I don’t know if a Republican House of Representatives would impeach Obama, but they’d surely reprise the government shutdown. Something to focus the mind as the midterms approach.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
How exactly did that government shutdown thing work for Newt Gingrich? As I remember it helps Bill Clinton get re-elected.
Nonetheless, the prospect of a Republican-controlled House should be something to focus the mind. Who would be Speaker? Boehner or Cantor? or someone else? Boehner seems to have the ego for wanting to have it.
Now say “Speaker of the House John Boehner.”
Does that not focus the mind better than a reprise of a government shutdown?
If Boehner thinks the Boner jokes and Tan Man quips are bad now, he ain’t seen nothing yet. Remember, the Pukes didn’t give a damn about Pelosi until it was looking more and more like we were gonna take the House. I remember Faux Noise going into overdrive about August of 2006 trying to stoke fear into their viewers of a San Francisco takeover of D.C. It was fugly.
After hearing McCain declaring he was taking his marbles and going home I’m this stunt should be named after its leader. So Senator McCain how about we call this the move the McCain stupor?
Sort of off-topic (though still related to obstructionism):
Does anyone have a sense of the likelihood that the GOP would scuttle the nuclear arms treaty (which requires 66 or 67 votes in the Senate) being negotiated with Russia? A new treaty would be (I think) a monumentally good advancement for many reasons, but I can absolutely see the R’s spewing all kinds of “It’ll make us unsafe and weak!” nonsense (a la the Cheney clan).
Does anyone have an idea of what the financial savings/benefits would be to a major reduction in arms (with all of their maintenance and storage costs)? It seems like that might be a strong tool to sway the public that isn’t cowed with fear into supporting the treaty (for budget/deficit reasons as well as for the military/diplomatic benefits).
p.s. I’ve lurked here for quite a few months (heard about this site from Al Giordano’s “The Field”), but this is my first time posting.
Why would they need 66(or 67) votes. BushCo just ignored the Vienna conventions and no one did anything. Why would Republicans be any different now?
I didn’t word my sentence properly. It takes 2/3 majority (not sure if that means 66 or 67 votes) in the Senate to ratify treaties. I wondered if the Dems will be able to get enough Republicans to vote with them to pass what would be a terrific jumpstart to nuclear arms control amongst the major powers.
welcome aboard. go to have you with us
Welcome to BT! Stop by the cafe and say hello.
See Indianadem`s comment.
Here is a link that may help you although I think that Republicans will make this as difficult as they can. I haven’t been watching c-span much but sometime in recent months I did see some Republican ranting about how the START III would reduce our defenses too much. I think it was on c-span. START III is a BIG deal and they don’t want a Democratic President, especially this one, to have ANY successes – so expect a fight.
You might find other good articles by doing a site search on ThinkProgress.org or AmericanProgress.org
Here are some of the articles on AmericanProgress.org:
Here is another article that just showed up on ThinkProgress recently:
It seems to be a little more specific about the fight with the Republicans.
Sounds like more of a fight than I thought at first:
They impeached Bill Clinton over nothing. Maybe they would impeach Obama for being “uppity”.
Seriously, they might say the Health Care Law was passed illegally (they do say that) and therefore he violated his oath of office and that’s a “high crime”. Really, I could see them doing that. Then they impeach Biden on spurious grounds, accessory maybe, and suddenly the Republic is saved by President Boner (sic).