I guess someone needs to sit Dick Durbin and Nancy Pelosi down at a table until one of them admits that their side is killing the public option. They can’t both be right. Right?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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It’s called not pissing off Big Pharma in an election year (mid-term elections). It sucks. Both bodies should be forced to vote on a public option in a yes or no vote so we can see where our reps and senators all stand.
I’d rather have the complete package passed. I don’t care about PO hijinks any longer. If it passes without, then fine by me.
Who cares. It’s dead, for now, and it’s time to move on. Live to fight another day and revive it later.
Couldn’t disagree more. I’m with Greenwald on this one.
you’re not the only one. greenwald’s been right on this kabuki for quite sometime. there is no will, democRAT or RATpublican, to see a public option, but now the optics have changed, they’ve got to find a way to save face.
as l posited earlier, in another thread, durbin’s mewling that “you just have to swallow hard’ and say that putting an amendment on this is either going to stop it or slow it down, and we just can’t let it happen,”… is total bs.
we can’t allow them to save face (not that it’ll work anyway, I think this time they’ve fucked up too publicly).
Greenwald’s saturday update is especially good: “the real reason there’s no public option — they don’t want one — is the one they can’t or won’t admit.”
And that reason is that the Insurance Companies don’t want it.
I want an up or down vote too. if it fails, it fails.
Agree, how does and up or down vote on a public option kill reform? We do not have the votes crapola is going to kill the base’s efforts to sell this reform package to the American people. The media and Republicans sure will not help.
What I would introduce as a serious question is who does Representative Gutierrez thinks derailing HCR benefits? Certainly not poor Latinos who need it the most. Certainly not the prospects of immigration reform during this administration or the next. Certainly not him.
We are missing the logic of this.
The House passes the Senate bill. The President signs it.
Then we FORCE the Senate to vote on the PO. There are only about four more Senators to convince.
Toldja so. This was predictable from the start. I honestly don’t even know why the Democrats even promised health care reform to begin with, since it was obvious (to me at least) they never had any intention of doing anything of the sort. All they’ve done us subject the base to an emotional roller coaster and making EVERYONE angry. Even you, Booman, who have been able to find the odd nugget of gold in a bag of rocks, are upset.
What has been the point of this whole exercise? I am bewildered.
the point is helping people who lack insurance either because they can’t afford it or because no one will sell it to them.
but is it not true that these are plans with high deductibles, making them unaffordable to use? aren’t the restrictions on insurance companies essentially unenforceable?
that is my understanding. my girlfriend can’t afford the insurance provided at work, and doubts she’ll be able to afford the “health insurance reforms” either.
i’m getting really tired of seeing “insurance” conflated with “coverage”.
If I remember correctly, one of Obama’s most effective lines of his campaign was making the point that American’s should have the same Health Care coverage that members of Congress get.
This bill will force members of Congress in these exchanges, which is a good thing but most people will not be able to get into these Exchanges.
This bill has to pass for political, policy, and moral reasons but the base will not be happy because of the WH’s distrustful approach towards them after working their asses off to put them in power.
Let’s look at that. Go here and scroll down to “Making Coverage Affordable. Click on that.
That’s the Senate version. If anything, after reconciliation these provisions will be improved. So, no, they won’t be high out of pocket plans.