DougJ asks a simple question. Why isn’t Nancy Pelosi treated as a feminist icon? After all, she’s the second most powerful person in the most powerful city in the world. But, the problem is that people hate Congress. Even Democrats hate Congress. So, Pelosi isn’t popular. Of course, she’s vastly more popular among women than men.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think Pelosi is a feminist icon but the media doesn’t make a big deal about her because she doesn’t fit the narrative they like to apply to successful women.
The media narrative insists that women must lack some of the pleasures or advantages of being a woman in order to attain masculine definitions of power and success. Pelosi proves them wrong.
Don’t forget that a lot of the TradMed, including the women, are misogynist. Not only that, but remember when they were all over Pelosi because she had a little plastic surgery? Also, look at the feminist icons on the right. Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean. Enough said.
Don’t worry Booman, history will treat her very well. She is already a legend in her own time.
all these things matter to me as woman.
I really respect Pelosi – because I know that beneath that San Francisco liberal label is the ethnic girl who learned politics the hard way.
I’m trying to find a good article about the way she operates, politically. I read one awhile back ago that discussed in part what she learned growing up as the daughter of an old-school pol. I don’t think it was this one, but it’s pretty interesting too:
I have great respect for her. She is gutsy and elegant at the same time. smart too. Yes, she makes a lot of self-proclaimed feminists look like plain neurotics.
and doesn’t get the respect or props she deserves. She drives the wingers crazy because she’s a very effective leader who just happens to be both a woman and a liberal. And as sjct notes a successful wife, mother and grandmother to boot.
Oh the cognitive dissonance!
Because she doesn’t try to set herself up as an icon. She just gets her job done and so transcends the genderist cliches.
I more and more think she could be president one day. Or at least would be very credible as a possibility.
I’m older and I am in awe of her. She just always gets the votes somehow. I don’t remember anyone this efficient in the past. She’s definitely an icon, but I think she doesn’t want to make a lot of news. (Other than, she got the votes, again!) If she wanted to, she would.