You might have heard, but there is about two feet of snow on the ground here. Luckily, we have a very kind neighbor who plows our long driveway whenever it snows. He’s been by twice. However, there is still the walkway to deal with. Just looking at it is giving me a pain in the back. I get back spasms at the drop of a hat, and shoveling this is going to cripple me for a day or two. I hope we have plenty of Tylenol in the cabinet. The band of heavy snow has moved out of my area but it is still hammering Wilmington, Delaware, which is about 15-20 miles south of here.
We still have electricity, although there will be high winds for a while and it only takes one branch to knock us out. If we do lose it, it could be several days before we get it back, so we’d have to seek alternative shelter. Wish us luck.
Good to see you survived. If I were you I’d put the Cabin Boys to work on that walkway. Just don’t tell them it was my idea.
I would if they were all here. However, the only boy available is too short to wield a shovel.
What? You’ve never heard of starting them early? Give him a spoon!
he hasn’t mastered spoons yet, either. But I might bundle him up and take some video.
Man, they planned their exit perfectly. Do like the entire state of North Carolina does – wait for the thaw.
Yes, they did. One left with his father, and the other made his escape as son as we arrived home from the store last night. Which means I have no help eating those oreos…
Damn, that’s harsh.
Good luck keeping the electrons flowing and don’t do the walks all at one time!
How do you stay warm if you lose electricity? Do you have a fireplace? Curious, having never had to deal with that in such temperatures..!
And of course, I hope that doesn’t happen! I’ll pray for light winds…
And here’s a little something to cheer you up. It sure cheered me, when I heard it.
I met a woman last night whose father worked for Dick Cheney. I say worked, because her father died recently.
In any case, one time Cheney called her father at home, but she answered. He said this was “Dick” and asked for her Dad. She told him, you ARE a Dick, and started ranting about all the people who had been killed because of things he’d done. Meanwhile, her father sees in horror that she’s got the phone and figures it out and comes running to grab the phone from her hand.
I had never met her before, but instantly jumped up and ran around the table to hug her and told her she was my hero.
Good luck. My sis in law in North Carolina is iced/snowed in for I think the third time this winter. No electric today either.
I was just looking at this rec for a costly, geeky-lookin snow shoveling contraption called a Sno Wovel. I think I might not be able to resist, except we don’t seem to get more than an inch of white stuff around here anymore.
Gets some enthusiastic praise:
Too late for your current problem, but given that you seem to be in the neo-snowbelt, might be worth a try for next time.
Not to put a wet blanket on your plans, but best to check your med cabinet first to see if your supply is on the recall list
Tylenol has had so many recalls over the years, it’s a wonder anyone buys it any more.
Besides, it’s useless for muscle aches. We haven’t used it in 10 years or more. Generic IB for us.
I did enjoy my tylenol last fall though, when I had a headache and couldn’t take anything else.
And it is in my beloved Excedrin.
Living in the SF Bay Area since the mid-seventies I haven’t had to worry about such stuff, but was back in NJ taking care of a sick relative in December and got the privilege of doing the driveway after a two-inch accumulation.
That’s not the reason why I moved out here, but it’s one of the reasons I stayed.
For your viewing enjoyment, “Baily…” [snowdog supreme]
Good luck! We’ve not even had a flake here. Keep that iphone charged. It will at least give you some connection to the outside.