This is what happens when a Regent University law graduate is able to pass himself off as a rational person and get himself elected as the governor of a state:
“It is my advice that the law and public policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia prohibit a college or university from including ’sexual orientation,’ ‘gender identity,’ ‘gender expression,’ or like classification as a protected class within its non-discrimination policy absent specific authorization from the General Assembly,” [Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli] wrote. Colleges that have included such language in their policies — which include all of Virginia’s leading schools — have done so “without proper authority” and should “take appropriate actions to bring their policies in conformance with the law and public policy of Virginia,” Cuccinelli wrote.
There are no moderate Republicans. After eight years of Bush and Cheney, the moderates are extinct.
If I were a college chancellor, provost, or president, I would ignore it, let it go to State Courts and see what they say.
And then appeal to the Supreme Court. many other similar ones.
I only feel for all those whose lives/futures/livelihoods are damaged or destroyed over the time taken to dismantle this misguided policy…
Justice delayed is better than no Justice at all, but it still hurts…
I’m pretty sure Virginia universities wouldn’t have put the language in there in the first place if they didn’t believe they (1) had good reason and (2) were on fairly solid legal ground.
Check out the globe. What happened to other countries when THEIR currencies collapsed? It’s not pretty, and it starts, rather appropriately, with an F.
Well then, they will be back in due time. The Republicans are on an unsustainable electoral trajectory.
This is also what happens when people stay home on election day.
Yes. Tell all your “discouraged” Dem friends that “showing em by staying home on election day” will not make things better.
it never ceases to amaze me how many people adopt that breathtakingly stupid strategy of “showing em.”
There is no excuse for not voting — NONE. Fuck “discouraged.” Fuck “unmotivated.” The election’s gonna HAPPEN, someone’s gonna WIN, and we’re ALL gonna live with the result.
One would think it would be enough of an impetus knowing that we would be in a full on depression if McCain had been elected. The 2008 election has had vast consequences for the nation and the world.
But because I didn’t get my public option I don’t care?
I’m sorry, Booman. I didn’t even help elect Creigh Deeds. I made a few calls, but I was making calls for Barack Obama every single day. I just didn’t see a point: Creigh was so far down in the polls, and he never got me excited…and then he went to far as to say he wouldn’t be against preventing the HCR bill to apply to Virginia. How about the “moderates” in our own party wake the fuck up, and embrace the Democratic Party platform?
If you do that, you win elections…as shown by Alan Grayson who is 27+ points ahead in the Republican primary (it’s his internals among a small sampling, but a 27 point lead in a primary of a party that’s not yours is too large to ignore, even if it’s among the outliers).
Now we have new categories, extreme and more extreme.