Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: What is it? This is a game invented by NorthDakotaDem. All you do is post a picture and have people guess what it is. It can be a close-up of something that makes it tricky to recognize or something unusual that people might not recognize or a different view of a known scene or place or anything else you can dream up that you think will be fun to guess.
Website(s) of the Week: Animal Mimicry. It’s really fun to see how many you can spot.
See comments section below for Andi’s and olivia’s What is it? |
Next Week’s Theme: Random Your choice.
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
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At first I thought this might be some weird openings in ice that’s covered with snow, but looking closer, not so much.
I was first guessing a kind of flower like a periwinkle. Then I thought snow on something slatted like a plastic chair.
Nope, not a chair but that’s a lot closer than a flower.
snow on an upside down canoe(s) from the summer camp?
That’s a good one!
Not just good but absolutely right.
As always, you’ve got a really good eye. And it’s really fitting you should guess it because you’ve been my “inspiration” (now, how would dada take this) for the all the pictures of the canoes in snow I’ve taken.
When I first looked, I thought it was a helmet.
I think this one is pretty guessable but it was odd enough looking that I couldn’t resist using it.
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I am guessing ice in your creek or lake edgebut that is only because I have seen your other work. That is odd ice that looks more like parched earth.
See, I was right — it was easily guessable. 🙂
It was a very odd pattern of ice melting. I haven’t seen anything quite like that in all the years we’ve been out here.
What great patterns!
Sadly, I know the ‘what’ all too well ..
I’m sure you do — way better than me.
post for larger images but I’m trying more and more to only post finished or close to finished images on my photostream.
You can upload the crops to tinypic. That’s what I do with images that I consider “throwaways”.
This one has me thinking of skin diseases…oops.
Me too. It looks the freckly skin on a dog’s belly.
I am avoiding skin thoughts and thinking a cheetah snuggle wrap in sunlight.
That sounds much better…having a medical background can be such a downer sometimes. 🙂
Boy it’s hard to not go look at the solution and then be a genius when I guess. 🙂
I agree that it looks like spots on a cheetah or other large cat and yet I also don’t think that’s what it is. And now that I’ve admitted I don’t know, I’m going to go look at the solution … damn, you are clever. 🙂
l’m ruling out big cats, thinking reptilian of some sort; lizard maybe?
now l’ll go look.
wow…good one bob, very clever, indeed.
Wow – you win for most creative so far. That is awesome!
Wow — good one! Amazing.
Fooled me, but good!!
Didn’t think you’d be quite so stumped.
This is the edge of a door mat sticking out of the snow. Right? 🙂
A neckarufer of course!
The Phantom of the Snowopera.
Why it’s a branch in the snow — gee that wasn’t hard at all. 😉
Which is good because I don’t have a clue what the opening is other than it has to be something flat and at ground level.
Looks like the opening to a stormdrain.
and we have a winner 😉 it’s a manhole cover!
MOMMA! MOMMA! I’m going on vacation to Orlando!
It looks like the edge of a trampoline but the red tape or ribbon and the cable don’t much sense if it’s that so I guess it’s not.
I was thinking something like that too – edge of an above-ground pool … – but it can’t be w/ that wire overhead.
a besotted maypole?
haven’t a clue.
Part of the local sewage treatment plant or as I like to think of it: Where sh*t happens:
LOL … nicely done. 🙂
Well that’s certainly scenic. 😉
My first quick glance I thought, “a loaf of bread.” The more I looked, the more I thought “Eeeewww,” though I don’t know what exactly triggered that.
The back of a statue of a guy with little or no hair which has graffitti on it.
You got the graffiti part right at least!
I thought it looked like the back of a head too but here ya go
Top of something concrete … looks like water or snow in the background.
(Damn … I just saw what it was. Too many browser windows open. 😉
if that’s water and not snow in the bkgrd, l ‘m guessing it’s a cast iron bollard, or whatever they’re called on piers… for tying boats to.
Ding ding ding ding ding!!!
So there’s the trick — if I wait long enough to comment, someone will get it and I can just go “oh yeah, I knew that”.
Lol. Sorry! Someone got it, I just hadn’t posted the photo yet. I linked it earlier but check the thread now.
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Life without glasses.
Pretty beads?
Christmas tree and/or Christmas ornaments?
your mind on drugs?
or christmas lights shot w/ a bokeh screen.
Not beads, not christmas lights.
It’s that lovely sequined sweater you brought your kitty for Christmas — but she’s not in the picture because she’s embarrassed.
Click for larger
Candy bokeh.
Very good one, Sweet Tooth.
a proboscis?
Actually I have no clue, but it looks like it has pincher things at the end. However, it also looks human made. All of which caused my mind to skitter to the child’s game of Cootie, and out popped “proboscis” – a word I like. 😉
it’s not man-made; but you’re on the right tack w/ probocis…but on the wrong end.
At first, I wanted to say a burned out halogen bulb typically used in a halogen torch-style room light.
But then I second-guessed and now I don’t know.
The tip piece looks like it’s hinged so it can open and grab or lock around something but the wooden part doesn’t seem to fit with that.
An insect … the end of a dragonfly or walking stick?
we have a winner.
l guess l could post it
Wow dada!!! That is some photo!
Wow! Very beautiful. Incredible clarity & lovely color.
My offerings for the week. Difficulty level (on the 1-10 scale): 3.6.
