I bought the niece some water colors, and couldn’t help playing with them. Hector refused to pose, but I think I captured his essence.
Hector, the world’s grumpiest Easter Bunny, would like to wish you all a hoppy Easter/Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite.
Bunnies, known for their fecundity, were totemic to her, and hence their continued association with her day.
They were delicious.
(Although I might have eaten a few too many)
Nice expressive painting up above and not nice pained expression right here.
I think the ears were pinching her. Nor did it help that Lily keep trying to attack them, while mostly just whapping Luna in the face with a big paw.
Lovely painting. Around here (coastal Carolina) people hang multi-colored plastic eggs on strings from tree branches. It totally looks as trashy as it sounds. Also, many yards sport huge cut-outs of rabbits with baskets on their arms. I resist telling them that co-opting Pagan symbolism does not make it less Pagan. Big, bloody crosses aren’t as decorative, one assumes.
Yep, dead god on a stick just isn’t as festive as all the symbolism that came before. At least is sounds like the local displays aren’t putting more load on the electrical grid, as frequently happens with xmas displays.