On a Sunday morning cafe, while waiting for these to cool. Mine have mango, raisin, cranberry, and walnut in them. 🙂
On another note, does anyone else remember when Saturday Night Live was, you know, funny? J Lo is hosting tonight, and reminding me of her Gigli fiasco…
I’m a geezer so for me the big funny for SNL is all back in the 70s. The early 80s weren’t bad and I’ve barely watch since then. So the funny I remember is probably way different than the funny you remember.
I remember watching in the early 80s (and arguing with my mother about it). I loved the re-runs from the late 70s. It’s been a long tim since I saw episodes as funny as those.
What are you up to today? Thanks to Jim for the photo above, btw.
I usually only sorta like the opening sketch and the rest pretty much stinks, with few exceptions. I missed the opening last night, because I thought it was going to be a rerun. Then I fell asleep during Weekend Update which was just too sucky for words.
I’m surprised – the Urban Dictionary doesn’t even have that one. Some of us war babies and early boomers use that phrase to describe reaching an age where the recreational drug experience isn’t fun any more, alathis John Prine song.
But fortunately I have the key to escape reality
And you may see me tonight with an illegal smile
It don’t cost very much, but it lasts a long while
Won’t you please tell the man I didn’t kill anyone
No I’m just tryin’ to have me some fun
It only took a little musing on my part in front of my 4 twenty-somethings about the relative strength of today’s weed before a single joint was gifted to me anonymously. I think they knew someone… 🙂
Ah – for us, mid 40s. We were making some significant lifestyle changes around that time and our social circle changed pretty drastically along the way. We just got away from the younger party crowd and became much more politically active. Now I would rather go for a good long massage with nap after;-)
Did anyone else catch J-Lo at the end of the show? She thanked DARRELL HAMMOND, who did not appear in the show at all. It was like she was reading the cue cards from when someone else hosted. Then J-Lo “gamely” avoided the entire SNL cast, as she discussed how she’d never make it to Hollywood Week on Idol with her back-up singer. She’s still Jenny from the block.
I’m in bed way before SNL starts, and it’s an hour earlier here. Ah well, this way I catch the sunrise, if it comes.
I was just thinking about the SNL ad for shaving razors with 3 (or was it 2? or 4?) blades, which is what you want to buy “because you’ll believe anything!”
Now, I don’t know how many blades it takes to shave, too many choices. Yes, SNL was hilarious, and mostly true. The comedians we could trust probably don’t get on television much now.
Morning Alice and everyone else!!! As a man shaving, I will say the 3 and 4 blades do actually shave closer and with less going back over the same spot but I could just be a sucker for a good ad campaign. LOL
Looking forward to the hockey game today. I never thought I would say that but have really gotten into this year. LOL
I want to know if that’s a possible headache cure for SN….
I’m up and getting ready to go to the office. I’m thinking this may not be so bad, since I don’t have to get the little man ready to leave and drop him off somewhere else, and I’ll be back at lunchtime.
Still, I’m going to miss his snuggly squeezableness.
You’d better smoke that joint first; that way when you finally notice that you’re lying on wet, muddy ground, you’ll be able to meditate on the beauty of its existential muckiness for at least another 30 minutes.
Surprisingly after the computer tried all night to start and never did and then this morning it finally made it, I’m sort of flabbergasted at the speed it has booting up. Only 12 hours. I think I’m breaking a speed record.
George and I have been doing fairly well. My brother and sil bought a Cocker Spaniel puppy home. The puppy is full of energy and wants to play all the time. Her name is Lucy and she is driving George up the wall. Reminds me of when George was a puppy and he would drive Henry, his older half brother, up the wall. Payback. 🙂
Probably at the end of this month or beginning of next month I’ll finally have the surgery done on my leg. My surgeon told me that there were two options. 1. I could do nothing and let it go as is. He said with that option that sooner or later the leg would have to come off. 2. He could do the surgery and have me walking like normal. However, he said that all surgery comes with risks and that he might get in there and the vessels explode in which case the leg comes off. I personally feel I like the scenario where I’m walking normally. 😉
Well gotta go. I’ve been up all night and now might be the time to try and sleep.
Hi FamilyMan!!! I am sending warm thoughts of Love and Healing for your leg and your computer!!! I wish you luck with the surgery. Keep us posted.
You need to post a picture of Lucy playing with George when you get a chance. LOL I always love to see pups getting revenge on dogs who don’t remember themselves as puppies. It reminds me of the old geezers who hate kinds but forget they were once kids themselves. LOL
Giddy says it’s not that they don’t remember being puppies, it’s that they remember way too well. And there’s no way, they’re letting any other puppy getting away with that shit.
