Olivia is out taking gorgeous pictures of Vancouver so no official flog today but I thought I’d put up diary so you can make your own theme and post pictures for it.
Friday Foto Flogging will be back April 2nd with a theme of Beginnings and Endings
So feel free to brighten our lives with your photos.
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Loverly luminous leaves.
It’s bed-time here. I’ll see if I can scare up a photo or two in the morning.
Night/morning all.
I’m sure you can find something — your cria must be growing by leaps and bounds (maybe literally).
I would be pleased if you would continue your “What is it?” from the last FFF. I am stuck.
Attention span of a gnat at the moment.
Luna likes to lie on the floor next to me when I’m sitting at the computer. If I lower the chair all the way I can hang my left hand down and pet her. These fur mats result from my running my fingers repeatedly through her pantaloons – teasing out any knots and loose hair. These particular mats came from the same session. At some point my hand gets so loaded with hair I have to strip the accumulated fur off so that I can continue. The holes, obviously, are from my fingers.
You could knit some slippers for the winter with that fur.
I’ve spun Pyr hair before, but this is the course outer-coat. It’s the fuzzy under-coat which makes the nice soft and fluffy wool.
I would never have guessed! That is a lot of shedding!
Especially when you consider that she’d already done almost all of her Summer shedding and that the above hair was from only one thigh.
Have I mentioned that Pyrs shed enough hair to make a whole ‘nother dog with?
I concur on the loverly leaves. I’m headed in to work about the time that nice sunrise lighting is about:(
Here in Philadelphia in Fairmount Park, there is an attraction called the Japanese House. It’s a gorgeous structure in traditional Japanese architecture surrounded with gorgeous landscaping, some bonsai, koi pond – it’s all very Zen. It’s also a host of the Cherry Blossom Festival which, although I’ve never formerly attended, is said to be one of the most beautiful displays in the area when the weather cooperates.
So although I’ve never officially been on the grounds (i.e., paid admission), I did happen to be in the area for a couple hours the other day and took the time to walk the immediate public access grounds and take some pictures.
The remaining few images from the set can be viewed here and I’ve also got a new set up from Fort Mifflin, a key and (I believe) first commissioned fort in America that’s nestled just south of Philadelphia right next to the Philadelphia International Airport. Well worth the visit!
Looks like a really beautiful place — most even more so as spring goes on.
Nice place to photograph, and nice shots.
Got my hands on a Nikkor af-s 70-300 g ed VRII. I haven’t had time to take it out and really give it a go yet, but if things hold we’ll be in the Everglades in a few weeks. Here are a few backyard shots. It looks promising.
Spring is on the way!
I also want to thank Andi and Olivia BOTH, for doing this, and everyone who participates.
Oh my! These are wonderful. Your cat photo is my favorite, partly because it looks like one of my cats. 😉
Love the juxtaposition of the cat looking up at the bird.
That was my thought as well.
Have fun with the new toy! These are great! Love the cat.
Joining everybody in loving how you arranged your photo. And getting to see all these great photos is more than enough thanks (but you’re welcome).
¡jezeus! will it never end? closing in on a new record for snow here, 123″ so far, and more’s coming down as we speak.
EEEK! (peeks between fingers over eyes)
Did you make the footprints at an earlier time or come upon them? Looking at everyone’s photos week after week, I find myself paying attention to the world around me differently.
Hope spring does its thing your way soon.
they’re from one of the foxes that have a den in the neighborhood. my front yard is one of their regular transit points to cross the street. l see them fairly often but haven’t been able to get a good pic of them yet…l keep hoping.
Yikes!! Well here’s to a quick warm up and subsequent melt.
Spring flora to compliment your fauna, BobX. Sorry about the delayed spring where you are, dada.
Our neighborhood flower shop yesterday

Lovely. I hope they came through the freeze in flying colors.
It was 31F at our house just before sunrise yesterday morning, so they’re probably fine.
Great color blast. I love violets but it’s too warm to grow them well here.
Then, try a different hue. Say, a cooler ultraviolet. The further away you go from infrared, the cooler it seems.
Oh. Wait. You are talking flowers.
never mind.
Since January, I’ve been spending a couple hours a week after school with these kids getting ready for a Math Bowl. The only problems they missed were the ones I hadn’t prepared them for. They were awesome!

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Heh, I see the ever-popular rabbit ear sign is still around. Some things never change.