Ceramic Owl
Singer sewing machine
Harrower tine
Bird butt
Damn, you’re good!
Now let’s see if anyone can ID the bird.
Not this time — though they do share the space.
Whoo Hooo! We have a winner! Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!
For your prize, this particular bird will not crap on your front porch.
Oops — you missed # 5.
Looks like the kind of wrought iron hook that you hang stuff on … and I’m sure I’m wrong.
Not entirely. It’s a bit of naked garden trellis, waiting patiently for another July.
Great selection ww! What is the metal thing beside the feather in photo 1?
I really liked the sewing machine. It took me a bit to shift my thinking from “engine,” as I thought I was seeing a radiator.
I have no idea what a harrower is, but I love the photo.
“Bird butt” brought a smile — thanks!
Glad to see you smile, tampopo.
A harrower is a farm tool, drawn behind a tractor or strong animal, that breaks up soil with its long teeth.
As for photo 1: beside the feather, to the left & behind the poppy pod, is actually the back of another feather, finely marked, probably from a hawk. At the bottom right is a small, yellow ceramic jar. At the bottom left is the lip of the glass vase holding the feathers.
Wilderness wench,
Scrolling through, I thought the sewing machine was the front hood & radiator of an old 20`s car.
Good set.
Thank you!
The sewing machine definitely shares some design elements with those vehicles. It could easily be from the same era.
I think it’s rather sexy.
Hey, ww, ya got some great ones there!
However, a slight correction – as the “Harrow” is actually a Horse Drawn Hay Rake
There are different kinds of harrows, some with curved tines that somewhat resemble the horse drawn hay rake.
Some poor bloke has to sit on that seat and trip the rake every so often. I did that one time with another family member pulling it with a tractor rather than a horse. It was a pretty rough ride bouncing over the pocket gopher mounds.
Horse Drawn Hay Rake
Pasture and Horse Arena Harrows
Hey NDD,
Get off your high horse. Hah hahhahhaha
Of course it`s a hay rake.
I ran both.
A harrow is used to prepare the ground for planting, after plowing & then discing.
The harrow is more of a “drag” that smooths the field, in preparation for planting.
The rake must be periodically lifted or rotated to release the hay in the tines.
I also ran the hay rake with a horse, though never a harrow.
During “haymaking” we always released the hay from the tines in rows & turned it over to keep it drying evenly, by hand with forks, then into stacks.
This was after cutting it though some rakes were attached after the cutters.(think shears)
Any unturned hay was subject to mold.
We`d then bring in the horse drawn wagons to pitch the hay onto.
With what?? A Pitchfork obviously. Damn, I remember those hayrides with the farmer`s daughters. Roll roll roll, in the hay.
Oh, one more thing, there were areas where we could not get the horses & machinery into so we cut the hay by hand in those areas with scythes.
I ran horse teams with wagons or hay rakes, ran them logging(not recommended, it`s extremely dangerous) & used them dragging tobacco “boats” during priming season.
Hey, I`ve got it NDD, let`s get a farm going.
I was very good at it.
By gott, KH!!!! Like a guy said to me once after I was yappin’ about seeing Janis Joplin in Winnipeg, “How old are ya anyway?”
My father farmed with horses, but then he was born in 1911. Although, you could be a tad younger… 😉
I never did farm with horses, only like you say about the boats, “fire up the diesel engines”.
“farmers daughters… rollin’ in the hay,” eh? tsk! tsk!
Yeah, let’s do some farming… (It can be a whole lot of fun if you don’t have to make a living doing it.)
We could farm in ND in the summer and CA in the winter, right!
As you know, I grow all year round here in Ca.
This is as much a “where” as it is a “what”, and it helps to know what I get up to a lot.
This looks like a dog vomited up a bird skeleton. 🙂
It is a bird skeleton (actually quite a few), but where is it?
Gardening leftovers? Pre-compost compost?
Nope, it’s not outside.
I am mystified, as usual.
A bird skeleton and it’s not outside. That’s a stumper.
Does this help?
Surely this will give it away.
amazing, the things you find inside walls when you tear them open.
l wonder how they came to be trapped inside, or what might have caught them and dragged them in.
This was formerly an outside wall, which became an interior wall when an extra bedroom was added. I’m not sure how it got so full of bird skeletons. When I moved the sliding glass door from the front of the house to the back I found bat skeletons in that wall. As well as a few bird nests. Obviously our house is very populated.
Very welcoming, obviously.
Personally, I figure that any place good for critters should be OK for me, too.
I don’t trust a place with no critters.
We draw the line at actually living in the house. As long as they live in the walls or underneath we leave them be. Fortunately, large critters, like the possum, prefer the barn. If we had to listen to him galumphing in the rafters I’d be setting a trap.
Oh yes — we definitely have our limits.
BTW: compared to my teeth, Lily’s look like an example of stellar dental hygiene.
I find this fascinating.
They’re Luna’s teeth actually. And we don’t let the dogs have people food, usually with admonishment that they cant have sweets because they don’t brush their teeth.
Also, I have a dental pick that I use to remove any plaque that develops on the back teeth about once a year. If you get them used to the idea early in life they’ll usually submit to home dental-hygiene proceedures without too much fuss.
I have a bird skeleton that I found in a wall during a remodel.
Every single feather shaft & bone is perfectly preserved.
I`ve had it under glass on a cheese dish.
Go figure.
I`ll try & find a shot in my archives, or I`ll reshoot it.
I`ve only had it it for about 25 years.
It`s still intact.

