Have you noticed how little big-time PermaGov media coverage the Joe Stack story has been getting?

Pretty sparse, considering…


I wonder why.


I know.

The dog that did not bark!!!


In the Sherlock Holmes story “Silver Blaze” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes was able to deduce that the killer of Colonel Ross’s racehorse was the owner of the stable dog. As the fictional Holmes chronicler Dr. John Watson explains:

Colonel Ross still wore an expression which showed the poor opinion which he had formed of my companion’s ability, but I saw by the inspector’s face that his attention had been keenly aroused

“You consider that to be important?” he asked.

“Exceedingly so.”

“Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?”

“To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.”

“The dog did nothing in the night-time.”

“That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes.

The only person at whom the stable dog would not bark warnings was the dog’s owner. Hence, the dog’s silence indicated that the only one who could have entered the stable and killed the horse, was the dog’s owner.

Read on for more.
The Joe Stack story is not easily spun.

It is too complex.

They can’t handle it so they try to disappear it.

Check this out:


The strange story of Joe Stack’s anti-IRS manifesto — updated hours before he crashed his plane into IRS offices in Austin, Texas, killing one — continues.

Yesterday, we noted that Alex Melen, president and founder of T35, the hosting company of Stack’s site, http://embeddedart.com (pictured here) took down the page because of what he says was an FBI request. But the FBI told us it doesn’t make take down web-pages like Stack’s.

Today, T35 has changed its note on the site to no longer make reference to the FBI — in response to a phone request at 10:08 pm by the FBI itself, according to Melen. It now reads:

This website has been taken offline due to the sensitive nature of the events that transpired in Texas. Although the customer exceeded their bandwidth limits earlier today, due to numerous requests, we have added credit to this account to keep this site live for informational purposes.

That’s strange, considering what Melen told us last night: “The FBI did call me and ask that I take down the site,” Melen said. “I am not sure if you’d call it a request, recommendation, or suggestion, but that’s what happened.”

Today, he tells us the Austin, Texas FBI office told him to take the FBI reference down. “They didn’t necessarily force me to do it, they just asked,” Melen says. “I didn’t see any harm in removing the FBI note from the home page, especially if it can stop all this crazy controversy that’s going around.”

As FBI spokesman Special Agent Eric Vasys in San Antonio told us yesterday, “the FBI does not request that sites remove language such as being reported to be authored by Mr. Stack. That’s not our area to do that.”


The FBI.

The Federal Bureau of (Dis)Information, among other things.

The story has legs…I mean, there are lots of smaller media that are quite interested in it…but the majors?


Not really.

Not on the level that it would have been covered if the pilot could been easily have identified as a “terrorist” of some sort. Any sort of “terrorist” that threatens the PermaGov and can be used to tighten up the Homeboy Sercurity thing a notch further.

Or maybe an abducted white girl turned sex bimbo.

But this one?

Too complicated.

Here is a nice rant from David Lindorff on this subject. (From Counterpunch)

Wake Up, America!

Grumpy, White Terrorists in Cars and Planes


The deliberate suicide crash bombing by a domestic terrorist pilot of a small plane into an IRS building in Austin, Texas has exposed a grave failure of the Homeland Security Department to protect us Americans from the threat posed by the virtually unregulated use in this country of small aircraft.

Just about anyone can own and fly a small plane, and these, as we have now seen, are readily adaptable into kamikazi missiles capable of destroying large buildings.

If Homeland Security won’t act, then it is up to Congress to move quickly to tighten up security and control over small planes. We need to insist that anyone seeking a pilot’s license first submit to a full screening by the FBI. No one with a criminal record of any kind should be permited to fly or ride in a small plane. The same should be true with regard to all foreigners. Since it’s not possible to do a full check of the background of persons from other countries, only US citizens should be able to obtain and fly small aircraft within US airspace.

All civil air pilots and their passengers should be required to pass through meal detectors before entering an airfield. We don’t want them carrying hand grenades or other weapons onto their planes. Planes should also be subject to full searches by specially trained government inspectors before takeoff to be sure they have not been packed with explosives.

But that’s not enough. We should ban all small aircraft from flying within a mile of any urban areas, and the military should be given authority to take down any plane that violates that rule. The Airforce should be ordered to have fighters, armed with loaded machine guns, in the air at all times, ready to be called into action if a small plane appears to be on a threatening flight path.