I’m so glad your computer is working even for a few minutes. We miss you around here.
I vote for option #2 (walking normally) too. Sending my best wishes for that one.
And with this, I have to run off to the office …I’ll be back to post a new cafe this afternoon (I have a short day because i have a followup appt with the midwife this afternoon).
Morning everyone!!! Today is primary day in Texas. I am so glad I voted early. Now I have to decide if I want to attend my precinct caucus tonight so I can go to the Texas Democratic convention in June. As I am not excited at all about Politics right now, I am in sort of a dilemma. None of the candidates are exciting and many of them don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected.
On a Sunday morning cafe, while waiting for these to cool. Mine have mango, raisin, cranberry, and walnut in them. 🙂
On another note, does anyone else remember when Saturday Night Live was, you know, funny? J Lo is hosting tonight, and reminding me of her Gigli fiasco…
Those look yummy.
I’m a geezer so for me the big funny for SNL is all back in the 70s. The early 80s weren’t bad and I’ve barely watch since then. So the funny I remember is probably way different than the funny you remember.
They are yummy. Highly recommended, even.
I remember watching in the early 80s (and arguing with my mother about it). I loved the re-runs from the late 70s. It’s been a long tim since I saw episodes as funny as those.
What are you up to today? Thanks to Jim for the photo above, btw.
I usually only sorta like the opening sketch and the rest pretty much stinks, with few exceptions. I missed the opening last night, because I thought it was going to be a rerun. Then I fell asleep during Weekend Update which was just too sucky for words.
Ah falling asleep in front of TV — welcome to geezerhood. 🙂
The best shows, IMHO, are the ones with Madeline Kahn. There’s a slumber party skit that Jim and I still quote.
Nothing planned here. Just enjoying a quiet Sunday.
I guess am a geezer also. LOL I loved the old shows but few of the new casts have been any good except for the parodies of Palin.
The last cast member that I can remember really thinking was great was Julia Sweeney. But she’s even better now.
I think for us it ceased to be hilariously funny around the time we aged out of “inhaling”.
Aged out???
I’m surprised – the Urban Dictionary doesn’t even have that one. Some of us war babies and early boomers use that phrase to describe reaching an age where the recreational drug experience isn’t fun any more, ala this John Prine song.
Oh, I knew what the term was supposed to mean.
My curiosity was more on when that actually occurs…
LOL. Apparently at an ever increasing age…
I made the mistake of sampling a little of today’s goodies, after a 30 year hiatus. Yowza. 🙂
I’m a terrible example.
I’m a terrible example.
Nah, no need to feel bad. It’s only a few days ago that I felt the urge to inhale – too bad there was none of that stuff around when it happened.
It only took a little musing on my part in front of my 4 twenty-somethings about the relative strength of today’s weed before a single joint was gifted to me anonymously. I think they knew someone… 🙂
I take it your musings on relativity were answered; a lot…
Oh heck yeah.
Yeah, I miss it every now & then too, just not very often. Besides, I can be pretty wacky even without external assistance.
Ah – for us, mid 40s. We were making some significant lifestyle changes around that time and our social circle changed pretty drastically along the way. We just got away from the younger party crowd and became much more politically active. Now I would rather go for a good long massage with nap after;-)
Did anyone else catch J-Lo at the end of the show? She thanked DARRELL HAMMOND, who did not appear in the show at all. It was like she was reading the cue cards from when someone else hosted. Then J-Lo “gamely” avoided the entire SNL cast, as she discussed how she’d never make it to Hollywood Week on Idol with her back-up singer. She’s still Jenny from the block.
I felt bad for her, singing those cheesy songs. What happened?
I’m in bed way before SNL starts, and it’s an hour earlier here. Ah well, this way I catch the sunrise, if it comes.
I was just thinking about the SNL ad for shaving razors with 3 (or was it 2? or 4?) blades, which is what you want to buy “because you’ll believe anything!”
Now, I don’t know how many blades it takes to shave, too many choices. Yes, SNL was hilarious, and mostly true. The comedians we could trust probably don’t get on television much now.
Morning Alice and everyone else!!! As a man shaving, I will say the 3 and 4 blades do actually shave closer and with less going back over the same spot but I could just be a sucker for a good ad campaign. LOL
Looking forward to the hockey game today. I never thought I would say that but have really gotten into this year. LOL
I accidentally bought leg razor blades with 4 blades…the razor head was fricking enormous. Too much.
The original SNL cast was the best.
It’s melting here! About a foot fell by us but the roads and paths are now all clear! Woohoo!
Yay! That’s how it was here…we got a good amount of snow, but the roads were basically just wet.
