One way to get along with your Palinite relatives during family get-togethers is to talk about Democrats that everyone can agree to hate. Like these folks:

John and Elizabeth Edwards, whose marriage received outsized attention during the last two Democratic presidential campaigns, have legally separated, according to two people close to the family.

The development comes after Mr. Edwards belatedly admitted last week that he fathered a child in 2007 with his mistress, Rielle Hunter. The child will be 2 years old next month. He had previously denied the allegation, which is the subject of a book set to be released next week.

The legal separation, which was first reported by ABC News today, was confirmed by two people close to the family who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information. The separation was pursued by Mrs. Edwards, the associates said, following long-running revelations about Mr. Edwards and Ms. Hunter.

Mrs. Edwards, who is battling terminal cancer, informed some friends of the separation earlier this month.

I don’t know which of the two I dislike more.