Recent Posts
- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Well not quite — kind of unusual to have one start in an empty cafe.
click for larger
Good morning and good night (and good afternoon to Ask).
We had a lovely warm day today.
I spent much of it trying to install a used car stereo/CD player that I picked up at a pawn shop yesterday to put in my car (in place of the one that it came with it with the burnt-out display). After pimping Imogen’s ride last week I felt a little gypped with my crap system.
I’ve yet to get the wiring for the speakers figured out correctly, but I will persevere and no doubt have it up and running properly tomorrow.
Damned proprietary wiring codes.
If all else fails there’s always the battery “pop” test.
A good night for you and off to the dentist for me.
Ugh. Hope the dentist visit goes smoothly.
Dentist was fine. But the forecast has a low of 28 and snow for Thursday night and that is very much NOT fine.
That is totally NOT fine! I hope it isn’t a preview of what we’re getting.
So, wait. I thought you said something about new pictures of Finn. I looked and looked and….nothing. 🙁
Right, where are those pictures? Plus Jim tells me (facebook may be in my name but he’s the one who uses it) you have a real need of a soothing balm right about now.
Yeah, WTH? First it was my eye and my lip. Then I took a shower and now my two index fingers are burning. I’m so confused.
I don’t know about doing this for the eye but Jim taught me to pour milk on places where I’ve touched hot peppers and it alway works so you could try it on your lips and fingers.
Tried that. And grated potatoes, which felt good as long as it was in contact, but as soon as I removed it…ouch. I think time is the only remedy. Now I just have to remember not to scratch sensitive places.
For pepper burns coat your skin in vegetable oil for at least an hour. It’s the fat that neutralizes the capsicum, which is why you should use whole milk, not skim, to sooth your mouth.
It’s best t do this ASAP.
After exhaustive research I’ve found that Trader Joe’s Mango and Cream frozen bars are the best thing for a pepper burn on the lip.
Sounds like a good cure to me. Do I have to burn my lip first?
Yeah, this is one of those times when honoring your Catholic upbringing would be a very good idea.
though following keres advice and coating yourself in oil would certainly have some possibilities.
Dang, coated in oil and no one to share it with. Oh, have the times changed.
What Emma and Hopeful aren’t there?
The other treatment for capsicum burns is repeatedly washing your skin with alcohol. I supposed repeated applications of alcohol could potentially be applied to mouth burns as well.
I once had a thin layer of skin from the entire inside of my mouth peal off, as if from a sunburn, the day after eating tons of some fantastic salsa in Tijuana. I’m sure I applied judicious amount of ice cream as a palliative.
ooops. Read the one below, it’s been edited.
Windy day here. Lily’s sitting outside the back door with hair going every which way.
Hmm, I guess that means, CHEERS!
The other treatment for capsicum burns is repeatedly washing your skin with alcohol. I supposed repeated applications of alcohol could potentially be applied to mouth burns as well.
I once had a thin layer of skin from the entire inside of my mouth peal off (as if from a sunburn) a few days after eating tons of some fantastic salsa in Tijuana. I’m sure I applied judicious amounts of ice cream as a palliative.
Oh, dear. I bought a wreath of small, dried peppers, and assumed that they were semi hot. I was making some chili for friends, and I grabbed three, crushed them with my fingers, and made the almost fatal mistake of licking, (slightly) one finger. The heat was unbelievable, the pain even worse. It was so bad that my eyes watered. And guess what I did.
Yes, with the same hands, i wiped my eyes, increasing the pain intensity 10 fold. By this time, I was laughing, it hurt so bad. (laughing at my stupidity). When honey came down the stairs, worried about the strange sounds I was making, I explained. By the time I was done, she was laughing as hard as I was, tears and all.
by the way, the chili was GREAT.
don’t ignore the good side of capsaicin, the thing that gives peppers their heat.
Capsaicin is wonderful for sore muscles, arthritis, and many other things that ail you. I know of an arthritis sufferer who uses DMSO and crushed habaneros on her ankles, knees, and wrists. She claims the relief is unbelievable, far better than pain meds.
Yep, it’s all-around good for you, externally and internally.
Ack! I hadn’t seen that. Surely it can’t be! Michael’s put out the pansys today.
Low of 28 tonight and 29 tomorrow. 🙁
But I imagine the flowers can survive that.
And they have dropped the snow from the forecast.
I had woken up to post a new cafe, but then I fell asleep before I could post a comment in it last night. D’oh.
Yay for humpday! This 5-day work week thing leaves a bit to be desired, even if I’m home in the afternoons. At least part of my day today is taken up by a workshop, so it should be a little easier. And we got our first client comments back on a manuscript, woo-hoo.
How’s everyone surviving the endless (here in PA anyway) rain?
I need to post some pics of the endlessly adorable Finn man today. He is so scrumptious, I could eat him up. 🙂
Give him a hug for me.
dat’s so purdy!
Between autumn and spring, I keep changing my mind about which is my favorite.
Hello, all, I just joined up here.
I am Agnostic on dKos, and elsewhere, as well as in both real and reel life. MY puns will not improve here, I must admit.
Joining SN is welcoming you.
The diaries go by at a much more leisurely pace here, no need to rush comments. And the Cafe/Lounge is mostly for lazy chats and introductions for new users who feel like it.
On a good day I’m an agnostic as well, but my (rarely used) FB page identifies me as atheist.
Greetings, to thee as well.
