Conservative extremists are calling for vandalism and assassinations of legislators kids. Louise Slaughter’s children among them:
Rochester/Niagara Falls, N.Y. — The same day a brick crashed through her Niagara Falls office, Rep. Louise Slaughter (D) says her staff discovered an assassination threat aimed at her family members. The Democratic headquarters in Rochester was also targeted.
No one was inside when the brick was hurled through the Democratic Patry Headquarters on University Avenue. Attached was a note quoting conservative Barry Goldwater: “Exremism [sic] in defense of liberty is no vice”. […]
“I’m advocating broken windows. I’m advocating vandalism,” says Mike Vanderboegh. We spoke to him by phone from his home in Pinson, Alabama.
Vanderboegh is referring to his blog called Sipsey Street Irregulars. He says his invitation to “break windows…break them now” is behind the incident in Rochester and at least two others in Tucson and Kansas. The message to Democrats should be clear.
“Wake up and understand what is happening in this country. You need to start listening to people who you think you didn’t have to pay any attention to, because sooner or later they will get your attention,” he says. […]
Slaughter has been at the center of the push for reform. Last Thursday she received a chilling recorded message at her campaign office. “Assassinate is the word they used…toward the children of lawmakers who voted yes.”
Twitter is also being used by extremists to call for President Obama’s assassination:
The passing of the health care bill prompted two Twitter users to post their angry messages for the world to see, calling for the assassination of President Obama.
When will we see a prominent Republican or conservative talk show host condemn these incitements to murder and mayhem by their putative followers? That’s a rhetorical question, btw.
It seems that the leaders of the Republican Party are only interested in denouncing terrorism / extremism when it is perpetrated by Muslims. I would relish an opportunity to debate a Republican who disagrees with that statement.
Right wing terrorist are freedom fighters, doncha know. <snark>
Exactly… I feel as though I may be going a bit far with this, but I have to say it:
On 9/11, I learned a lesson about the consequences of using extremists to achieve national goals. It’s almost a cliche now; we strengthened the mujahideen in Afghanistan to advance our own interests against the Soviets. Then, those very extremists we nurtured and who were so useful to us at one time gradually metastasized beyond our ability to control them.
And they turned on us. A lot of innocent people have paid for that mistake with their lives, and the subtler costs are so vast as to throttle the imagination. I think you can see where I’m going with this.
The Republican Party leadership has been all too happy to mislead, nurture and support right wing extremists with winks, nods, and outright encouragement. I’m not talking about people who philosophically disagree with Obama’s policies, but rather people who throw bricks through windows, make terrorist threats against government agencies, fly planes into buildings (Texas), stockpile ammunition in the hopes of using against the government one day, etc.
It’s clear where all this is going, and I just hope we can find a way to cool everyone off.
I don’t give a shit about wingnut media. What I want to know is, have these twits been hauled in by the FBI on terrorism charges? Their words are as threatening as those of many who went to Guantanamo.
That tag he added? #TCOT? It stands for "top conservatives on Twitter."
(Jezebel) – Update #4: Sam Gustin at DailyFinance is reporting that the Secret Service is now investigating Forell’s tweets, with Secret Service spokesperson Max Milien stating: “We are aware of the actual posting and are actively investigating.”
And though Twitter sent an email earlier declaring that Forell’s profile had been removed, it appears that only the assassination-related tweets have been deleted from his account: as of 9:00 pm EST, his account still appears to be active.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
When with the GOP speak up? It was quoted right there in the piece:
“Vanderboegh denies his blog advocates anything but vandalism. “How ambiguous is it if I say break windows? Am I saying kill people, absolutely not.”
See? They don’t want to hurt anybody. Jus’ good ol’ boys wantin’ to make a point.
I wonder if the ass knows how Krystallnacht got its name?
Good connection sir!
need to be visited by the Secret Service.
Are Republicans soft on domestic terrorism?
No, it would seem they’ve got a hard-on for it.
