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- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
I actually got a fair amount of sleep last night, although in 2-3 hour doses…woo-hoo!
So I’m here and ready for all the gushing about what a cutie Finn is.
Me too … ugh. 🙂
Some cute Finn photos would make being up this early better … 😉
I’ll work on that (the latest ones are on BooMan’s computer). 🙂
I tried not to make it too painful… 🙂
lol, I was ughing about the early morning. I am not a morning person! – we have a tech coming to try again to fix our fridge this morning which hasn’t been working since the beginning of December. Hearing about Finn is a good way to make the day better. 🙂
Ugh, unsuccessful fridge repairs are a drag. I guess the cold weather is a benefit when the fridge isn’t working, huh?
Yeah, I’m thankful for the cold this winter. We keep a few items in a basket in the garage, but I usually go out every day or so to buy our food.
I hope they get it fixed today. What’s wrong with it?
The fan on our freezer has occasionally gotten stuck, but that’s a minor problem, fixable with a pen or other long sticklike implement.
The compressor (which they replaced once, but it never fixed the problem and now we’re told the new compressor is shot) … the heat exchanger … something w/ the tubes … Basically they’re replacing everything this time. It’s still under warranty and has been a real nightmare getting them to honour the warranty.
But at least you’ve got that glacier in your yard so you can keep everything cold. ;P
Sounds like a long morning with the repairman.
OMG, he just gets cuter by the day! I’ll have to post pictures so you can see for yourselves. He’s opening his eyes more and checking us out, and I think he’s going to have BooMan’s blue eyes. He’s pretty good natured, and adjusting to the indiginity of diaper changes (ie, yelling less about the whole process – he’s either figured out that the naked bottom is only temporary, or that he likes dry diapers).
He was apparently quite a sucker of his fingers in utero, which is nice because he can amuse himself with that, but funny because when it’s time to nurse, he gets so excited that he starts sticking his hands in his mouth and then realizes that they aren’t quite what he was looking for. His brothers are pretty taken with him – last night CBtY was rocking him in the swing by hand while on Facebook and playing computer games. It’s nice having the extra hands around too. CBtE promptly got a chest cold after the baby came, so he’s had to keep his distance since Sunday. This winter baby thing is a little more tricky than the summer version…
I’m a little afraid that he has more than a little of the BooMan seriousness gene…we’ll have to see if environment overcomes that. 🙂
He’s sounds like cute overload personified. 🙂
And I’m sure his brothers will be there to teach him all about the glorious of being a young idiot.
More photos please!
I can relate. My husband is Swedish, with it’s excellent and not so excellent stereotypical traits. “GC, doesn’t he ever smile?” “That IS a smile.”
Anyway our 5’10 LITTLE ONE has a, IMO, marvelous mix of traits from both sides. Of course, I’m wicked biased 🙂
CabinGirl, someday you’ll need to remind yourself that a mere five days after his birth, you were worried that little Finn was way too serious.
It won’t last, so we do need photos.
If he takes after dad in that regard, I won’t need any reminding. 😉
Photos to come, I promise (the boy is just waking up now)!
From his horoscope, that kid is going to have a helluva sense of humor. You are in for such good times!
Oh, that’s so good to hear! I think life is too hard without a good sense of humor.
What a combo. Leo, Cancer and Capricorn are ALL known for their humor. Have fun. Hmm, that might include pratical jokes. Be careful!! 😉
Afternoon all,
CG I saw the picture of Boo and Finn and was an aaahhh moment. 🙂
I’m having computer problems again. I’m not sure if it’s mal-ware or if my computer is just dying on me. If it dies then it will be awhile before it get back on the net. So I just wanted to let everyone know and to tell everyone to take care and stay warm.
Oh no. I hope your computer is alright – I’m sending out good binary vibes.
No problem staying warm here. The forecast is for 80’s/90’s.
Oh no. I hope it’s a relatively minor problem, because it’s been so nice having you around again. How else can we all aspire to supreme slackitude?
Good afternoon (or maybe early evening) all,
Today was a busy one–I had to take Lucky to the vet for his rabies shot–then I took advantage of the calm before the storm to do some shopping for food and other stuff. According to the forecast a major snowstorm is headed our way. So I’ll be staying inside with my computer tomorrow.
I’m confused….are you in Louisiana and expecting snow?
Nope–I live 2 1/2 hours from Chicago and we’re expecting snow.
My handle’s “Louisiana” because some years ago I visited New Orleans and fell in love with that city and with Louisiana.
Depending on where the end point of those 2 1/2 hours is, we might be sort of neighbors. I live in south central Indiana.
On the Google Earth scale, I can easily see Andi’s house from mine (we live in the same county).
I’m in central Illinois. Luckily the weather’s not as bad today as I’d thought it would be. We got snow overnight, but now the sun’s out. It’s cold though.
Two and a half hours from my place puts one in the Southern Ocean, the Tasman sea, or the Bass Straight.
I’m surprised we ended up with such different weather. We had snow off and on all day and have between 4 or 5 inches.
It’s still cold though.
We’re supposed to get the snow here on Friday morning. Just in time for our first pediatrician visit, of course.
Another freezing cold day here. Snow to come tomorrow, apparently.
How is everyone this morning?
Our county commissioners declared a snow day and closed all the non-emergency offices.
FoolDedicated public servant that I am, I’ll probably go in and get some stuff done while its quiet.I’d want to go in while no one was around too. Drive safe, though.
