Welcome to Friday Foto Flogging, a place to share your photos and photography news. We were inspired by the folks at European Tribune who post a regular Friday Photoblog series to try the same on this side of the virtual Atlantic. We also thought foto folks would enjoy seeing some other websites so each week we’ll introduce a different photo website.
This Week’s Theme: Random
Website(s) of the Week: Damn Cool Pics: Cool, Funny, Crazy, Weird Pictures does a posting of amazing mountain (and other) goats photos.
AndiF Poles Apart
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Shots taken from the same spot, first facing north, then south Click image for larger version |
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Positve and negative
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random olivia
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Next Week’s Theme: Building(s). Verb or noun
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Clickable Thumbnails. If you haven’t yet joined a photo-hosting site, here are some to consider: Photobucket, Flickr, ImageShack, and Picasa.
Previous Friday Foto Flogs
Robberfly eating a Day moth.
From my recent trip to Canberra.
View from the top of the Australian Parliament House towards the top of Mount Ainsley.
View from the top of Mount Ainsley towards the the Parliament house.
Family of Crimson rosellas on Mt. Ainsley. That’s mum on the right, junior on the left, and dad down in the grasses below the female.
Mum is truly gorgeous — she knows how to dress up. 🙂
Mount Aisley gives and gets good views.
The view from the top of Mt. Ainsley is really spectacular.
Keres, many many years ago, I was also in Canberra.
There was a little park behind the municipal center with a statue honoring the women of Australia.
It had an opened book (iirc) at the base with a lovely bit of prose.
Maybe you saw it.
I took many photos in that park & around Canberra, but all my overseas photos & any of my images prior to that were lost forever to the past life I lived.
Definitely. That is one haphazardly put-together bug.
When I first spotted the robberfly it was on the wing, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what kind of insect had that bulky shape. Obviously I had to get closer and investigate. Of course, every time I got too close for its comfort the fly took its meal and flew off again. I was doing all this in a public park, so I’m sure there were a few people curiously watching the crazy lady as well.
That is quite something! Even as I am “eeeewing,” I am “oooohing.”
The first time I remember seeing a robberfly I found it a bit freaky. Then I learned that they eat other flies. If there was a “robberflies are our friends” club, I’d definitely join.
Sorry I haven’t been around much we are swamped with work.
What happens when palms freeze.

Have a good weekend!
Missed you BobX — glad you’re swamped with work, if you are!
I had read something about even in the saddest of times joy can be found. Your photo is a visual of that idea — thanks.
Thanks, up to our ears in sawdust and cedar.
Glad you’re hear now, Bob.
That’s pretty dramatic looking — I feel its pain.
Great photos!!! I always love these diaries and share them on facebook. I will be checking back through the day to see what lovelies have been added.
Glad we can give you something to enjoy, RF.
I am a huge fan of winter and snow, so I have been one happy person this year. One of the reasons I like snow so much is exemplified by your snowy woods photos, and that is the blue light effect of snow reflecting sky. I just find it so calming. Another reason is in your “positive” photo, and that is if you take time in the winter to really look at the landscape very near as well as far, there are interesting things to see in “natural” black and white and in subtle coloration. And snow makes the world sparkle.
I really like your Positive and negative.
Thanks Tampopo. I love winter too (except for ice storms and really cold temps). Though I have to admit that once the middle of February hits, I am really ready to have some green things growing.
Here’s a sparkly snow picture for you — with some “near” detail to look for.
click for larger
That is just superb! How can people not love winter when there are sights like that? Thank you.
The funny thing is that I was so intent in deciding how I wanted to shoot those tracks heading toward the burrow that I didn’t even notice the lovely sparkles until I looked at in the photo editor.
Pink, pink, pink — wonderful!
I really like the peony(?) on the window sill – beautiful.
Andi, the Yin-Yang is really eye-catching and fun to look at!
olivia, your Peony has got to be the most perfect one I’ve ever seen. Ours always seem to have little ants living in them.
Melting snow … wonderful. Melting snow that gives photo ops … priceless. 🙂
May the melting continue!
Random shoots – signs of spring yesterday afternoon in southern Indiana



I have been doing what you have been doing which is looking for the signs of spring happening… the very subtle signs like the mosses turning green and the onion grasses beginning to grow and the tips of all the bulbed spring plants that are on their way… and the sunlight is changing and lasting longer into the evening… and the birds are singing more… it’s happening.
Love the snow drops! And I love all the little bits of green in each picture that are leaves to the wild things that grow. Wonderful!
It always seems like something magic to me when all this stuff just starts leaping up when the sun calls. Green is definitely a wondrous color, especially now!
Please sir, I want some more.
Thanks for those signs of spring, ID. I am so ready but the woods don’t have much on offer yet.
I’ve been predicting Morels in less than 3 weeks. That means the May Apples should be around about that time as well. We’ll see how close my guess is then.
You inspired me to go look at the places where the “wild” daffodils bloom and I’m deliriously happy to report some little green shoots coming up.
Love all the flowers and the cat’s eyes moth put a Cheshire grin on my face.
I`m glad you got it.
I like Blow Me.
Me too.
The moth is cool and the flowers a welcome sight to one who has been scrounging through last fall’s dead leaves for signs of life.
I noticed that you`ve scrounged up some future beauty.
Have you thought of doing a daily update on them.
Or even setting a tripod. Lock it in place & shoot it a few times a day, simply removing the camera between shots. Then you can do a little time lapse show.
As a matter of fact, I did have that thought. Unfortunately, not enough hours in the day for me right now, it being an election year with several new candidates to coach. Its a nice idea for the future, though. I’m hoping to be semi-retired by this time next year. At least I’ll be back to the ranks of the self-employed again and able to set my own hours.
Homemade looks like a fun ride.
My friend made that (btw) as a retro to the old board racers.
Knucklehead, are you shooting these hand held or on a tripod? They are amazing as usual. The dewdrops on the dandelion are wonderful
These are all shot handheld.
I only use my tripod for special shots I think up.
Usually late at night, for some of my night blooming flowers.
Apart from that, I shoot almost every single day & all over the place, so I do shoot very quickly & from the hip.
And thank you for the nice comment, especially from a great photographer.
since I knew I was heading down to Jersey amidst some nice weather.
Sunrise in Ocean City, NJ
The rest of the set is here and I’ll probably add some more images to it over the course of the next couple of days.
I’m very glad you waited — every one of those shots is sheer pleasure. (I can’t pick a favorite but I’ll admit to a slight lean toward the second to last shot).
Now to go look at the full set.
Very evocative set Stand.
Thanks for taking us along on your trip. Love the B&Ws; of course I love the color shots too.
I like ’em all this time around. Nice work!
stick a fork in me…l’m done
clik to enlarge
random enough?
It’s never too late and I hope you’re never done.
Nifty shot. The swirl of red reflection is my favorite detail.
hey, that looks like our kitchen;-)
Ya dada, that`s random enough all right.
Cool shot.