Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Rails, Trails, Roads.
Website(s) of the Week: bloom magazine.
AndiF Rails, Trails, and Roads
olivia Trails and Roads
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Next Week’s Theme: Random.
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Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Great photos!!! I love the 4 mile road and of course, the shot of Jim and Giddy.
Olivia I love the shot of the foggy road. It looks like a trip into a dream.
Thanks RF. I’m glad you enjoy the Flog. I hoe you can get a camera soon so you can join us in posting photos.
Hi RF! Thanks … That was after Christmas, travelling home from my parents. It was unseasonably warm and they had rain instead of snow so it made for foggy travels.
What Andi said about the camera. It would be great to see some of your world. (And it’s wonderful to see you posting regularly again!)
Andi told me I was only there for perspective. I think it was contrast – broad ass vs. narrow trees.
Maybe it’s the colors but the first picture from Andi and Olivia echo each other somehow.
I’m glad I wasn’t on Olivia’s highway the day she took that shot.
Maybe it’s the colors but the first picture from Andi and Olivia echo each other somehow.
It’s the awesome mind-meld at work … 😉
As for the foggy drive, it was so much nicer driving in the fog than the freezing rain and ice of the days prior. Crazy winter weather.
We’re dealing today with what is otherwise a snowFAIL for the Philadelphia region. Coupla inches, some wind, but not the EPIC SNOWICANE THAT WOULD CRIPPLE THE REGION!!!
At least, not for the immediate Philadelphia region, so far as I can tell. Hell, I took a bus into work @ 5:30AM so it can’t be that bad.
Anyways…pictures, pictures, pictures…
This one was almost a throwaway. I was taking Elliott for a train ride last weekend and was shooting some quick snaps before the PATCO High-Speed Line came into the station and then the train came so naturally…
The neat thing about this is check out the front window. If you can’t see it, click thru for a clue.
And of course, what’s a story about riding the rails with my son without a picture of the boy himself in question!
And lastly, the stop for the Norristown High Speed Trolley Line that terminates at one end in (naturally) Norristown and at 69th Street Terminal in Philadelphia at the other.
This is the Philly end of things. Single RAW tonemapped in Photomatix, some further processing in Photoshop. Dirty (;p) but darker than I would’ve liked, this would be a prime candidate for bracketed exposures for a proper HDR, in my opinion.
Wow. I love the shot of the train and the shot of Elliot is too cute for words.
Thank you! I always feel cautious shooting in the underground sections for a variety of reasons (theft, security, etc) but there were a lot of people in the tunnel so I felt less concerned.
Ah, so it’s the world’s fastest self-portrait. 🙂
All great shots but your son’s picture is the show-stealer.
“world’s fastest self-portrait”
That’s a good way to put it. Again, it came as a complete (though enjoyable) surprise as I was probably shooting for a vanishing point and convergence of lines.
The Elliott picture….he’s still funny about having his picture taken, hence the smirk.
Wow, that top shot is fantastic, love it. The reflection is perfect too.
Cute photo of Elliott. Looks like a very fun outing for you both. 🙂
It’s almost always a fun outing for us when I take him out to ride the rails.
However, ever since I showed him the trolley and little tourist-trap store in the SEPTA building at 1234 Market St., anytime we go downtown now it’s “Can we go to the SEPTA store Daddy? Pu-weezzzzze? PU-WEEEZZZZZE? It’s open today! It is! It’s OPEN! Pu-weeezzze Daddy? I really wanna go! I REALLY WANNA GO! PU-WEEEEZE???!!!!!”
Note to Booman: Don’t ever take your kid on a train/trolley/El/bus/or anything big and loud, that carries lots of people and goes choo-choo or woo-woo or chugga-chugga as the entertainment and enjoyment value is simply too addictive and euphoric to deny a child (and let’s face it, yourself too) an opportunity to find any excuse in the world why you need to go out for a “quick ride” on the train to entertain your little one.
Someone needs to open a Philly chapter of Rails Anonymous.
Can I join? I’ve been hooked on rail ever since my parents took us from Indianapolis to NYC on the “Spirit of St. Louis” at Christmas to visit my grandparents.
I’ve enjoyed all your photos very much! Keep ’em coming.
Sure! In fact, you can be President! ;p
It’s been a looooong time since I’ve taken more than a regional train ride and even then, it was standard rail commuter between Philly and NYC.
Last time I took a decent train ride was NJ to MA, a nice 6+ hour ride on Amtrak. Dining cars, observation car, etc. One of these days maybe I’ll have enough money to take a decent round trip train ride to somewhere more than just a couple hours away so Elliott has plenty of time to enjoy the rides and we can get off at various stops and walk around for a couple minutes or so.
Thanks for viewing!
I highly recommend Amtrak from Denver to points west for its incredible scenery, if nothing else. We got off the train at Glenwood Springs and just wandered around sightseeing.
LOL … 🙂
I like the way you bracketed your son with images of motion and immobility.
A little more background crowd movement and it could be a cover shot for a magazine profiling Elliott as the next big thing in kids!
That’s a nice photo of your son!
Thank you.
Here’s another view of the Hudson river from the cliff road that I drive to work. This was taken yesterday in the snowstorm. The white balance was intentionally left on incandescent to get that nice blue color.
I love the deep blue effect. Can’t say I love the snow though.
Love the blue too … Adds an otherworldly/dreamy feel to the shot.
I’ve seen too much of that blue light this winter.
Heading for the rolling rocks beach:
End of the trail:
Oh so lovely. And the perspective on the second shot is just about perfect.
Hi ask.
Love seeing the warm weather photos … 🙂 I love the second shot – heading off for an adventure, the trail/path next to the rocks and the water in the background … wonderful.
Both are great, but the first is so sweet it is my favorite.
Both show distance very well. Where is this beach?
Jomfruland = Virgin (Is)land
A short boat ride from the summer house, south coast of Norway.
Volcanic mountains, photographed from inside the viewing car on the Trans-Alpine train between Christchurch and Greymouth, South Island, New Zealand.
Same train trip, this time standing on the platform between trains. You can just see the edge of the train carriage on the left side of the photo.
Wow, that’s some train ride. That second shot just took my breath away. Clearly, those viewing cars are perfectly named.
Oh, that is a gorgeous view … wow. I love the three wisps of cloud about the mtns.
Great, another place to spend our scarce post retirement dollars on. 🙂
That top shot is wonderful.
THE 420
(CIRCA, 1974)
(by my friend DAVID MANN)
As always, great choices. I really liked Canyon Trail — I wanted to walk right into it. Then again, I also wanted join Kendra on the gorgeous Green Path and then take a Serpentine drive.
the elusive ice dragon:
What olivia said.
Plus snort
I love Serpentine … that’s one of my fav photos of yours. The canyon trail, late impressionism and spring walk are wonderful. And of course, the self-portrait.
Love “Surf Highway” and the trail shots.
I like Surf Highway. Is Roadtrip Tune-up a painting?
Boran 2
“Surf Highway” is of a little 4″ long VW bus on a 27′ beam in my back yard.
“Roadside Tune-up”
Done by my good friend David Mann.(now deceased)
He painted quite a bit of “Motorcycle Art”, but was also a painter of Realism/Surrealism.
Here`s a detail of the larger posted one.
The lady in the yellow slicker is next to a Flathead.
In the larger image, her friend is checking something on a Knucklehead.
Below is me with both those models, (my 1937`s) taken maybe 18/20 years ago.
Whoa, Knucklehead, I don’t know what’s hotter, you or those bikes. 😉
Second Nature, try & make up your mind, I`m waiting, here.
Frankenstein, Deutschland

