Not to be flip, because it is a terrible tragedy, but they are going to make a movie about this.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I’m not so sure. I work in the movie business, in the story acquisition department. Movies about kooky biology professors who go postal and kill three people are not a top priority for most studios these days.
It is a depressing story with no point to it. Same thing with the Ft. Hood shooting, though at least that has the “heroism” angle of the cops who stopped the guy.
Of course, maybe some network will turn this into a made-for-TV piece, but even then I doubt it will happen. If the 1986 murder of her brother turned out to be a juicy coverup with all sorts of interesting angles, maybe there would be more here. But that hasn’t happened yet.
maybe not a theatre flick, but it fairly shouts ‘made-for-TV’. spice it up with a sexy sub-plot and yeah, I could see this going on Fox or USA (maybe a L&O ep)
Out of curiosity, what are studios looking for these days? It seems so many films are adaptations. What kind of original content is getting through?
I just got a new book on the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control projects called “A Terrible Mistake.” Just about to start reading it. Have read several others in this vein already.
I hear of events like this and can’t help it’s either an experiment gone wrong or some sort of a demonstration. It’s likely this is completely unrelated. But I know too much not to wonder in all these cases – the Virginia Tech shooting, the base shooting, Columbine….