Here’s a link to Michelle Malkin. Follow it if it doesn’t violate your personal ethics. You want to know what’s funny? Michelle and her moron friends are gearing up to support a big fight against using the reconciliation process to pass the health care bill. But they don’t seem to understand procedure. The Senate has already passed the health care bill. The next step is for the House to pass the Senate version. The House has to pass the Senate version word-for-word with the Louisiana Purchase and the Cornhusker Compromise and all the other stuff in it. But, once they do, the bill goes to the president’s desk and he signs it. Health care reform is done. Game over.
The next step is to fix the problems with the Senate bill, and to do that, both houses of Congress will need to pass a separate bill using the budget reconciliation rules. The Republicans can file a million amendments if they want. They can raise a billion points of order. They might even be able to kill the bill. But the only thing that would do is make Democrats in the House of Representatives incredibly angry. Why? Because they are going to pass the Senate version of the bill word-for-word, even though they don’t like it. They’ll vote for it because the Senate is promising that they can pass a ‘sidecar’ reconciliation bill that will toss out unpopular elements and add popular ones. So, Michelle Malkin’s strategy comes too late in the process to kill health care. All her strategy can do is to cause some internal angst among Democrats and possibly cause a few of them to lose their seats. That’s not an insignificant goal, but it has nothing to do with killing health care reform. If you want to kill health care reform, you have to convince the House to vote down the Senate version of the bill. And Malkin is totally focused on the Senate.
As I have said forever, procedure matters.
Well, since they are all focused on the Senate, that should give the House room to act on the Senate bill. After it passes, I’ll send her some snarky tweets informing her that it is SO OVER NOW, no matter what they do.
The prez seemed “fired up” today. Nice to see again. Like him when he’s feisty. Must of read Broder’s column today. heh
Olympia Snow is the only thing that keeps the title of this post from being a redundancy. 🙂
Shhh!! Don’t tell her!!!!
heh-my thoughts exactly.
They sure are stupid, but so are the people who support them. Our country is fucked, with the media dropping the ball on everything and Republicans lying so much.
The only bill RR should be on is the $3 bill which should only be accepted to pay off Republican debts run up since Jan. 1981.
Boo, do you have any idea how long before the House votes on the Senate bill? Does Pelosi have near 216?
I read that Kucinich I cant’t speel his name and I am too lazyt yo look it up, may not vote for the bill. He is too pure to lower his standards. Does Pelosi have any way to kneecap him or any other prima donna that acts up at the last minute?
Grijalva as well:
Couldn’t spell his name at all. Thanks
More stupid, especially in the comments…Olbermann, murderer of morels…poor mushrooms.
Heard on the MSM that Obama wants to scrap the Senate Bill and start over including a cap on malpractice to satisfy the Republicans. TV even said the Republicans probably won’t vote for it anyway.
What’s the scoop? What part is being mis-reported?