You might have heard, but there is about two feet of snow on the ground here. Luckily, we have a very kind neighbor who plows our long driveway whenever it snows. He’s been by twice. However, there is still the walkway to deal with. Just looking at it is giving me a pain in the back. I get back spasms at the drop of a hat, and shoveling this is going to cripple me for a day or two. I hope we have plenty of Tylenol in the cabinet. The band of heavy snow has moved out of my area but it is still hammering Wilmington, Delaware, which is about 15-20 miles south of here.

We still have electricity, although there will be high winds for a while and it only takes one branch to knock us out. If we do lose it, it could be several days before we get it back, so we’d have to seek alternative shelter. Wish us luck.