This week’s Immigration Blog Roundup covers new developments in policy, research, media, and more…

Senate Bill 1070 which would make it a state crime in Arizona to be in the country illegally has already passed in the Senate and two committees in the House is expected to be heard by the full House next week. 

A recent poll by USC College/Los Angeles Times reveals a shift in the mindset of Californians showing strong support for a guest worker program and creating a path toward legalization.  The poll also shows that they are much more conflicted on the question of services for illegal immigrants than in the past.

The Washington Post recently reported that ICE has implemented quotas and set goals to remove 400,000 illegal immigrants this year and have shifted their focus from deporting undocumented immigrants that have criminal backgrounds to bolstering efforts to catch undocumented immigrants whose only violation was lying on immigration/visa documents.

Watch "Immigration: More Rogue than Right?" from America’s Voice

Read about "Living on the Border" a documentary by Karl W. Hoffman.

Civil liberties groups are applauding the Transportation Security Administration’s decision to rescind a policy that called for enhanced security screening for passengers who held passports or were traveling from 14 predominantly Muslim countries. 

New research from the Immigration Policy Center examines the economic impact of immigrants, Latinos, and Asians in New Mexico and found that Immigrants made up 9.3% of New Mexicans in 2007 and if all unauthorized immigrants were removed from New Mexico, the state would lose $1.8 billion in economic activity, $809.1 million in gross state product, and approximately 12,239 jobs.

Finally, The Opportunity Agenda invites you to Immigration: Arts, Culture & Media 2010 on April 14th.