I remember when there were a bunch of Democrats in the House who were critical of the president for not showing more urgency and leadership on the health care bill. Now that he’s providing urgency and leadership, they are all annoyed. Go figure.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, Pelosi said she has the votes:
So…let’s get crackin’.
“I remember when there were a bunch of Democrats in the House who were critical of the president for not showing more urgency and leadership on the health care bill.”
It wasn’t just the House. This was a common critique from the pout-o-sphere, too.
A reverse on the old adage: Damned if you don’t then, damned when you do.
Just ain’t no pleasin’ some people…..
Give the President this…he’s a helluva motivational speaker….and I wish my representatives could get as motivated as I get when listening to him–but they’re old hands and cold hearts….
To the congressional Democrats, there is never any better day than tomorrow. Tomorrow is always the best day to get anything done. If we could just defer things until tomorrow, then we can most certainly get over that hump. Yep, tomorrow’s the day all right. Once we get there, things will really start hopping.
You just wait and see. Nooooo better day than tomorrow. Best day that God ever invented.
Jon Stewart did a segment on health care last week following the President’s speech in PA. It ended with Jon asking if there was anyway the Dems could mess this up, and the “on the scene” reporter responded, “These are Democrats.”
Learning now that Congress will not meet the President’s deadline, yet again, and that Nancy Pelosi may be introducing a parliamentary maneuver that would have the House not vote on the Senate Bill first, and the President heading to Asia (would the world fall apart if he postponed foreign travel until after health care is done?!), I’m starting to wonder if the joke will be on us AGAIN believing that Democrats are capable of not getting in the way of their own success?
So now it’s the House Democrats’ fault? Obama does nothing for a year, but make way for a crappy Senate bill – does the phrase “Too little, too late” ring a bell?
As others have noted elsewhere, there’s a certain amount of cognitive dissonance between the administration now attacking the evil insurance companies for their criminal rate hikes while at the same time pushing a bill that forces everyone to buy, at whatever cost, a policy from the same companies.
I’d venture to guess that they are now annoyed at the WH and the Obama Administration because they were initially instructed by the WH and the Obama Administration to not bother with the public option. Dems, particularly Rahm’s conservadem recruits, were directed that the PO was a nonstarter, probably because Obama and Emanuel negotiated it away in his self-serving backroom dealings with the insurance industry, and for the Dems to b*tch and moan about how they’d like to do such a great thing but it didn’t have the 60 votes. Things have changed a bit since then. Liberals have mobilized against the WH and forced senators to express their support for the PO in writing. Now that that extremely derided option of reconciliation MUST be used to pass anything regarding healthcare reform, the 60-vote excuse (and that’s all it was…) has evaporated, leaving Obama’s cheerleaders who mocked me and other true-believers for even bringing up reconciliation have to acknowledge that they were played for political dupes. So the Dems have begun whipping against the PO. It’s plainly clear. The Dems are in a conundrum: the WH will now use reconciliation to pass something…anything to save their weak, sorry, compromised butts at the polls in November. All last year, these senators were claiming to support the PO but the hapless good guys in the Dem caucus couldn’t get the 60 votes and now they are being told to take the fall to save Obama’s political hide but I’m afraid the damage has already been done and that image of them being ineffectual, craven and sneaky has gelled.