I have a question. It is not a rhetorical question. It may sound simple, but maybe it isn’t. Anyway, I am asking it because I really don’t know the answer. And the question is this:
Who actually are the leaders of the Republican Party? Who actually calls the shots? Who makes up the daily talking points? We frequently come across the phrase, “the leaders of the party”, but who are they? In other words, who is responsible for the sulphurous odor that is wafting up from down below? Even if guys like Glenn Beck and Limbaugh are setting the tone, they are not actually the party leadership. Who is astroturfing the Tea Party? Who is paying the bill for the astroturfers to turf the astro?
First I acknowledge that the Republican/Wingnut Propaganda Machine has been working overtime to fan the flames of racist violence against Barack Obama increasing in intensity everyday since his election as POTUS. The question is WHO ARE THEIR TARGETS? Their simplistic lying propaganda is designed primarily for mentally disturbed people on all levels of severity. These unfortunate marginally stable people range from conspiracy obsessed schizophrenics to raging homicidal maniacs. The Right Wing Propaganda Machine broadcasts their propaganda on a “shotgun” basis, designed to reach as many of these pathologically dangerous people as possible, with the fervent HOPE that the increasing violence in the Propaganda rhetoric will eventually push one of their avid listeners to commit some sort of violent action against the government. The Right Wingnut demagogues think that with this tactic that they are in a WIN-WIN political situation against the hated liberal Democrats.
In the event one of their mentally unstable listeners kills or injures a highly visible well known official either elected or appointed in the Federal government, it will unleash a widespread climate of fear that will break the will and create panic among most of the Democrats in Washington. Democratic resignations will flood both houses of Congress, and the Democrats will become a Party on the run. We are quickly approaching this tripping point. The effects of this type of violent threatening rhetoric has been acted out by anti-abortion pro-life activists many times across this country, even on a Sunday morning inside the sanctuary of a peaceful holy church. The attacks and violent rhetoric against Rep. Louise Slaughter has all the trappings of early anti-abortion propaganda, and is a dangerous sign of the shift in Right Wing propaganda.
President Obama bears significant responsibility in the escalation of the current inflammatory rise in exhortations to violence being broadcast daily by the Right Wing Propaganda Machine. Obama has steadfastly refused to turn the power of the DOJ on against anybody broadcasting threats against him as president of the United States. He has allowed Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, and many others to call for his assassination from the comfort and safety of their broadcast studios and yet he has done nothing about it. He has even allowed Limbaugh to broadcast his pernicious racist violent rants over Armed Forces Radio to our troops.
Unfortunately Obama is a man conflicted in his position as POTUS. He is conflicted between his strong personal sense of values which honors all persons and believes that that there is always a compromise available as an effective resolution to ALL conflicts. Fortunately for the President the Secret Service and the American Military have screened all of the serious threats away from the Obama family. Unfortunately for the rest of us who do not have a cadre of trained security about us at all times, the President is desensitized to the growing threat being driven to explosive levels by the Right Wing Propaganda Machine.
Simply summarized the violence levels of many of the MENTALLY UNSTABLE listeners and devotees to the various media outlets for the Right Wing Propaganda Machine are near a dangerous tipping point. This violent racist propaganda has been allowed to flow unchecked across the airwaves of America unchallenged from the time that the Obama took office. Its growth in influence and power is directly attributable to the failure of the Obama administration to both suppress and contain it. We have now reached a point where threats of violence are being directed on a personal basis against elected members of Congress and against people who work for the Federal government. Obama may be celebrating the new HCR law that he just signed, but he better initiate a serious domestic terrorist counter-campaign NOW or face the immediate future prospect of trying to govern a country torn apart by violence and riotous mob rule.
My suggestion is that the President be given a subscription to the Southern Poverty Law Center’s monthly magazine, The Intelligence Report. Further, a copy of this publication should be placed on the President’s desk on a daily basis as a constant reminder of the REALITY of the state of the so-called “post-racial” America in the Obama era.
Southern Poverty Law Center, see also the US hate map here.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t think we are overestimating the danger. There will be violence. There will be blood.
And those bastards that pushed the violence meme further, Glenn and Rush, will blame us.
I really wonder about these people. I took his name to He lives in Pinson, AL. I know his wife’s name, and for .95, I could get all kinds of details. I could get a lot more if I wanted to pay money.
I am not outing him, but I am indicating that it is very easy today to do this. Especially with a name like that.
Does he realize that?