Last night, BooMan was surprised when Finn liked the bath, having read that babies are horrified by them. I was surprised, because all my babies have loved the water. Maybe the little dishpan I use for a tub has magically soothing properties. :
Olivia will be along later this morning with the Friday Foto Flogging diary but until then you can think about what you want to post for this week’s theme: Bridges.
I may be quiet here (at least at times), but y’all feel like family to me. I’ve been coming here virtually every day for years! Can you believe it’s been so long?
I first started talking about KamaKid when she was like 8 or 9. She’s now almost 16 and just completed her first college course! I remember talking about how I was concerned about sending her to a charter school instead of a public school…that was 5 or 6 years ago!
So thank you, CG. I am delighted to share this milestone with you and BooMan.
I’m happy to hear that Lucky is still lucky! Our Old Puss (20+ yrs) spends most of her time on the sofa snoozing except when we sit down to eat and she musters the strength to come over to beg for people food. Her meow has deteriorated to something more like a squeak, but she can still come up with an ear-splitting squall when confronted by her much younger feline housemate.
Mrs. ID’s new office server that died suddenly just before Christmas returned from the manufacturer last week and seems to be ok so far. I’ve been busy remapping the data paths from the workstations, configuring, moving client data, etc., etc. I don’t want to think about what a disaster it would have been without the online backup service we set up a little over a year ago. Even with all the inter-office redundancy, we would still have lost some stuff.
it’s a new cafe! 🙂
We had a nice visit with my mom this afternoon, and Finn had a nice little bath in the washtub tonight. I love how babies just relax in the tub.
In other news, I have less than 10 rows left on the baby sweater I’ve been knitting…
Thanks for reminding me. I’ll do it right now. 🙂
Thanks, she’s reading just now.
The b2 boy, now 11, hated baths as an infant. I’ll never forget the first time. He was terribly upset.
That must have been nerve-wracking.
Last night, BooMan was surprised when Finn liked the bath, having read that babies are horrified by them. I was surprised, because all my babies have loved the water. Maybe the little dishpan I use for a tub has magically soothing properties. :
Mine all loved them too. At first, I think it just reminds them of a really warm, floaty place they just exited.
PS~ that block of gray ice is very interesting, but a picture of something warm, snuggly and colorful would probably be more visually exciting.
warm, snuggly, and colorful…what could that be?
:::think, think think:::
Olivia will be along later this morning with the Friday Foto Flogging diary but until then you can think about what you want to post for this week’s theme: Bridges.
Bridges…I’ll have to see if I have anything…
You know, I’m pretty sure CG promised us pics when she got back from grandma’s.
She did get BooMan to add me as a friend on FB, but no pics there either.
I went back to the BT facebook page and no pics there.
I’m starting to get a bit hurt. All these promised pics, but I can’t see any. ;>)
Guess I’ll just have to sit back sip some coffee, and beg for more pics. :>)
CG has pics on facebook. I’ll email you a link and you can see if you can see them without being friended.
In the meantime, you can go enjoy the pics at Friday Foto Flogging. No babies though.
I just found out who you are…I’ll friend you. 🙂
Thank you CG! I’m a happy camper now. :>)
I may be quiet here (at least at times), but y’all feel like family to me. I’ve been coming here virtually every day for years! Can you believe it’s been so long?
I first started talking about KamaKid when she was like 8 or 9. She’s now almost 16 and just completed her first college course! I remember talking about how I was concerned about sending her to a charter school instead of a public school…that was 5 or 6 years ago!
So thank you, CG. I am delighted to share this milestone with you and BooMan.
As always reading your posts brings back such great memories! (mine just got his Masters. Wouldn’t fit in a sink.)
An update on Lucky: He seems to be getting better, so I have my fingers crossed. He hasn’t been sneezing and sniffling so much.
That’s good to hear.
Excellent news. I hope he continues to have a good recovery.
I’m happy to hear that Lucky is still lucky! Our Old Puss (20+ yrs) spends most of her time on the sofa snoozing except when we sit down to eat and she musters the strength to come over to beg for people food. Her meow has deteriorated to something more like a squeak, but she can still come up with an ear-splitting squall when confronted by her much younger feline housemate.
Good news!
BEST news of the morning. I am sincerely happy for you…g
Glad to hear he’s doing better. I hope he’s back to his old self soon.
Mrs. ID’s new office server that died suddenly just before Christmas returned from the manufacturer last week and seems to be ok so far. I’ve been busy remapping the data paths from the workstations, configuring, moving client data, etc., etc. I don’t want to think about what a disaster it would have been without the online backup service we set up a little over a year ago. Even with all the inter-office redundancy, we would still have lost some stuff.