I couldn`t quickly find an archived shot, (I will) but went into my physical archives & reshot it.
Here`s the “cheese dish.
and the obviously disintegrated wing bones & feather shafts.

I`m a poor conservator alas.
soup stock.
For the Addams family, maybe.
You sure that’s not Jimmy Hoffa?
If it was, I’ve thrown out the evidence.
But what a fantastic place to hide him. No one ever thinks of looking down here.
Is there a connection to your solar panels?
Right in one. As seen through the legs of Adrian, our plumber, installing the final collector tube.
How great! I like the shot.
lol, you two are on a roll … 🙂
I was thinking guillotine.
Hi Jimf,
That also was my first thought.
We may both need therapy, although taking shots through a plumber`s legs may also be cause for concern.
A go go dancer with really funky boots?
Well it’s teeth but I’m not sure whose.
teeth and saliva bubbles … lily?
Well they’re really white so Lily/Lilly is a good guess but then again, Luna isn’t that old.
Here’s the full shot.
Those are Luna’s pearly whites.
My what big teeth she has.
Luna and I just got back from the vet, where she was getting her vaccinations. She had the ceasarian a year ago today, and was spayed about seven months ago, which means she worries now when she’s at the vet that she’s going to have surgery. She was in a big hurry to leave and very happy to only have gotten a poke.
Also on the critter front, Minnie’s ducklings hatched out last night – all twelve of them, various colors.
A go-go dancer with dog teeth.
a slab of some kind of cut and polished stone…of interesting coloration.

Specifically a geode from my collection.
I have many, but also about half a dozen pairs cut as book ends.
The colors on this one are quite unusual.
rubberized work gloves or a rooster’s comb
Holy crap, Speedy,

lol — nicely done, Head … and tampopo for the guess. 🙂
I didn`t think it would be fair to insert a fish in the image to misdirect anybody into thinking it was some sort of coral.
wooden clog
Damn, you`re quick.

a detail some some kind of ornamental, oriental wall hanging or tapestry….looks like an eye and a nose.
Well dada, you have a nose for this kind of thing & an eye for getting them right.

CA snowman or the Pillsbury dough boy
Tampopo, you are good.

frosted gingerbread cookie man
dada, you win.
I thought Tampopo had it sussed, but you are 100% correct.
l presume they’re made made alice b’s recipe book with your special herbal enriched gingerbread….ymmmmmmmmmm.
I did offer some of my specialty edibles to anybody wanting to go see Avatar in 4D.
still got my addy?
l’m waiting.
I tend to destroy other people`s private info.
You know where to send it, then I`ll know where to send IT.
KH — dada is definitely the winner on this! I was thinking plastic, not icing. 😉
an icing wave on chocolate pudding
NO, nyo
nyo, nyo
dada, right again.

ooh, that does look like pringles.
I think this is the loveliest shot of potato chips I’ve ever seen.
This is just a beautiful set, KH.
Oh you!! Wilderness
Opening your light saber?
Powering it up.
You`re on the right intergalactic trail though.
aha, this one’s had me stymied…something to do with a telescope?
maybe a gyroscopic drive of some sort…tracking or focusing ring… it seems to have registration tics, so it’s def mechanical.
Torchiere lamp?