Garden path

Road to Firenze by Mrs. ID, scanned from 35mm print

Love the perspective on the Frankenstein shot (but where are the locals with their pitchforks and torches?)
Sigh. I can’t wait for that garden to look like that again.
Alas, the peasants had done their work before I arrived. That shot was taken from the burned out remains of the castle. That is a scan of a 35mm Ektachrome slide, BTW.
Great photos ID – wow, I love the top one. All the green, the details, the perspective as Andi mentioned. And the Road to Firenze, that’s wonderful.
What great shots!
I didn’t realize we had a hill high enough to get that view of the county seat. 🙂
Greenest Trail Ever!

Fern Canyon, Prairie Creek State Park, CA
Click for larger
Mist Trail

Vernal Falls, Yosemite National Park, CA
Click for larger
Red Trail

Snow Canyon State Park, UT
Click for larger
All lovely spots! I think I would enjoy visiting the Greenest Trail the most.
As much as Andi and I love the harsh, dry, steep, cragy, rocky, prickly, red rock trails of Utah, the lush, gently descending and ascending, cushioned, verdant James Irvine Trail to Fern Canyon is one of our all time favorites.
Fern Canyon! I want to go to Fern Canyon! And once I’ve had my fill of Fern Canyon I want to go to Vernal Falls … 🙂
Love the names of these places, Jim. And I really like the reflection of the branches against the red of the trail.
I’ve heard there is poetry in names.
Trail meets road:

Going N, follow the white rectangle:

A few went S:

I love the trail meets road. tampopo, you always have a great take on the theme ideas. 🙂
Oh how enticing … well maybe more so when it’s green instead of white.
We always seem to go on blazed trails after a fire or a wind storm has taken a section of the trees marked with blazes and made them into a giant game of Pick-Up-Sticks.
dada rails:
If a train travels…
dada rails is really neat – looks like barb wire on wood.
Great eye to spot the patterns in the top photo but even better eye to see the pleasures of the criss-crossing lines in the “geometry” photo.
Dada Rails is really neat. But I hate crossing them on my bike.
I really like that top shot. The black and white works perfectly.
Thank you Olivia & AndiF for another grand opening which you somehow manage week to week.
I`d like to also apologize for not replying nor commenting much this week, which I attribute to an extremely heavy social schedule.
Have a great upcoming week.
As a late entry, I just wanted to link to a Flickr set I put up yesterday for other rails fans.
My folks and I took my younger son Elliott and his nephew out to Scranton, PA to Steamtown National Historic Site on Wednesday. Some pics are available here
Fantastic. I love – LOVE – the expression on Elliott’s face. 🙂