Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Non-stop Masters. I’m hopelessly addicted to watching overpaid dudes hitting little white balls over nitrogen encrusted eco-catastrophes. I guess I’m not a good progressive.
Obama cracked me up. He should just use that line whenever someone asks him about Palin: “Last I checked Sarah Palin is not an expert in __”
Funny? Painfully so. Accurate? Yes. Particularly this: “We’re at the point now that the by far number one ranked news network in this country, no longer feels the need to report what a policy document says in black and white.”
Aww. Can’t watch it from here. When we were in Germany this week, I was very surprised to see that I could watch Comedy Central videos. Now I’m back to “Sorry, Videos are not currently available in your country” land.
(TPM) – At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference last night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich declared that President Obama’s administration is “the most radical administration in American history.” He also referred to the president’s “secular socialist machine.”
Also, where is Frank Gaffney?!? He’s got to be wetting himself in psychotic rage in the Hardball green room. We’re talking about hundreds of nukes that will never know what it’s like to grow up in a country dedicated to MAD. Poor sad little nukes…
we haven’t talked homebrewing in a while. What’s your next brew?
I’m drinking dunkelweizen, pale ale and IPA and like them all. Happy to share recipes if you want. I’m fermenting a saison which seems to be stuck at 1.018 and next up is a Fuller’s clone.
hope your attempt at growing hops goes better than mine, I’ve given up. Last year I put up a 14′ pole for a trellis, now it’s just a flagpole. I’m flying Jolly Roger 🙂
well, i’ve graduated to all-grain brewing, and I am never looking back. So superior to extract brews!
i tried to make an extra pale ale for a party we went to this weekend, but I didn’t aerate the wort enough, and fermentation stalled until i transferred it. The final result was more of a blonde ale, which was delicious, but not exactly what i’d been aiming for.
I reused the yeast (rogue’s pacman variety, which they licensed to wyeast) and aerated it well. The next batch, a more traditional pale ale, is in the secondary now. i think it’s going to be very good. I’m brewing another pale ale this weekend, again with the Pacman.
removing a 10 foot sprawl of prickly pear [blech] so I can put my apricot tree in the ground. already anchored the fig & pomegranates earlier this week in non-cactus-infested parts of my yard.
I’m hauling a carload of old computer parts over to IU tomorrow for free recycling, courtesy of Apple and a bunch of local volunteers. Tomorrow night we’ll be at the annual JJ Day dinner. Might get to hear Bayh heir apparent Brad Ellswoth speak if he makes it.
…I think I owe the gov. And I’m unemployed.
Non-stop Masters. I’m hopelessly addicted to watching overpaid dudes hitting little white balls over nitrogen encrusted eco-catastrophes. I guess I’m not a good progressive.
Obama cracked me up. He should just use that line whenever someone asks him about Palin: “Last I checked Sarah Palin is not an expert in __”
Funny? Painfully so. Accurate? Yes. Particularly this: “We’re at the point now that the by far number one ranked news network in this country, no longer feels the need to report what a policy document says in black and white.”
Responding to myself, it’s funny, but it is also so painful that laughing at this is like laughing during “Fargo.”
Aww. Can’t watch it from here. When we were in Germany this week, I was very surprised to see that I could watch Comedy Central videos. Now I’m back to “Sorry, Videos are not currently available in your country” land.
…who by happy circumstance is a new dad.
ProgressiveRadical In American History (VIDEO)(TPM) – At the Southern Republican Leadership Conference last night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich declared that President Obama’s administration is “the most radical administration in American history.” He also referred to the president’s “secular socialist machine.”
Obama On VA Confederate History Month: Omission Of Slavery ‘Unacceptable’
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Also, where is Frank Gaffney?!? He’s got to be wetting himself in psychotic rage in the Hardball green room. We’re talking about hundreds of nukes that will never know what it’s like to grow up in a country dedicated to MAD. Poor sad little nukes…
These poor folks will have to content themselves with playing board games.
That and their “Fantasy politics” league, which many Republicans seem to spend too much time on and far too little time in the real world.
Yep, poor little “mission aborted” nukes. No doubt there will be a pro-nuke right-to-fusion movement.
moving the beer fridge and a keg to my buddy’s house for Saturday’s homebrew party;
tying the lines for the hop garden;
washing my yeast for extended storage, for a 4/17 brewday;
practice with the Super Devils;
writing an article on stinkbugs; and
we haven’t talked homebrewing in a while. What’s your next brew?
I’m drinking dunkelweizen, pale ale and IPA and like them all. Happy to share recipes if you want. I’m fermenting a saison which seems to be stuck at 1.018 and next up is a Fuller’s clone.
hope your attempt at growing hops goes better than mine, I’ve given up. Last year I put up a 14′ pole for a trellis, now it’s just a flagpole. I’m flying Jolly Roger 🙂
well, i’ve graduated to all-grain brewing, and I am never looking back. So superior to extract brews!
i tried to make an extra pale ale for a party we went to this weekend, but I didn’t aerate the wort enough, and fermentation stalled until i transferred it. The final result was more of a blonde ale, which was delicious, but not exactly what i’d been aiming for.
I reused the yeast (rogue’s pacman variety, which they licensed to wyeast) and aerated it well. The next batch, a more traditional pale ale, is in the secondary now. i think it’s going to be very good. I’m brewing another pale ale this weekend, again with the Pacman.
Studying, lab reports…
But on the bright side, I’m hosting a party tomorrow 🙂
Attending a one day conference on Yemen at a local university.
Anchoring the dishwasher back in the counter. Done.
Sitting on the patio looking at new growth on the trees. And watching the patio flowers grow and the dog sleep.
removing a 10 foot sprawl of prickly pear [blech] so I can put my apricot tree in the ground. already anchored the fig & pomegranates earlier this week in non-cactus-infested parts of my yard.
Fig trees? Can I come visit when they’re in season, please?
anytime! i grew up with a fig tree in the yard so it was a must-have when i acquired my own plot of dirt.
… working on v3 of my book proposal. Third one’s the charm, right? All for the same publisher, bless him. He has the patience of a saint.
I’m hauling a carload of old computer parts over to IU tomorrow for free recycling, courtesy of Apple and a bunch of local volunteers. Tomorrow night we’ll be at the annual JJ Day dinner. Might get to hear Bayh heir apparent Brad Ellswoth speak if he makes it.
Cleaning and packing, then flying down to FL to prep for the wedding next week.
Wow, I can’t believe your big day is almost here. I wish you both all the best – will there be pictures on the wedding site?
I’m sure that’ll be on the Honey-Do list… :o))