Family Man’s new puppy Lucy (more photos here).
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Chaska means Luminous Star (or Venus) in Quechuan.
Great name. And she’s a great addition to your menagerie.
I wish she’d stay that burnt color, but with the black legs and face were fairly certain that she’ll go all black.
I was taking a photo of our giant agave, with Luna for scale, when Lily decided to sneek into the picture.
I was trying to get a photo of the gorgeous blue girl that Minnie the Muscovy produced in her latest clutch, when Minnie felt that I was too close and decided to intervene.
Note the blurry tail – they’re always waging their tails and I rarely get one in focus.
Doing a Dog Blog with Lucy was inspired and the pics (I still cant’ get over the size of the agave) are great but even with mom nosing in, this is my favorite. She looks like something out of a painter by a Dutch artist.
After you all made comments about the giant agave, I decided to give it a proper assessment – it’s just over nine feet tall. I guess I didn’t notice how big it’s become because I see it every day. It has tapped into the gray water run-off from the house so it has unlimited water to grow with.
The little blue, especially in profile, would make a fine Delft painting.
So not only is the greener over the septic field — it’s really, really tall. 🙂
I guess if Erma had had an agave there she would have made that observation as well.
Unfortunately, they only seem to fly around when it’s overcast.
Only found in Tasmania.
Lily kept chasing them out of the dog yard, but I managed to get a few photos despite her heroic efforts at saving us from the avian hordes.
Hi Keres,
It’s good to see you. Chaska looks adorable and Luna and Lilly look their usual wonderful selfs. 😉
Lucy says thank you for putting up a Lucy edition. So far she nothing but a bundle of energy that keeps running and bouncing off everything in her way. Whenever I take her outside she does nothing but run doing figure eights on the lawn and patio. I look at her running and vaguely remember when I was a kid and having that much energy.
Hope everything has been going well for you.
Take care
Everything s going well, thank you.
I think that’s one reason I love baby critters, they remind me of the that youthful joy that we somehow seem to lose along the way. Chaska is doing her part by leaping and gamboling about the place.
Well, she certainly has the “glamour shot” pose down pat! What a beauty!
Hi there, Family Man. Looks like you’ve found yourself a fine lookin’ pup.
Happi says to say “Hi” to Lucy.
Happi-relaxing on her 2nd birthday, St Patty’s Day
Howdy NDD. Happi looks like one very happi, comfy dog.
Another member of the Spaniel club. Hello NDD and Happi.
Our veggie garden is winding down. We probably only have another week or two before the first frost. We’re hoping the popcorn finishes filling out by then. This many-cobbed dwarf variety is a blue corn.
So many truly great photos!
Could this also be the New Addition Edition?
click for larger
Poor Giddy, hiding under Bebo was never going to provide cover for very long.
Actually she wasn’t trying to hide — she was trying to get to the door and Bebo being in her way wasn’t going to stop her.
With one tall dog and one short, stubby dog, we see this scenario often.
I’ve seen Sniff go under Bebo and Sniff and Bebo go under Giddy (though Bebo prefers jumping over to going under) but this is a first for bigger dog going under smaller dog.
I once took a neighbor’s cat to the vet for shots and was amazed at how much the poor thing could flatten its body out to try to avoid the needle.
Ah, I had one dog that, when going into the vet tried to make himself bigger than the door (which, being a Pyr, he nearly managed). And once inside he’d whine and carry-on and keep trying to make a break for the door.
My big brave guide dog.
Oops, that should be “guard dog”. He’d have been a rotten guide dog, unless you wanted to follow goats all day long.