Now we can all go to work tomorrow.
Going back to work, the donwside of clear roads.
Well at least the snow is mostly gone here. And Second Nature has shown us all the way to get through the rest of the winter.
click for larger
That’s a gorgeous color blue.
I want to know if that’s a possible headache cure for SN….
I’m up and getting ready to go to the office. I’m thinking this may not be so bad, since I don’t have to get the little man ready to leave and drop him off somewhere else, and I’ll be back at lunchtime.
Still, I’m going to miss his snuggly squeezableness.
I posted it for that blue sky — it’s one of the few we’ve had.
Good luck at the office.
Great picture. The weatherman said 90% chance of rain for today so I need that blue sky. LOL
I need it to but I didn’t get any today. But it looks like maybe tomorrow or Wednesday.
Just look at how much you will enjoy Finn when you get home.
Nice shot. Makes me want to lie down on my back, smoke a fat doob and gaze at the sky all day.
Ah,for the sweet old days when I could lay on the ground more than 15 minutes without getting up saying “OMG, my back hurts like hell!”
Never was into the doob much as it makes me throw up. LOL
Oh, I can lay there all day – it’s getting up that’s the problem. 🙂
Same here. I always seem to lose my cane and then drop everything as I try and pry my fat butt of the grass. LOL
You’d better smoke that joint first; that way when you finally notice that you’re lying on wet, muddy ground, you’ll be able to meditate on the beauty of its existential muckiness for at least another 30 minutes.
Purty photo! Back at work after 4 days off. Ugh.
Poor thing. I hope you get an easy drive home to help make up for it.
It was. And I got
myselfa new goldfish for the b2 boy.Hey, it’s the Random theme this week at the Flog — perfect time to post a photo of
yourb2 boy’s new fish.Anyone in need of a few good laughs?
H/T to Badabing @ DK.
Thanks for the link. Lots of fun. Bonk was a really fun read but Stiff is still my favorite.
I like her. I think it’d be a fun first date to go to one of her sex lectures. Sextures?
This is hysterical!!!!
During the erotic sow segment, all I could think of was, “Is that Rick Santorum riding that hog?”
Good morning everyone,
Surprisingly after the computer tried all night to start and never did and then this morning it finally made it, I’m sort of flabbergasted at the speed it has booting up. Only 12 hours. I think I’m breaking a speed record.
George and I have been doing fairly well. My brother and sil bought a Cocker Spaniel puppy home. The puppy is full of energy and wants to play all the time. Her name is Lucy and she is driving George up the wall. Reminds me of when George was a puppy and he would drive Henry, his older half brother, up the wall. Payback. 🙂
Probably at the end of this month or beginning of next month I’ll finally have the surgery done on my leg. My surgeon told me that there were two options. 1. I could do nothing and let it go as is. He said with that option that sooner or later the leg would have to come off. 2. He could do the surgery and have me walking like normal. However, he said that all surgery comes with risks and that he might get in there and the vessels explode in which case the leg comes off. I personally feel I like the scenario where I’m walking normally. 😉
Well gotta go. I’ve been up all night and now might be the time to try and sleep.
Hope everyone has a great day and take care.
Hi FamilyMan!!! I am sending warm thoughts of Love and Healing for your leg and your computer!!! I wish you luck with the surgery. Keep us posted.
You need to post a picture of Lucy playing with George when you get a chance. LOL I always love to see pups getting revenge on dogs who don’t remember themselves as puppies. It reminds me of the old geezers who hate kinds but forget they were once kids themselves. LOL
Take care of yourself!!!
Giddy says it’s not that they don’t remember being puppies, it’s that they remember way too well. And there’s no way, they’re letting any other puppy getting away with that shit.
I’m glad it stayed up long enough for you to let us know how you are doing.
We miss you.
I’m so glad your computer is working even for a few minutes. We miss you around here.
I vote for option #2 (walking normally) too. Sending my best wishes for that one.
And with this, I have to run off to the office …I’ll be back to post a new cafe this afternoon (I have a short day because i have a followup appt with the midwife this afternoon).
FM! I’m glad to see you finally got back on! Good luck with you surgery!
Tell your doc he better do a good job for you or he’ll have a whole pond full of pissed-off frogs haunting his office and that’s a promise!
Morning everyone!!! Today is primary day in Texas. I am so glad I voted early. Now I have to decide if I want to attend my precinct caucus tonight so I can go to the Texas Democratic convention in June. As I am not excited at all about Politics right now, I am in sort of a dilemma. None of the candidates are exciting and many of them don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of getting elected.
This is a prime example of why Texas politics is driving me crazy this year!!