I dunno. I am rather pissed (not the scotch based version) about Tea Baggers and their violence. That is simply so wrong.
The Ugly never sleeps.
Good to see you, Pastor.
Welcome to BT!
I’ve got spring in my step but I’ll still fall for autumn. 🙂
my least favorite? Summer. Winter snow, cold and dark skies always attracted me. You can always find a way to get warm, preferably with a warm partner.
Summer? Sweat. Heat. More heat.
Then, it hits me. I do blacksmithing as art. I work in really hot conditions. I hammer, forge, weld, use plasma cutters, and other tools, to shape steel into large ornate shapes. those temps are far hotter than any summer chicago day.
Hmmmmm. That makes me wonder. About me, and my preferences.
Oh I’m right with you on summer. I’d love to live somewhere with 4 seasons but temps that never got hotter than 75 or colder than 20.
Pastor Agnostic,
Welcome to the pad.
thank you. The pace and peace seem quite, er, unexpectedly nice.
Welcome to the pond. I’ve seen your posts over at big orange. They’ll get more attention here.
conversation would be the most welcome thingie.
I have parental units who think Sarah Palin is brilliant. I have a sibling who was the head of staff counsel for a conservative governor. And her husband, another lawyer, thinks I’m a communist. Hey, so I quit a large firm because I really got tired of winning against poor, innocents that my clients beat, killed, poisoned, disarmed, paralyzed, or destroyed their loved ones. Now I represent them. I sleep much better.
And you’re probably a bit poorer too. 😉
I am an attorney for a pubic agency. I’ve probably found myself involved with some of the same issues.
in pure dollar ways, sure, but life has become far richer.
Welcome to the Frog Pond!
Hi All,
Longtime lurker, first-time poster (to the main BT site). Came to BT months ago from Al Giordano’s “The Field” and really enjoy the format and pace of this site (as well as the very thoughtful and diverse opinions, sans trolls).
Welcome to the pond!
I hope you enjoy it. 🙂
Welcome! Wow, these new UID #s are really making me feel old.
Hi boran!
Without the commercial spammer wanna-bes infecting the site the current UIDs would probably be in the 9-10,000 range…
A little while back, I wrote a four season fairy tale for children of all ages, including ye olde farts.
Would anyone object if I reprinted that here? I’ve had people cry and laugh after reading it, and even I love rereading it. I don’t wish to offend or intrude, but if I could post it here, I’d love your comments and criticisms.
No objections here.
We do have a storyteller on the site, though lately he is not around as often.
I’d be delighted to read it and I’m sure most of people would as well.
as the puppies chased each other, I took a close look at the back yard.
The pear trees are just fine, getting ready to bud. The plum finally looks big enough to bear fruit. The mixed tree (four different fruit) has never looked healthier. Our 6 female sea buckthorns are ready to leaf, the three males show nothing yet. The lilacs all have buds.
On a whim, I planted three raspberries along the fence, and two in a darker area near the house. My neighbor behind me uses a service which sprays pesticides and herbicides, so the fence ones grow, but rarely fruit. The ones by the house, amazing. every late spring and summer day, many handfuls of ripe, tender, sweet, luscious fruit. And the weird thing is, they fruit again and again, throughout the whole summer, into late fall.
That’s just the back yard. The 30x 40 garden is something else. 5 peach trees along the border, and room for many tomatoes, dill, peppers, (including habaneros and jalapenos) and other fun stuff. The garden’s been a disappointment the last two years, too many issues after a car accident to do it serious work.
My plan for the front yard remains the same. Keep replacing grass with more and more perennials, so the lawn cutting ends up taking less and less time. So far, honey agrees with me. When they all blossom, it looks great.
It sounds gorgeous. I’d love to see some pictures of it.
Your place sounds nice. I hope you’ll be able to do more as time goes by. I began working on one of our raised beds last night after work. It felt good to get into the dirt after a long winter.
Tonight its windy, rainy and 40F outside, so no fun for me in the garden. Went out to help train new candidates running for local office instead, also a rewarding activity.
Sounds wonderful!
Olivia’s on vacation so there’s no official Friday Foto Flogging today but I put up a diary in case people just couldn’t stand going a week without posting pictures.
Yay, it’s Friday. It appears we’ve gotten the colder weather this morning.
I’m working from home all day so I can go to friend’s memorial service later this morning.
Sorry about the sad reason for working at home.
We’re back. It was a lovely service and tribute to a truly special woman, but so sad.
It’s beer:30 here already.
BTW, I keep trying to leave comments at your place, but blogger eats them. Is it just me?
I don’t know. A couple of people have mentioned occasional problems but no one has mentioned consistent ones. Have you tried a different browser just to see if that has any effect.
P.S. I saw that the important Butler comment got through so yay! 🙂
TGIF! It couldn’t have come soon enough!
Friday AND payday here! FSM, I am truly thankful!
Cool! I have to wait until Wednesday for the pay thing… 🙂
wow. wind chchchchchill of 26 here. This is much more like the march we used to have. But those 60s+ kinda spoiled us.
how’s it in your nape of the forests?
We went from mid-60s in the late morning to 30s in the afternoon, with a chilly wind blowing. This winter/spring in NC has been unusually cold. But I’m in no hurry for the hellish summer.
Last night it was quite nasty, with wind-driven rain and falling temps. It was 31F at our house when I left for work this morning, but the rain had passed and the sun was peeking over the horizon through a cloudless sky.