Finally! A Republican I can vote for! Who? Whomever runs against this lunatic. It’s your lucky day, Pete Olson. The troubling thing is that I am so rusty with my Laroucherism. I didn’t know that they think that the British control the world behind the scenes. How’d she win the primary? I don’t know. Luckily, she has zero chance of winning Tom DeLay’s old seat, even though her desire to impeach Obama does make her more appealing than the average Sugar Land Democrat. Don’t you think?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That’s what happens when the party decides not to contest a district.
is about 6 minutes old, at this point, and only founded on the wiki page on him .. but boy howdy is that wild reading!
He wants to be king or something? Another eye-opener:
Well I’d certainly like to impeach Obama and replace with Howard Dean or even Nancy Pelosi. Not going to happen though. Like I said elsewhere, LaRouchies are not democrats they are a personality cult.
Fuck her.
Saving it for later, since the cache may go away:
The Ides of March are coming: Pro-Impeachment Democrat wins nomination in Texas
Houston, March 3, 2010 – The victory in the 22nd Congressional District yesterday by LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers sent an unmistakable message to the White House, and its British imperial controllers: Your days are numbered. Kesha’s campaign hit relentlessly at a single theme, that President Obama must go, that his attacks on this nation – with his dismantling of the manned space program, his efforts to ram through a fascist, killer “health care” policy, his endless bailouts for Wall Street swindlers, while demanding budget cuts which will increase the death rates among the poor, the sick, the elderly and the unemployed – are not acceptable, and will not be tolerated.
Skeptics said that LaRouche’s approach is impractical, it won’t work, that Democrats will never support someone who is calling for the President’s impeachment. Obviously, the voters of the 22nd district disagreed with those skeptics, as Kesha received 53% of the vote against two opponents. As Kesha told the Galveston Daily News last night, when a reporter asked if she expected support from the Democratic Party in the fall election, “I am leading a war against the British Empire. I’m not worried about what Democratic Party hacks say or do.”
The arrogance of those hacks, who seem to be taking their lead from the Narcissist-in-Chief, was evident in the statement issued last night by her losing opponent, Doug Blatt, who was endorsed by all the “official” Democratic clubs in the District. He wrote:
“I’m sorry to inform you that we lost.
“The winner, Kesha Rogers, is already claiming on her web site that this means that voters in the 22nd District want to impeach the President.
“I can’t believe that most people who voted for her knew that she wants to do that.
“I do believe that most of them didn’t do any research about the candidates before voting.” [emphasis added -ed]
He is wrong. The voters knew exactly what they were doing when they cast their ballots for Rogers. They saw Kesha and her campaign army every day. The LYM forces ruled the streets, walking the neighborhoods, taking an uncompromising message to the voters: This is your time to make history, to take this country back from the global speculators who are destroying everything precious to us. After we impeach Obama, we are going to implement the LaRouche Plan, beginning with a global Glass-Steagall, and full-funding for a Moon-Mars mission, as the essential science driver behind a major commitment to build the modern infrastructure this nation needs.
And the voters responded, proving again, that courage and imagination will defeat immoral skepticism and cowardly capitulation.
Harley Schlanger
LaRouche’s Western USA spokesman