Doing pretty good this morning. Had a great time last night wioth some fellow bloggers. I am kicking myself with my good foot for overdoing it some yesterday. LOL
We’re supposed to get the rain too, which I’,m sure will make the 8-12 inches of snow still out there into a lovely watery slushy muddy mess that the dogs will track into the house,,,,ig fun.
I’m hoping for a slower week of art-time work this week. Last week was way more than I had bargained for, and I just want to enjoy some free time before I have to go into the office next week.
I’ve had other Pyrs that chat, but Lily is by far the most consistently vocal. That, and you can get her to talk by woo-ing at her – which is pretty darn funny.
Food keeps a surprising number of critters happy, even the two-legged ones (and I don’t just mean poultry, even though ours are currently eating us out of house and home – voracious little velociraptors).
Morning all!!! I hope everyone say the skate dancing last night. It was thrilling to me and some of the best I have ever seen.
Drinking my morning java and watching about the winter weather advisory for my area. They are saying we might get as much as 1 inch of snow or ice. I know this is nothing compared to others but it would shut Austin down!!!
I’m moving slowly today. Have some work to do, a telecconference at lunchtime, and hopefully will have that all finished up so that my afternoon is my own.
I need to go shopping for some new clothes to wear to work next week, and I’m not really looking forward to it. Too used to being able to wear jeans and a t-shirt all the time, I guess.
and I actually found pants that fit…so I had to buy them. Now I feel guilty (nothing was on sale), but at least it’s taken care of. And it was so easy with CBtE to help with Finn while I tried everything.
What a great shot!!! I am glad to report that the weathermen were wrong again as usual in this area. We got some snow but it all melted before the sun went down. LOL
Not much planned for today except a trip to the grocery store and watching the Olympics. I guess there are somethings to be said for being permanently out of work. LOL
We’re due for another big storm tomorrow night…in the 6-12 inch range, from what I heard.
Guess I’ll be hitting the grocery store today too, The doctor’s office already called and moved Finn’s appt from Friday morning to tomorrow morning, which kind of messes with my work day plans for tomorrow. I wonder if I can do Webex from my iPhone?
I really am thankful I don’t live in an area where there is a lot of true winter weather. The nerve damage I have reacts enough to any weather pattern as it is and cold weather sets it off the worst. I am not sure how well I would do with really cold weather or snow. LOL
I looked in the fridge yesterday and realized I was down to eggs and bacon only so a trip to the store is mandatory. LOL You would have thought I would have checked earlier since they were calling for bad weather.
Usually I can laugh at the winters up north because I am in The South, with warm, sunny winters, right? The last 7 weeks have been cold, damp, cloudy, drizzly, occasionally snowy and just all around crappy.
How is everyone this fine morning? Finn and I are up early, having been sleeping on and off since dinnertime last night.
Doing pretty good this morning. Had a great time last night wioth some fellow bloggers. I am kicking myself with my good foot for overdoing it some yesterday. LOL
Do you think people lose fingers in that? They’re down there on the ice by everyone’s skates.
Having seen the video of the J.R. Celski after he cut his thigh, I think fingers are the least of their worries.
It’s definitely not a sport for worriers.
Not a sport for worriers but dang they do look nice in those Lycra suits. LOL
Did you see some of the bobsledders last night? The ones that are in good shape look awesome…the ones that are not, well…erm.
Oh yeah!!! The guys riding in the back of the sleds are hot!!!! but most of the drivers should never be in Lycra. LOL
Well think what the curlers would look like in Lycra — or maybe not.
I just adore curlers & lycra.
Oh yes, I can imagine you rolling your hair before bed, Wench. One must suffer to be beautiful. 🙂
I mean, I adore curlers & lycra on other people.
It’s just Divine.
So that’s what those things are that I see rolling around the ice.
So that’s what those things are that I see rolling around the ice.
but it won’t look like that — two 40 degree days plus rain and it’s muck world out there.
click for larger
Happy Monday!
We’re supposed to get the rain too, which I’,m sure will make the 8-12 inches of snow still out there into a lovely watery slushy muddy mess that the dogs will track into the house,,,,ig fun.
I’m hoping for a slower week of art-time work this week. Last week was way more than I had bargained for, and I just want to enjoy some free time before I have to go into the office next week.
I would go outside and give you a sneak preview but it’s so foggy you wouldn’t see a thing.
What you mean you don’t do work when Finn gets you up for his 3:30 a.m. feeding? 🙂
I guess I can count on some fog too, then. 🙂
Finn pays me with baby snuggles and smiles, so it doesn’t count as work.
I’m heading out into the fog now (wait … aren’t I always in the fog?) and counting on the dogs to get me back (yep, I’m always in the fog).
See ya later.
Have a good hike!
Beautiful shot, Andi! Very lovely, very familiar. What I like best about this type of landscape is how the tree’s forms really stand out.
I wonder if we’ll get fog up here too?
Does your snow melt up there before April? 🙂
What I’d like is some sunshine — it’s been really sparse so far this year.
Apologies for a late reply, Andi.
Some of our snow melts before April.
Back in the day we could count on at least a foot of ground-cover throughout the season. No more.
We do seem to be primed for about 2′ by Friday, though.
