The TV commentators have it wrong as to what is fueling the Massachusetts
voter’s real anger. They are all highlighting health care as the reasons for the big Republican surge against Coakley in Massachusetts. Granted a certain minority group of seniors will vote for Brown because they feel that their own health care plans are at risk under the current HCR bill in congress.

Health care is not the reason why the Massachusetts independents and many disgusted Massachusetts Democrats will likely vote for Brown. They reason that they are swinging towards Brown has nothing to do with either candidate or their positions on the issues. Brown is simply reaping the white hot anger among the voters over one issue, WALL STREET BAILOUTS and BONUSES!! If Kennedy was alive and running in this race he would lose. More below the fold.

Voters in Massachusetts and across the nation have their pitchforks out against Congress, the Fed, and the Secretary of Treasury for dumping TRILLIONS into the “TOO BIG TO FAIL” Wall Street Investment houses and Banks. In the aftermath of receiving these huge bailout sums of money, these same Wall Street firms turned around and spit in the eye of the taxpayer by paying out record level bonuses to their employees. Meanwhile the Main street voter has had to struggle with severe local budget cuts, layoffs, and a local economy that is in the toilet. Food stamp distribution is at a record level all across the country, while the custodian at Goldman got a $14,000 bonus. From the voter’s perspective, this outrageous situation continues to exist with little consideration of fairness for the struggling taxpayer.

The Fed chairman has seen this tidal wave of public anger coming, which is why yesterday he called for a full investigation of the AIG payouts to counter parties and the NY Fed’s role in that post bailout situation in advance of his upcoming confirmation vote in congress. Sorry Ben, I think you’re just a little late.

Regardless of whether Brown wins or Coakley wins, the genie is out of the bottle. If people in Massachusetts are really pissed enough about this to use the first national level election to express their anger, imagine what awaits incumbents throughout the rest of the country. I should like to point out that no one can manipulate this anger, e.g. The Tea Party Express, because it’s become such an explosive issue with the voters that it crosses party lines.

The angry Massachusetts voters were so pissed that they gave no attention to Brown’s statements that he would be against any legislation that would effectively rein in the Wall Street Bonuses. Those angry one issue voters don’t care what any politician says. They are driven by only one goal, kick all incumbents out of office in Washington, home of the TRILLION DOLLAR BAILOUTS.

Even if the Democrats in Congress cobble together a HCR bill for Obama to sign before his State of The Union address, it will do little to cool the “Bail Out/Bonus” anger among voters. The writing is on the wall for the 2010 Congressional elections and unless between now and the elections Congress can produce a couple million jobs and reduce the budget cuts on the local level, the voters will be poised to “throw the bums out” the moment the polls open.