Wow, Alan Grayson called Sarah Palin a wild Alaskan dingbat while mocking her relentlessly on his website. Some other choice words:
In response to Palin’s attack on Rep Grayson, Grayson actually complimented Palin. Grayson praised Palin for having a hand large enough to fit Grayson’s entire name on it. He thanked Palin for alleviating the growing shortage of platitudes in Central Florida. Grayson added that Palin deserved credit for getting through the entire hour-long program without quitting. Grayson also said that Palin really had mastered Palin’s imitation of Tina Fey imitating Palin. Grayson observed that Palin is the most-intelligent leader that the Republican Party has produced since George W. Bush.
When asked to comment about what effect Palin’s criticism might have, Grayson pointed out, “As the Knave’s horse says in Alice in Wonderland, ‘dogs will believe anything.'” Earlier, as the Orlando Sentinel reported, Grayson said, “I’m sure Palin knows all about politics in Central Florida, since from her porch she can see Winter Park,” which is part of Grayson’s district.
Grayson said that the Alaskan chillbilly was welcome to return to Central Florida anytime, as long as she brings lots of money with her, and spends it. “I look forward to an honest debate with Governor Palin on the issues, in the unlikely event that she ever learns anything about them,” Grayson added…
All of this because Palin had the temerity to visit Orlando and make some critical remarks about Grayson. He certainly likes to punch back. It’ll be interesting to see how that sells in November.
Wow. I still haven’t really figured out how I feel about Grayson’s style: my heart tends towards Obama’s “our better angels” approach, but I admit that my Dubyaesque gut finds Grayson’s rhetoric somewhat thrilling. However, I don’t know that the latter is any more or less politcally productive than the former.
I’m just not sure – you are right, it will be interesting to see how Grayson does in November. Has anyone seen any polls on him? I can only find the one his campaign put out that said he was “leading” the GOP and Dem primaries.
I’m with you.
Why decide? We need sober, deliberative voices and we need voices that can yell as loud and as obnoxious as the Reps. Face it: it wasn’t the Snowes or even the Romneys that put the fear into the Dems. It was the loudmouth morons on the right. Grayson isn’t our version of Palin or Demint, though: he ain’t stupid and he ain’t lying.
True – we are supposed to be the big tent party after all! 🙂
I want Grayson to move to Illinois and replace the wimp(D) that we have running. He actually endorsed Peter Roskam, his so called opponent, last election cycle. He’s anti-abortion, anti-Tax, and apparently an anti-Democrat. I’d give my left one, Hell, at my age I’d give both of them, for a kick-ass candidate like Grayson.
Who are you talking about?
Benjamin Lowe
I am a fan of treating public morons with the amount of respect they deserve, no matter the political effect.
so you’re saying a democrat shouldn’t hit back against republican critics? or should he do the alan colmes/droopy dawg thing (the link is down, but “family guy” did a brutal parody of the hanniy/colmes show, in which colmes was played by Droopy)? i mean, she started it by coming to
as for grayson’s aggressive punches, they’ll sell fine. grayson comes off looking like he’s got balls, which is more than i can say for most of the meek widdle democwats.
seriously, what would you have him do? treat her with respect and legitimize her? ignore the attacks? how’d that work out for kerry in 2004?
My apolitical mother-in-law-to-be who lives in Orlando loves him – he’s going to win in a walk…
I think he’ll win easily too. People are sick of the crap and want someone to call it out.
Last I saw, Grayson would win right now in the REPUBLICAN primary.
Suggests people of all stripes like someone who can back up their talk.
This is comedy gold. He could do a stand-up routine with these lines. I like him; we could use a few more Dems who aren’t afraid to call out dummies and liars when they see them. I’m also hoping Al Franken soon starts letting some zingers fly.
I don’t know how it plays elsewhere, but I’m really starting to dig Alan Grayson.
I think he’s filling the “attack dog” void in the Democratic Party.
Her tactics and dishonesty and ignorance deserve Grayson’s relatively mild and sarcastic jokes. Who do you think she is? She doesn’t have honesty or integrity.
Why do you think she deserves any more respect than any other whorish politician and entertainer? She’s the lady gaga of politics at the present. Wait a few years until her phermones deplete and there will be another just like her either male or female will come along.
I want him to be my sensei.
Kudos to Grayson!
Hmm-I wish we could clone Alan Grayson. He says what needs to be said!
I wonder if in an earlier life he was a writer for ‘Seinfeld.’ I read that Seinfeld’s writers were disabused Harvard law students. That would certainly fit Grayson, and he has the style.
President Grayson
i like it
I wasn’t going to comment, because what a Florida congressman and a former Alaska governor say when sniping at each other isn’t that important to me.
However, I’m always a little skeptical of unanimous votes…or threads…so here’s what is troubling to me about Grayson’s comments:
I agree with Booman and the commenters who said it’ll be interesting to see how this kind of behavior sells in November. What’s more important for “the progressive project” in the US is whether this kind of behavior helps or hurts in the long run—over the next 10, 20, 30 years.
Conservatives love and hold onto Reagan because he’s the one who launched them into power, and launched the country on a “long march” to the right. Now that everyone can see the wreckage, conservatives are frantic to blame someone else.
Progressives are left to clean up the mess, while trying to avoid getting blamed for causing it. That’s one reason (of many) why we need to be disciplined fighters on what Bruce Springsteen in a recent song called the “long walk home” to the big-hearted country we love.
Grayson’s a great talent, and we need political leaders like him, just as we need leaders like Obama. That’s why I’d hate to lose him, particularly over small things like how he talks to Sarah Palin.
Grayson is great. Obama has a different approach – and needs it. But what’s best about Grayson is that he does not pretend the Republix are patriots, well-intentioned, sensible, or need to have their policy ideas taken seriously. The heavy sarcasm, I can take or leave, but the refusal to go along with the fraud that the Republix are anything but a party of charlatans and crazies is wonderful.