I can withstand bleak winter OK as long as we have sunshine for the flowers. Spring/summer last year were a wash-out. Often literally.
At this point, I’m just happy at the thought of spring; sunshine will be a bonus. But gloomy February weather always seems particularly painful.
Lily is the chattiest Pyr I’ve ever had.
I can almost hear her in the photos. 🙂
Do Pyrs tend to be chatty, or is this unusual?
I’ve had other Pyrs that chat, but Lily is by far the most consistently vocal. That, and you can get her to talk by woo-ing at her – which is pretty darn funny.
That sounds pretty funny. I think we need video. 🙂
Heh, I think she’s saying the problem is that YOU don’t listen well enough. 🙂
How they put up with us useless, incompetent humans, I’ll never know.
Maybe because we’re fairly consistent feeders;-)
Food keeps a surprising number of critters happy, even the two-legged ones (and I don’t just mean poultry, even though ours are currently eating us out of house and home – voracious little velociraptors).
This is too cute!!! Miss Reba was a talker also.
Great images, keres! ‘Soulful’ is the word.
Morning all!!! I hope everyone say the skate dancing last night. It was thrilling to me and some of the best I have ever seen.
Drinking my morning java and watching about the winter weather advisory for my area. They are saying we might get as much as 1 inch of snow or ice. I know this is nothing compared to others but it would shut Austin down!!!
Careful in that snow, RF. We might be getting as much as 9 inches. Sigh.
Well, they have just upgraded ours to 2-4 inches. I am really hoping they are wrong. I also hope you don’t get the 9 inches.
Up here, we’ll probably have 9 inches by tomorrow morning — but it’s gonna keep snowing ’til Friday.
Keep warm, ww. I believe that an entirely new system is coming for Friday. I got my car fixed just in time for the joy of winter travel.
Glad you’ve got wheels, b2.
I’ve been hiking around on the roads up here lately, imagining a completely auto-free society. Easy to do when everything’s white.
I think we’re actually seeing the confluence of three — count ’em, three! — different systems this week.
Y’all keep warm also & drive carefully!
I’m moving slowly today. Have some work to do, a telecconference at lunchtime, and hopefully will have that all finished up so that my afternoon is my own.
I need to go shopping for some new clothes to wear to work next week, and I’m not really looking forward to it. Too used to being able to wear jeans and a t-shirt all the time, I guess.
But shopping is so much fun!!!! Wish I was there to help.
That would definitely make it more fun. 🙂
and I actually found pants that fit…so I had to buy them. Now I feel guilty (nothing was on sale), but at least it’s taken care of. And it was so easy with CBtE to help with Finn while I tried everything.
Sounds like a fine shopping experience, CG.
As far as guilt, what was the alternative?
It’s fairly easy when they’re little and cute. It’s when they get older and obnoxious that things get really difficult. 😉
Given the muck world that we have now, maybe I’m not so happy the snow is going.
click for larger
What a great shot!!! I am glad to report that the weathermen were wrong again as usual in this area. We got some snow but it all melted before the sun went down. LOL
Not much planned for today except a trip to the grocery store and watching the Olympics. I guess there are somethings to be said for being permanently out of work. LOL
We’re due for another big storm tomorrow night…in the 6-12 inch range, from what I heard.
Guess I’ll be hitting the grocery store today too, The doctor’s office already called and moved Finn’s appt from Friday morning to tomorrow morning, which kind of messes with my work day plans for tomorrow. I wonder if I can do Webex from my iPhone?
I am so hungry this morning!
I really am thankful I don’t live in an area where there is a lot of true winter weather. The nerve damage I have reacts enough to any weather pattern as it is and cold weather sets it off the worst. I am not sure how well I would do with really cold weather or snow. LOL
I looked in the fridge yesterday and realized I was down to eggs and bacon only so a trip to the store is mandatory. LOL You would have thought I would have checked earlier since they were calling for bad weather.
They’re saying as much as 30 inches here, starting late tonight.
Nooooooooooooooo! I hate this winter. I’m a wimp, I just do.
OMG!!!! What part of the country are you in?? I know I will never complain about cold weather here again- well, maybe not.
Usually I can laugh at the winters up north because I am in The South, with warm, sunny winters, right? The last 7 weeks have been cold, damp, cloudy, drizzly, occasionally snowy and just all around crappy.
We’re in NY’s Hudson Valley, land of much precipitation.
Oh gawd, that sucks. Ours isn’t supposed to start until tomorrow.
Sorry to hear, but maybe you’ll get a snow day off from the evil overlords?
One can only hope.
Well I was wrong too. We got cold again and everything froze up so no more muck for awhile. Now it’s crunch, crunch, crunch.
Awww, what a cutie. Good thing the dogs have four-paw drive.
I remember driving in the snow, and I don’t miss it one bit.
The drive is in a very exciting combination right now — frozen ruts and icy hills. Makes every trip an adventure.
That’s one adventure I can do without. ‘Night all.
Good night.
I love shadows on snow shots and the inquisitive pack member is a nice bonus.
I’d love it all a lot more if it was just a fond memory.
I’ve got to stop looking at those strawberries when hungry! They look scrumptious!