Senator John McCain sees no problem with his former running-mate’s advice that Republicans should “reload” and “aim for” Democrats in next fall’s elections.
Sarah Palin’s use of gun imagery in addressing her followers on Twitter and Facebook has been criticized as potentially inciting threats of violence, like those which are already being directed towards Democratic members of Congress who voted for health care reform.
“Considering these threats, these concerns that we’ve been hearing about regarding violence, do you now recommend that your party use less incendiary language?” NBC’s Ann Curry asked McCain on Thursday.
“I have seen the rhetoric of ‘targeted districts’ as long as I’ve been in politics,” McCain responded, chuckling. “To say that there’s a targeted district or that we ‘reload’ or ‘got back into the fight again.’ Please.”
McCain knows about the wave of violence (actual violence) and threats made against liberals and Democrats. He must be really worried about that primary challenge from the far right of his party this year to have agreed with Palin’s language, a politician he know longer sees and probably wishes he’d never met. Either that or he’s a real dirt bag. Or perhaps both.
My nomination was Eric Cantor for reporting that a bullet was shot through the window of his campaign office either last night or the night before. And the office in question is a suite with a lot of lawyers offices and there is no exterior advertising that connects it with Cantor.
Apparently, the GOP response is going to be “the other side does it too.”
I thought about Cantor, but McCain is actually approving of the violent rhetoric, while Cantor is trying to play the victim card. Tough choice either way.
Richmond Police report says that the bullet was fired in the air because it came down at a very sharp angle and was found 1 foot from the window. It penetrated the window but not the window blinds on the first floor of the building.
Given the gun laws in Richmond, the bullet could have come from anywhere in range. And for any reason.
Anthony Weiner just received an envelope containing white powder, a la Anthrax.
It was just on CNN in the background here.
It was on Rick Sanchez as Breaking News.
The letter was received at Weiner`s, Queen`s office.
Hola, Manny
hi knucklehead, hope you’re doing well.
I wonder at what point he realized that had he crashed his campaign plane, and that he would be losing to a 1st term, african american, lawyer.
He was clueless when Bush/Rove handed him his back teeth in 2000. Those attacks left him speechless and dazed.
He really thought he had a chance to win in 2008. I think his selection of an unknown dimwit bimbette from I’ll Ask her as Veep was precisely what some reported: An effort to change the campaign with a surprise selection, putting pressure on the Democrats to respond somehow in kind. Once she proved to be a greedy, clueless, functionally illiterate, demanding prima dona, it was too late.
The thing is, he really doesn’t care anymore. He is bitter, he feels rejected by America, he hates Obama (as a convenient object, not because Obama pulled a Rovian move on him) and he probably hates himself in the morning when he shaves. I bet he grinds his dentures when he sees Obama on TV.
I wonder if history would have been different,had he chosen Kay Bailey Hutchinson, who at least has a brain.
I’m sure it would have been vastly different, had he chosen her then had a fatal stroke or heart attack.
Sen. McCain’s father and grandfather were both 4-star admirals. The senator was a bona fide hero after he returned to the states after being a POW. I wonder how much and what he did to not get selected for admiral.
In other words, besides totally wrecking five of the Navy’s aircraft, who else did he piss-off.
If he had had just a little bit of his shit in one sock, he was a shoo-in to be at least a 2-star (Rear Admiral).
He was about 5 or so from the bottom of his class at the academy. Admirals are probably in the top 10% at least.