A year into the Obama administration, I can still say it exceeded my expectations the day that George W. Bush got into the helicopter and flew off over a bitter and disappointed John McCain. Everything since then has been gravy – including the unexpected success getting legislation through the corrupt and laughable US Senate. But since giving advice is apparently required for “progressives”, here’s my advice.  I’d like to see them use the office more effectively to drive hope and change. In general, there is room to do more and plead with Congress less.  While Bush’s administration broke the law to further its agenda and reward friends, the Obama administration can follow the law while still accomplishing the same purpose.

  1. Every stimulus project needs someone from the Administration there at groundbreaking to thank the President for the stimulus bill so people begin to get a sense of the connection between government programs and benefits – a connection that the Republicans depend on obscuring.
  2. Recess appointments. Take the stick away from the children. Appoint good people and let them work instead of letting the Pukes delay everything. The Republicans have chosen to exploit technicalities to sabotage the administration, just bypass them and stop worrying about rules that don’t apply anymore.
  3. Van Jones. Rehire him
  4. Pentagon budget. That’s where the money is. Redirect it to green firms. Don’t beg congress for money when you can use the procurement system. Put serious effort into finding ways to use the process. Make serious trouble for companies that spend Tax dollars to finance the Republican party. Executives should be facing angry shareholders if they screw around lobbying instead of making money.
  5. Make an example of a congressional district or state. Let Dick Shelby explain to his constituents why every Federal project in Alabama is taking the time to dot every i at least 100 times. Take a leaf from LBJs book.
  6. Make utopian budget/law proposals to the public. “If Congressman Stupak and others didn’t stand in the way, we would have the government hire 10,000 people in this district to insulate homes and replace old heating systems with efficient ones – we’d pay for it by taking money the government pays banks to make student loans when we can just make the loands directly”. “If Senator Shelby did not stand in the way, the US government would build a Birmingham-Mobile-Atlanta high speed railway, we’d pay for it by cutting tax breaks that pay for companies to move jobs overseas.” Every district and state should have these possibilities made crystal clear to them.
  7. Make sure you control the FBI and put some agents on watching for gross judicial misconduct – DC Appeals Court (ahem).
  8. Media. No media mergers. Cut federal contracts with MSM for advertising – put the money into craigslist even.
  9. Direct federal notice/advertising money TO left wing media and FROM RW media. The Nation and DailyKos need advertising revenue, Reverend Moon does not.
  10. Use loopholes and technicalities in regulations. Don’t play the game with both hands behind your back.
  11. Human resources (1): Government is full of frustrated talented, hard working do-gooders who have survived 8 years of Bush and are still down deep under layers of stupid managers. Find ways of using those people and getting them to show you ways for advancing the agenda through their agencies and departments.
  12. Human resources (2): The Democratic Party should have an organization that examines contribution records and finds businesses run by Democratic party supporters and then assists them, within the law, in finding government opportunities. If you don’t do that, the Chamber of Commerce and K-street are the gateways to contracts and there is essentially a Republican tax on doing business with the government.
  13. Union banks. Move government money to union and community banks.

And as for the regular laundry list of prosecute Bush administration figures, kiss David Sirota’s ass, etc. – I don’t care. But end the wars.