These things are supposed to have funny ads.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Indy’s up 3-0.
Pssss, they lost. 🙂
Didn’t you see the Snickers commercial with Betty White and Abe Vigoda?
Too funny!
No, I missed that, but the Dodge Charger ad was kind of funny.
I almost hurt myself laughing!!! That and the Oprah, Dave and Jay commercials were the only ones I liked. The rest of them were either boring, dumb or totally misogynistic. Seriously, what’s up with this “put-upon male” thing?
And the what’s up with the 1/2 naked men thing? If somebody’s gonna feature 1/2 naked men, please make them attractive!!! Miss me with the old, fat, pasty put-upon dude complaining about his job (should be lucky he has one) and his wife telling him to put his stinky drawers in the hamper (should be lucky he has a wife if he’s too trifling to put his dirty underwear away).
Glad the game was so much better than the ads!!!
The promo for Late Night..was that Jay Leno, Oprah and Dave??
That was one of my favorites. Hilarious, to those who have followed light-night rivalries!
Btw – funny backstory on this –
surprisingly low scoring game. I have a feeling the second half will have a lot of points scored.
I told people befor ethe game I didn’t believe the prognosticators who said this would be a high-scoring game. Both teams got to the Super Bowl because they had great defense, as well as offense.
I was only surprised the Saints won by as big a margin as they did. But I had not doubt the Saints would win. I think most of us outside of the direct rivalty had a clear sympathy for that post-Katrina team. Way to go.
Exactly my take.
I always, always root for the “underdog”.
I only watch football on the Superbowl game.
I thought it was a great game.
Plus “my” team won.
Yep. This is the only game I’ve watched all season, and the only game I’ve cared about all season. And while I always have rooted for the underdog, I’ve never felt a stake in the game before. This year, I was really vested in New Orleans, so the victory was especially sweet. Go, Bourbon Street!!!
So a tight end muffs it and the greatest quarterback of all times goes down in flames. Just goes to show. It’s a game of eleven men, not one. And that will never change.
I couldn’t be happier that the Saints won. New Orleans got its pride back, in a big way, and deservedly so, tonight. Woohoo, Saints!!!
Based on the ads I saw, “heterophbia” is the advertising theme for SBXLIV.
STUNNING blue eyes, dude.
Also, when shoveling, do you have a back brace, like the super wide elastic belts that guys where when they’re lifting big boxes at the grocery store?
I’m just disappointed not to see more coverage of the celebrating in New Orleans. Endless replays, but show us the party!!!!
By chance tuned in during the night (Q2) and viewed the game on a German satellite station. Missed all the ads as extra bonus. I have little knowledge of the current NFL game, what amazed me is the short passing game by New Orleans’ Drew Brees and the high completion percentage. Must have been a low runnage game compared to ordinary Super Bowl finals. The best moments for me were the 2-points conversion and the interception by Porter. Game over and done. It was the psychological knock-out punch.
NOLA celebration
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
What’s funny is I just knew in that inexplicable way I seem to know things sometimes – I KNEW that the Saints would intercept a pass and make a touchdown out of it. At times like that I feel the future is permeable. I was just waiting for that moment, and it came at a dramatic point in time. That’s as exciting as it gets!