I think it is probably time to start a Michael Steele death watch. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. That’s just how a brother rolls. I can empathize right on my behind.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
And replace him with Ron Christie?
they are still trying to figure out how to hide the fact that that dude is cross-eyed.
Eye patch. They could cover blacks and pirates that way. A true big tent party.
bwa ha hah a ha ha ha
I don’t know — it’s pretty hard to replace a token once you’ve got one. Maybe the “yeah, let’s hire the crazy black guy” ploy wasn’t such a hot idea after all. But they’ve always got Alan Keyes waiting in the bullpen.
Alan Keyes better start soft-tossing.
I had that same thought this morning after seeing some news of him on MSNBC while I was waking. I had this definitely feeling he was already in the past tense, RNC-wise.
But wait! There’s more:
Holy Time Travel, Batman!
That dude has more lives than a Cat….and he scares Conservatives into a tail-biting frenzy.
They can’t stand him (and for good reason), but they’re terrified of acting openly against him, for fear of being labeled Racists by the Center and Left.
And we know how the Cons love their FEAR……..