The Democrats are making quite the spectacle of themselves, running around like chickens with their heads cut off. If they want to find their heads, they should look up their asses. President Obama needs to get control over this situation, and he needs to do it before this weekend is over. Settle on a plan, announce it, and implement it. Get health care reform done, and stop letting a piddling minority dick you around. This is just embarrassing.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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When has he shown he can do this?
The fucking blogs thought more about what the response should be after a Coakley loss than the leader of the Democratic Party.
Ah shit. Ephiphany. The Democrats see Obama as the leader of the party but Obama seems himself more as representing everyone to the parties.
LOL. Well done. And true.
This is a time for planning and action. No time for panicking. That should have happened BEFORE the election. Afterwards it’s just lame.
Thanks for echoing what I have been feeling for most of the last 48 hours. My wife kept flipping around the TV last night to various news shows and I finally had to just leave the room, go upstairs and sit down with a good book. This is almost too much to take. “Embarrassing” doesn’t even begin to describe it.
I know there is often a lot of talk here and at other blogs about how dysfunctional our whole political system has become. But if this doesn’t bring it into a very stark focus for even the most unobservant of individuals, then nothing will.
We are really at the point where if someone doesn’t take hold of the reins and corral this thing, it really and truly does pose the possibility of deteriorating into what is essentially political anarchy.
I just don’t know what to say at this point. The Democrats are really on the cusp of blowing up the last three years of this administration. It is really unprecedented.
Or, he can just continue to let others write the narrative.
A better recommendation. Stop talking to the media, openly or on background, and just do your jobs. That in itself would get rid of a lot of the chicken dancing.
Politico is neither your friend nor your interlocutor with your colleagues.
Nonetheless it seems like the flock of feathers is moving sorta in the right direction. It’s not a slam-dunk for Ben Nelson anymore.
I agree, the sooner DC Democrats stop acting like children who just had their ball taken from them…the better. I think you’ve already seen quite a cooling of crazy today, when you compare it to yesterday. It’s still disgusting and difficult to watch, but it’s better than yesterday.
As for President Obama stepping in, he DOES have the State of the Union next week…
ah yes, the sotu…l’m sure he’ll tell us all how much better things are, and that we can’t win them all, and how we knew it was going to be a long, hard struggle, keep the faith…more hopey changey stuff [ala brendan]…yadda, yadda, yadda.
but leadership? nah…we haven’t seen any in a year, and frankly, l don’t expect we will any time soon.
looking more like a redux of carter than the second coming of fdr. one and done.
“President Obama needs to get control over this situation”
he needed to do that MONTHS ago.
but yes, they are making a spectacle of themselves.
It makes you wonder how any of these people got into leadership positions, other than the incumbency protection racket and seniority system that protects weak pols.
Boo, I think Obama’s trying to do that by pushing a populist message about taking on the banks. The problem is, the Congress needs to STFU and go into hiding for a while until they calm down and figure out their next strategy. Instead, they’re running to anyone with a mic and doing the Chicken Little Dance. Sad.
Another problem is that Obama does not actually believe in populism.
Did FDR really believe in The New Deal? Or did times force him to do it? Look at Robert Reich and Al Gore(or even Krugman). At one time, all three were DLC’ish type Democrats. And thanks to the Bush years, all three have been turned into full blown DFH’s. Maybe Obama will adjust to the times.
I find it difficult to believe that a guy with an extensive background in community organizing does not believe in populism. I only agree that he hasn’t been practicing it lately. I think he was distracted, to put it mildly.
I don’t think he does have an extensive background. I heard an NPR examination into his background around election time.
According to the people talked to in that report, Obama did that work for 3 years then decided that he could do more good as an elected official. Fair enough. But the community organizer who they talked to said 3 years is not long enough to really understand what a community organizer does and how to motivate those people for the long hall with setbacks etc.
If you keep working at something, you keep learning. But frankly, three years of community organizing seems like a pretty good stint for somebody who later became the president of the United States.
Obama’s real problem was that he inherited such a pile of shit from the previous administration that the only way to prevent a complete catastrophe was to work with the guys who created the situation, as they still had the power. By doing so, he alienated and angered much of his popular support. I believe he always intended to switch over to a more populist stance after health care was passed, because at that point he would have delivered something big that most Americans would appreciate. But events caught up with him. Now he’s got to make that switch or he’s finished. And so are we.
While I’m sure SOME Dems are running to anyone with a mic, I think a lot of them are just getting mics shoved into their faces. I’m not sure how Congress can “go into hiding” if the DC media smells Democratic blood in the water…that particular scent, they absolutely LOVE.