he was “not sure” whether the Nigerian succeeded in making contact with the individuals he “reached out to” in Yemen.

    But “not sure” is good enough for Lieberman.

    So, he says, it is time to start lobbing bombs — lots of them. (Presumably, Lieberman is talking about more attacks than have already been taking place as part of a U.S./Yemen partnership that has seen Washington spend $66 million this year on security and military assistance to Yemeni counter-terrorist forces — a project that most observers believe has included the use of U.S. warplanes, drones and/or cruise missiles in recent strikes against al Qaeda targets.)

    Referencing his own travels to Yemen, and meetings with unnamed U.S. officials, the senator chirped: “Iraq was yesterday’s war, Afghanistan is today’s war. If we don’t act preemptively, Yemen will be tomorrow’s war.”

    Lieberman, whose refusal to serve in the military when he could have during the Vietnam era has never prevented him from spouting hawkish views so over-the-top that his wiser colleagues to keep him off committees that deal with issues of war and peace, seems to be unaware that “acting preemptively” in the manner he suggests, is an act of war.

    See my previous diaries …

  • Imam al Awlaki Killed in Yemen Raid After U.S. Intelligence
  • Al-Awlaki Family Members Killed [Update]
  • Nigeria Katsina State and Sharia Law
  • Delta Flight and Intelligence Watch List
  • “A Bomb to Hit the Enemies of God”

    "But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."