I can’t wait for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual conference next week. It’s always such a joyous occasion. You get to practice pronouncing Ah-mad-i-ne-jad. You get to hear one politician after another genuflect to our bestest ally ever. Bibi Netanyahu shows up and graces us with his baritone voice. It’s wonderful. I can’t wait. Abe Foxman, on the other hand, should stick to worrying about defamation and leave the diplomacy to the professionals. What an asshat.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It will be uncomfortable for some I’m sure. Clinton, Biden, and the prez are all pissed at BiBi and everyone knows. Can’t wait. I think Hillary is supposed to speak to them.
oh, come now, we all know it was just a bureaucratic snafu; the underlying policy is A-OK.
It will still be an interesting speech. Hillary was always an AIPAC syncophant, only deviating from the standard shlosh as SOS. Look for a lot of Iran.
Seen this?:
He didn’t expect that one lol.
After all, they are so new to the political games.
We should have a contest rating the most nauseating suckup. The only rule is it has to be an elected member of the US congress. Could be a tough contest.
How Can The U.S. Support Israel When It Continues To Violate International Law? Helen Thomas
After he finally got his bearings, the first thing he did was spew the standard bullshit that this is a conflict that has gone on for centuries. Wrong. This conflict is less than a century old, and is a direct result of the European Zionist colonization of Palestine with the intention of taking it over and turning it into a European Jewish state.
I usually send this to first timers or to the misinformed:
Asking the questions and writing the opinions I would have made … Your Fix with Helen Thomas #1
“We should find out what went wrong during the Bush administration, so we don’t make the same mistakes again.”
“Obama should do what is best for the American people in his first term and don’t worry about his second term.”
“We don’t need the opinion of Republicans in Congress after they had eight years to push people into the ground.”
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Calling it how it is:
“You get to practice pronouncing Ah-mad-i-ne-jad.“
Don’t you mean MISpronouncing?
DEBKAfiles Our military sources report that the Barak arms list is tailored to a potential four-front offensive against Israel launched by Iran and its allies. It includes systems needed by the Israeli Air Force, certain types of missiles and advanced electronic equipment. During his last visit, the defense minster complained the list had been pending in Washington for more than three months and the sands for a possible conflict were running out fast. He stressed that it was essential for these items to reach Israel before a flare-up occurred. The urgency was such that he suggested that if they could not be supplied to Israel at short notice, they should at least be held ready meanwhile in the emergency stores of the US bases in Israel’s Negev.
… Prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu convened his inner cabinet Saturday night, March 12, to discuss the spiraling crisis with Washington and his first response.
American-Jewish criticism was led Saturday night by the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman, who issued this statement: “We are shocked and stunned at the Administration’s tone and public dressing down of Israel on the issue of future building in Jerusalem,” he said. “One can only wonder how far the US is prepared to go in distancing itself from Israel in order to placate the Palestinians.”
(Ynetnews.com) – According to sources, both Peres and Barak believe that the incident with Biden was uncalled for, tasteless, and cause seriously damaged ties between the two countries. Last Saturday the defense minister held a number of conversations with Washington and his colleagues in Jerusalem in an attempt to lower the flames, but his efforts so far have proven to be fruitless.
≈ Cross-posted from my diary on March 9 — Blahblah Biden Visits Netanyahu, Israel ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Right. We should defuse the tension. It’s always on us. The right-wing has been in power there for too long. Far too long.