America cannot lower its guard.

After a would-be terrorist tried to take down a commercial plane over the Atlantic by hiding explosives in his shoe, Homeland Security responded appropriately by requiring all air travelers, from old men in wheelchairs to infants in booties, to remove their shoes and have them run through an Xray machine. When a terrorist wannabe tried to concoct an explosive from two jars of chemicals he had brought on board a plane, Homeland Security appropriately responded by banning toothpaste and all other liquid or semiliquid substances from carry-on bags–even women’s pancake makeup and lipstick. More recently, when terrorists developed the insidious underwear bomb, first used last December, Homeland Security responded with a plan to introduce backscatter Xray machines at all airports, which can see under people’s clothes.

These measures were fine as far as they go, but how can we now do less than crack down on the virtually unmonitored use of small planes in this country?

Of course, while we’re at it, we need to consider the much bigger problem of the widespread access to cars and trucks, which are equally capable of being made into four-wheeled bombs. If a deranged man can use a plane to take out an IRS building, how long will it be before another equally deranged man or woman who fails a driver’s test decides to take out a motor vehicle office?

There is only one solution. We need to crack down heavily on who can obtain a driver’s license. Probably the best solution would be to require anyone seeking a drivers licence to first undergo psychological screening. Nobody found to have anger management difficulties, or any history of violent or aggressive behavior, should be allowed to own or drive a vehicle. (One good screening technique would be to slow down service at motor vehicle offices even more, and then to bar anyone who shows signs of impatience or anger from obtaining a license.)

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not in favor of going overboard here. I’m certainly not suggesting that we start doing something draconian or unconstitutional like limiting gun sales, or preventing people from buying machine guns or bazookas or anything like that. That would be unAmerican. But we do need to crack down on the ability of terrorists, foreign or domestic, to get ahold of moving vehicles–airborne or ground-based–which in the wrong hands could be used to threaten Americans with mayhem.

The Austin IRS building attack was a wake-up call.

It’s time to act to keep Americans safe!

DAVE LINDORFF is a Philadelphia-based journalist.. His latest book is “The Case for Impeachment” (St. Martin’s Press, 2006 and now available in paperback edition). His work is available at www.thiscantbehappening.net

The PermaGov cannot handle the logical contradictions of its own terrorism scam when the scam is pushed past the boundaries of relatively easily pursued methods, so it is dumping the story in the hopes that it will go away.

And the madness of the American Wonderland’s Kings and Queens is made ever more apparent to the lumpen sleepetariat.

Mao Zhe Dong pinned it 50+ years ago.

Here is what he had to say.

In 1956.

Mao Zhe Dong:

The United States owes debts everywhere. It owes debts not only to the countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa, but also to the countries of Europe and Oceania. The whole world, Britain included dislikes the United States. The masses of the people dislike it. Japan dislikes the United States because it oppresses her. None of the countries in the East is free from U.S. aggression. The United States has invaded our Taiwan Province. Japan, Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam and Pakistan all suffer from U.S. aggression, although some of them are allies of the United States. The people are dissatisfied and in some countries so are the authorities.

All oppressed nations want independence.

Sound somehow…familiar? Except for perhaps the Japan part. Many of whose people STILL largely dislike us, only now it’s because we are bad for business.

THEIR business.


Now U.S. imperialism is quite powerful, but in reality it isn’t. It is very weak politically because it is divorced from the masses of the people and is disliked by everybody and by the American people too. In appearance it is very powerful but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of, it is a paper tiger. Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain. I believe the United States is nothing but a paper tiger.


Paper tiger got some thin legs these days. Thin like a motherfucker!!!

And highly flammable, too.

Bet on it.

If it steps on a live coal, watch out!!!


Bet on that as well.

The PermaGov knows this.

And it also knows that the festering discontent of the mass of American people is the most dangerous hot coal out there as far as its own priorities…which are all about continued short-term profit…are concerned.

So it is trying to squelch this story.

It may succeed in this attempt, but every hot coal gives off sparks when it is stepped upon.

The fire next time may well be started by such a spark.

How do you catch a paper tiger?

With a paper tiger trap, of course!!!

