You can tell that the media is liberal by looking at the Sunday morning political talk show lineups. On Face the Nation, Lindsey Graham is balanced by Evan Bayh. On Meet the Press, Orrin Hatch is balanced by Harold Ford. On This Week, Mitch McConnell is balanced by no one. On Fox News Sunday, Mitt Romney is balanced by no one. On State of the Union, Tom DeLay is balanced out by Chris Van Hollen and Brian Baird. Obviously, that means there are no progressives and, aside from Van Hollen, no mainstream Democrats. It’s extreme right-wingers matched up against the most ‘centrist’ Democrats in the business. The only person on any of these shows other than Van Hollen who will wholeheartedly defend the president’s health care plan is Health & Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. That’s how they game the system against us.

The Republicans think that the media is liberal because the reporters believe in things like global warming and the value of the United Nations and the theories of evolution and plate tectonics. But, just because the media is educated and cares about world opinion doesn’t mean that they are helpful to liberal causes like avoiding senseless wars or extending health care accessibility to 30 million Americans. They’re not helpful. If they were, they’d have invited Raul Grijalva and Sheldon Whitehouse on their shows instead of Harold Ford and Evan Bayh.