That`s the closest so far, so here it is.
If you were in Indiana, I’d say definitely a sycamore but I don’t know if the California ones look the same.

A Sycamore is a Sycamore anywhere.
Good to know. It’s one of my favorite trees … and not just because it’s so damn easy to identify.
Gotta add the Indiana version — here are a couple of shots of the bark doing fun stuff.
Looks like “full Camo”.
They get huge around here.
I`ve seen them with 4/6 foot diameter trunks.
They can be quite dangerous in high winds.
Many are hollow at that size, as far as what I`ve seen.
They get really huge around here too — especially when they are along side rivers — there are some pictures of ones along the Wabash River right before they were cut down in the early 1900s that are just amazing.
log opening on a ceramic outdoor fireplace thingy
Righto again dada,

A chiminea.
glass grapes
Quit looking over my shoulder.
dome kind of painted metal ‘yart’…short for yard art, a term my bro coined for some of his creation. a bird maybe?

The phoenix rises.
There used to be a band called “The Yartbirds”.
One of the best of the British Invasion, methinks. Their records had a beautiful sound — very soulful & resonant.
rope hammock

You should be strung up.
a unicorn horn

You`re a machine pistol.
lol tampopo – nicely done w/ your guesses!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Pilot’s compartment turned 90 degrees. You’re too good!
I hijacked a couple of these things a while back.
Just as a first impression, I flashed back to the cockpit, although in reality I believe they had a “stick”.
Funny how the mind works.(speaking for myself, that is)
Amusement park ride?
Similar, but even better!
Pressure pipe and valve. No idea about for what though, natural gas maybe.
A hint
a snorkel truck.
and the chopper was a gimme.
Yep! (Sticker price about $650,000)
Clearly, I’d better hurry up and get my property tax check in so you can pay for the durn thing. 🙂
There’s a whole lot of fish sandwiches in one of those things!
All donations greatly appreciated, of course.
did you get a cash for clunkers rebate on that?
Nah – nothin to trade.
Wow! You guys have had some great whatsits tonight. I’ll have to see if I can come up with one later this evening.
Have it at floggin’ froggies!
(Hey there AndiF, you up yet, or sleepin’ in today?)
I’m up. At what is a fairly reasonable hour here — but what the hell are you doing up so freaking early?
But apparently I’m not up enough to have any idea what that is — other than it’s on the ground and despite looking some kind of plastic is probably some kind of rock or mineral.
Good Morning! Hey, “reasonable” is relative, ya know.
Actually, since I’m back in the city, where our “normal” schedule doesn’t fit the usual pattern, I’m comin’ at the day from the night before, as per usual, ha ha ha!
You’re not too close on the guesses, so far.
Well I hope you can get a nice hibernation some time today.
I’ve freely admitted that I’m horrible at What Is It. But I love it anyway.
Some kind of slump glass.?
nope, not glass
It reminds me that I have a pile of laundry to do.
it probably wouldn’t survive the washing machine
good to see you!
I’m guessing the remains of a decorative purple cabbage plant.
Good to see you too. (I’m thinking I might have to resume one of my previous diary topics due to both ongoing and recent events.)
It’s not a purple cabbage plant.
But “remains” is accurate, so you’re on the right track.
blue corn chips and guacamole?
cause the the only think l can think of that’s printable.
not blue corn chips and guacamole, although that and an Avery sounds good!
it really does. hmmmm…l have to go to the market and the liquid mart in a bit…..might be a good night for just such a thing.
good to see ya hanging aboot the pond.
It is obviously the remains of the Wicked Witch of the West. The thing that surprises me is that this means that North Dakota is where Oz is located. I believe you gave away a state secret.
Hang on, I live in Oz. Really, you should see all the Munchkins in Hobart.
The best I can make out is that it’s probably organic, and has ash around it. So I’ thinking that something got burnt/melted into that shape.
Maybe it`s one of those delicious Scandinavian dishes we keep hearing about.
Do you serve it hot or cold?
Almost forgot to come back here and fess up!
It started out as a clementine (orange). A couple of years back I took it out of the box and left it sitting in the garage, here in the city. So this is what’s left of it.
So, no, not part of the seasonal Scandinavian delicacies, KH.
It could be that the wicked witch assumed the shape, however. If it disappears, we’ll know she’s moved on.
Glad you finally remembered. It was bugging me that I couldn’t figure out what it was.