Dana Milbank publicly confesses to being the biggest dupe alive.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I love the last lines:
I may be the last one who still holds some hope that McCain, long before he draws his last breath, may yet rejoin the fight.
I think Milbank is either satirical genius or a dunce. The odds of the former, however, are infinitesimally small.
let’s rule satirical genius out. A genius doesn’t satire himself. Or, alternatively, it take a genius to satire himself and not come off looking like a jackass.
But when Milbank tries satire of any kind, he comes off looking like a jackass, always. (Probably because he really is, well, you know, a jackass.) So let’s rule genius out.
Don’t you just love how they continue to cling to the myth of McCain the honorable war hero/maverick even as they demoan his true personality? I remember how irritated I got during the general election when Rachel Maddow did the same thing. They just cannot bring themselves to admit that they fell for McWalnuts’ con.
Exactly. I just remembered him from the Keating Five scandal and figured campaign finance reform was his cover.
My favorite anti-McCain piece from the campaign was as brutal as it was honest. Milbank shoud be forced to memorize it.
The bromance is over.
…as I read through Milbank’s article…
short form: “Waaaaahhh! People change! and, not the way I’d like them to!!”
I’d sympathise, if I were a friend, but I’m not, so I won’t.
…begins with one step.
One would hope that Milbank uses future columns to follow a path towards daylight, but his last sentence makes that a doubtful prospect.
And besides, in what bubble does Milbank exist?
Did Milbank fail to read any of the biographies written about McCain during the 2008 campaign? I’m just a pokey blog surfer, and I read PLENTY of comments from McCain’s former associates about his significant turn to the right after 2000. Including some who speculated that a medical (neurological) condition may partially account for McCain’s increasingly grumpy old man syndrome.
And here we are in 2010 when Milbank seems to think he discovered a story. That train left the station about two years ago.
The tell to his dupitude.
He thinks Barry Goldwater was McCain’s mentor.
McCain glommed on to Goldwater, the great conservative Messiah of the Republican Party. Goldwater was polite but did not think as much of McCain as McCain claimed he did.
Apparently, the Keating Five scandal caused Goldwater to publicly distance himself from McCain.
McCain first sat in the Senate in 1987. In 1992, he was defending himself against charges of scandal as one of the Keating Five. That’s the kind of maverick McCain was. It was Goldwater that McCain succeeded.
In 1989, Goldwater charged that the GOP had been taken over by a “bunch of kooks”.
And Dana Milbank just reached satori. Yes, the mediamodels are dense.
Man, I love these public confessions of terminal stupidity. So when are Milbank and his fellow dupes going to take the next logical step and get honest jobs that don’t require smarts? What makes him think his clueless drivel should continue to dumb down the public space?
Twould be nice to see the old McCain reemerge for a day or two and remember his earmark pledge instead of standing silent alongside McConnell as he backs the hostage taking of Obama’s nominees.
What old McCain? McCain’s the same as he ever was. He’s even worse now, though, because Obama kicked his ass. The man holds grudges like no other.
should have put it in quotes as the “old McCain” existed only in Millbank’s imagination.
If reporters had bothered to talk to other POWs who kne MCCain, they would have found out that McCain wasn’t honorable in any way. He was not a hero when he returned to the US. Not AT ALL.
In the 2nd book McCain wrote, he claimed that what he said in the 2000 campaign was just to get him elected.
It is time to clear out the stable of idiot pundits and so called journalists. The stupidity and ignorance has readhed the tipping point.
One thing progressive blogs do well is to call out the liars and cheats like Selby.
It’s a good thing to humilliate the corrupt politicos and the jerk pundits that make excuses for them
I can’t stand talk radio anymore. I listen to Bloomberg radio and I’m in a good mood for the rest of the day.
I don’t have tv and I’m a lot calmer. I read a lot.
thanx for the link