If I cry uncle, will it stop snowing? I mean, WTF? And this ain’t the fluffy stuff we got last week.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It won’t stop snowing until you post another adorable pic of the Finnster. Maybe if you don’t tell him “when you’re older you’ll get shovel all this nice snow” he won’t cry when he sees it.
You’re about a day behind us on the weather. So after all the heavy wet stuff is done then you can look forward to a several inches of the light fluffy snow on top of that cause it’s going to get cold as shit for a couple of days. That’s what we got here overnight.
Have fun. The fluffy stuff sure is a lot easier to move around with a shovel. Somewhere under all this crap my crocus are anxiously waiting to poke out of the ground. It can’t come soon enough for me.
speaking as a relocated new englander, I have but one thing to say: grow some balls.
I spent most of my life in rhode island, then 2 years in connecticut, followed by 6 years in western Massachusetts, where the snow begins in late september and keeps coming until MAY. I’d say on average we got 3-6 inches every week, not counting lake effect snows. And because MA doesn’t warm up like southeastern PA does, that snow would just pile up and pile up, until the drifts were so large, backing out of the driveway required a lookout.
and now I’m gonna go outside and shovel.
You’re all a bunch of sissies…those of us who lived in the mountains outside of South Lake Tahoe (Twin Bridges, population 10) think this is an average week of snowfall, and wonder what all the crying is about. Living there, you knew to park out on Highway 50 if you wanted to go anywhere after a snowstorm and hike in and out, cause the plow wasn’t coming up your lane.
Plus, we had no teevee and only one radio station (couldn’t afford cable). Lots of cribbage, dominoes, and skiing for entertainment.
We lived in Summit county, CO for several years and there was constantly 3 feet of snow on the ground from October through April. We had backgammon and sex for entertainment with no TV or computers back then.
Michigan, when I was a kid; I didn’t have to worry about snow except when the schoolbus couldn’t make it up the icy hill to our place we had to walk down the hill to meet it (same thing happened with mud in the spring).
Sounds pretty similar…of course, those pastimes have their own hazards. 😉
you tell ’em CG!
we were in the same boat in MA: no cable, just vhf/uhf, and the radio.
when I was going to college in Michigan, we had even more snow than New England, but I didn’t have to shovel it or drive anywhere
That could not have be the lower pennisula, but the UP. Though, we did get way more snow when I was a kid.
We made the mistake one Christmas of visiting the in-laws in Sault Ste. Marie. It was like freaking Antarctica.
My bro went to Northern, I went to Western. Lake effect snow in the west leads to way more snow that Detroit gets.
Same with lake effect in Cleveland and parts west. We’d get feet upon feet at a time until Lake Erie froze over.
We totally get no lake effect snow here. I’ve had several students go to either Northern or Michigan Tech and I would shudder at their snow stories. I guess that I’m not surprised K-zoo gets more snow, I just hadn’t thought about it much.
Yep. Grand Rapids gets about 73 inches a year, compared to 41 for Detroit.
Oh please, you live in the north, that’s to be expected.
I, on the other hand, now live in Teh South, where it has been struggling to get out of the 30s for the past month and today there are 50 mph winds. Boo hoo for me. 🙁
The horrors – 30 degrees. I don’t know how you’re surviving, bless your heart.
Well, out here in Minnesota we prove our virility by sitting on the ice to fish, and mocking people who cry about the weather.
Dear SN, I know those houses in the south aren’t built for temps below 50, so you are really suffering. We could trade…
Hmm, Minnesota eh? I would very much like to trade locations from June through early September. 🙂
So glad you posted this, was going to mention ice fishing but I only did it once or twice – too young for the drinking part which is the main focus of ice fishing. Do you do ice sailing? one of my most memorable childhood experiences ice sailing with the family of a school friend in 3rd grade.
Ice boats are great fun but real expensive, as young men, with a high sense of adventure, we used to take a parachute to the upwind end of a long lake, strap on the ice skates, have about 10 people hold on to the lines and let ‘er rip. Really fast and exhilarating.
Wish I could, Errol. It looks like great fun, but given a choice I’d go for a catamaran on the Gulf of Mexico.
Honestly – I don’t ice fish, I listen to stories & eat fish.
Youse people up there ain’t nearly the man the Wisconsin ice fishers are. How many cars and shacks sink through your dreary, safely frozen ice?
Where is global warming when you need it!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Is the big intercity race taking place? has it already taken place?
It’s looming, not quite there although there have been long distance speed skating on frozen lakes.
Elfstedentocht 1963
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
hoping to see it some day!
We’ve been getting it since later last night. The courts actually closed today, an unheard of event in these parts.
just the fact that i’m posting here means its bad. I Haven’t had time to visit here in months and months.This is Maryland, not NH or MA. My son goes to college in Boston and he hasn’t had anything like this. I got three feet over the weekend and another foot today. It’s a blizzard. No work for 3 days, probably none tomorrow either. Not because I don’t want to work, but because I can’t get to my jobs, the roads aren’t clear for me to park. I’ve lost 800 dollars and counting by not working.
This aint whining, I’m with Booman. This is extreme weather. Snow drifts over 7 feet in my back yard. Nah son, this aint a common winter storm. My county (montgomery) is in a state of emergency.
It’s really bad.
I’d like to say I feel your pain, but there’s a very good reason I live in Los Angeles.
I just spend over an hour shoveling. I was going to complain until I thought about you all out East. Then, I kept the complaints to myself and thanked my lucky stars, because I was able to shovel and go about my day on clean streets.
hang in there, BooMan. it’s gotta stop sometimes.
If Columbus had landed in Southern California, everything east of the Rockies would still be wilderness.
The highways in DE and PA are closed. Here in west central NJ, it is really snowing. The wind is starting to pick up. Oh, and someone said that the forcast may have snow in it next week.
Some younger adults are out in the parking lot trying to get their car dug out and drive somewhere. Stupid.
snow? what snow? 😛
You folks out East have my sympathy. When the snow is over, I will pray for a very gradual thaw in your parts. If the thaw is sudden, then I suggest buying a boat very quickly.>