I was surprised that I didn’t have school today considering how little snow was on the ground when the powers that be called it off. But after Andi and I went out for a walk in the woods, I realized they must have called it off because as soon as soneone drove over it, the snow truned to ice. Even in the woods, it’s really slick out there.
Good morning CG,
The computer started this morning after many tries, so I’m hitting here and there while I can.
I’ve always heard that trouble comes in threes. Don’t know where from, but I’ve always heard it. Anyway, the computer is the first, second, the heater went out on us last night. It’s now around 58 in my room. I have one of those oil filled space heaters, but my brother was up all night coughing, so I’m letting him and my sil use it in their room. We’ve already called someone to come and check the heater, but don’t know when he’ll get here. And I’m waiting for the third boot to drop. Can’t imagine what the third trouble will be, but I’m waiting on it.
CG ya’ll be careful driving in that snow this morning, and good luck on the appointment.
Oh, Geez. You bundle up in layers so you don’t get sick, FM. I hope the third trouble can’t find your address…
Our appointment’s tomorrow, but we’ll be careful. It’s not too far away, so we should be okay. I know BooMan is looking forward to getting out of the house (I’m happy just to be home and not exposing anybody to the winter germs out there).
I think I’ll try to finish up Finn’s new sweater today. I’m on row 67 of 98, so if I don’t finish today, I’ll probably finish tomorrow.
Just had to do the third restart of the day. I really do hate computers sometimes.
Yep I’ve got layers of clothes on, and I’m actually feeling comfortable in my room. The weather man predicted snow for us, but so far it just sleet. From watching the TV I see that everything around us is closed today. That’s a good idea for down here since most people don’t know how to drive on snow or ice.
So Booman is getting cabin fever? Hopefully getting out tomorrow will help some. Good luck on getting the sweater finished today.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, FM. I just had to give up trying to repair Mrs. ID’s new server that died Christmas week and send it back to CA for repairs. I just got a message last night that it was in return transit, so I’m getting ready for the repeat data transfer process again! Its nice to have good backups, though and I’m sure her clients are pleased that none of their stuff is lost in the “great data beyond”.
Hope your warmth returns soon.
FM, I’m guessing that your third trouble will involve shoveling. Take it easy when the snow comes.
Wishing you the best of luck with the first two.
Hey everybody, Oscar’s getting married!
Ooooooooooooohhhh, what a cutie! And great to have the older guys to help, huh.
I love watching them get all mushy over their baby brother. So funny to see…
How’s your headache today?
Quick question: Do the photos I post on facebook show up in your facebook feed?
Yep, the last one in the bathrobe does.
Okay…I’ll post others the same way then. Thanks!
BTW< are you guys all on FB too? I joined a few months ago.
FB .. let’s see .. Franks & Beans? Feathers & Beads? FigButter?
Nope, don’t think so.
The Ancient Browser
Oh, you’re just joshing with us. ARe you on FB? 🙂
Yep — I’m on a frozen booty at the Froggy Bottom.
With IE5.0 I can barely look at BT, let alone FB.
Well darnit, that’s no fun. :(P
Someday I might upgrade!
I’m sure that an upgrade would be helpful all over the net but this old dinosaur has to confess that the pleasures and purpose of facebook have pretty much eluded me.
Yeah, me too. I haven’t yet felt the urge to either tweet or join up with FB.
Great one with big brother!
They’re funny. I’ve never seen them so willing to wash their hands and disinfect when they get home from school. 🙂
This, too, shall pass;-)
Love that photo with cbty(?). They’l appreciate that in years to come.
That middle picture is especially wonderful. When you pick out the woman you want him to marry*, just show her that picture and she’ll be a goner.
And yep, I can see the facebook pictures you post … if I get around to getting on facebook before they scroll off the wall.
* Big assumption: that you’ll find any woman good enough for a son of yours. 😉
I know I would be a sucker for the guy in that photo. We’ll see if anyone can meet the mark. 🙂
CG & Boo,
He’s lovely and takes after his parents…
… until be becomes obnoxious and doesn’t.
Yes, I’m still teaching sixth graders.
Were you just here in my living room, listening to me say something about how nice it is to have someone looking at me like I’m wonderful, instead of telling me what a pain I am for asking them to take the trash out? 🙂
Yes! That adoration is the best thing. And so fleeting…
Funny how the little people involved get a lifetime of benefit from it, isn’t it?
These are really great, CG!
A little something for our southern friends:
It looks all Christmasy here now that its not Christmas anymore.
What a cute street scene!
And you’ve been there!
What a cute street. I really must come out that way one of these days…
You really must …
I would’ve come when Mary did, but for the job situation…maybe this year?
That would be great … though with that cute little distraction around, I won’t be hurt if you don’t. 🙂
Hey, he needs to see the world too. 🙂
VIP accommodations can be arranged – with hot tub.
So far, no WiFi tho, except there is a local coffee shop that has it.
Wait a minute. I slept on a futon and there was NO hot tub….
These are the alternate arrangements. You must whisper discreetly to the concierge, “I am a friend of froggy’s”. He will understand and guide you.
I always knew that mass of tchotchkes at Michaels must have some point in being there.
Mike is the undisputed King of High Kitsch. They do some pretty nifty flower arrangements with that stuff, tho.
Here in the Kaats we did have a white Christmas, as well as a white Thanksgiving & a white New Year’s Day.
We’ll probably have a white Valentine’s Day, President’s Day & April Fool’s Day, too!
This week’s theme is Aphorisms and Quotes. The diary is here. Come on over and show us your acquired wisdom.
A good theme!