State of the Union my royal Irish ass.
State of Obama’s role in the dumbshow.
State of the Storyboard.
And I am beginning to realize that Mr. Obama doesn’t even understand his own role in the story.
He thinks he’s the writer.
He ain’t even the associate producer.
He’s just part of the cast.
Just another hired celeb.
Read on.
It’s not what he says.
It’s not how he says it.
It’s not even what he does.
It’s what the media say about it.
And they are saying that he was not so good.
So…he was not so good.
End of story.
But not the end of the storyline.
He sold airtime when he was the wunderkind.
However…what happens when the wunderkind succeeds?
End of story.
End of sold airtime.
So his failure is the story now.
The Perils Of Pauline, Pt. II.
And the rubes jes’ keep on ‘a watchin’.
Soon…when that becomes old news…he’ll have a comeback.
Bet on it.
Just in time to lead into the 2012 (s)election. And you know how fascinatin’ them (s)elections kin be.
If he doesn’t rock the boat too hard and there are no major disasters to the bodies politic and economic…why, he’ll get another term.
if not, there’s always Hillary (Hillary Clinton Says She Won’t Serve Eight Years. Believe in coincidences? I don’t. Not in scripted politics I don’t.) and the renascent…revivified, if you consider a story’s need for villains…Ratpublicans. Plus as the WWF’s Vince McMahon could tell you, villains can always be morphed into heroes if ratings go down. Just keep the story moving.
And on and on and on and on and on and on…
Wake the fuck up.
State of the Union my royal Irish ass.
State of Obama’s role in the dumbshow.
State of the Storyboard.
And I am beginning to realize that Mr. Obama doesn’t even understand his own role in the story.
He thinks he’s the writer.
Bet on it, Pt. II.
In a shallow kind of way.
This really is the only way, y’know.
I wonder how long it’ll take the rest of you to figure this out.
In a hypnomedia kinda way.
Very deep.
easy cynicism
a nod and a wink – it’s all a show.
those of us in the know are not surprised
don’t be a fool.
everyone else is a mark or a shill
the deck is stacked
no real content
but you people are suckers
you betcha
I am not a cynic.
Only a realist.
Do you think that the continuing level of American politics…so-called left, right or center… is some sort of accident?
I do not.
I think that it is at root a fixed game, and that the power of the media over the minds of at least the 70% of Americans who are capable of being hypnotized is the prime fixer.
How else to explain the essential similarity of the programs of every administration at least since the failed presidency of Jimmy Carter. More like since Dwight Eisenhower’s run and JFK’s short term, really.
You think not?
Then you are most definitely a sucker.
Economic imperialism is still the rule of the day and Big Money/Big Weaponry/Big Pharma/Big Spook still rule the roost. Just as it has always been.
I do not think that Obama is “part” of this system.Not a conscious, plotting part, anyway. I just think that he does not understand its functioning.
Nor do you.
In another comment recently you stated:
You believe that, don’t you?
So does Obama.
Yer both wrong.
I’ll say it again:
And on and on and on and on and on and on. And at the end?
Big Money/Big Weaponry/Big Pharma/Big Spook will still rule the roost.
Or… a massive (and well deserved, well earned) collapse will have taken place and there will be some sort of new paradigm in place.
Not necessarily a better one, I might add. Probably not a better one, I am sad to say.
So it goes.
But I commend you on your pride in your efforts.
You believe.
Jes’ Like Conan O’Bama believes.
Sorry, rootless.
Clueless would be a better name.
As above, so below.
CBS fires Conan w/a big severance package.
As above, so below.
CBS, USA…what’s the difference?
Only a difference in scale.
Bet on it.
i’m programmed to consider your revelations foolish.
that is
i’ve been
mesmerized to believe
beep beep
Thanks be to God!!!