Now, when it comes to experience on nuclear issues, Palin is not only confused about the policy, she’s also confused about Obama. As a senator, some of Obama’s most impressive work came when he teamed with Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) to work on counter-proliferation. And as president, Obama personally helped negotiate the most important arms treaty in a generation. Palin, meanwhile, thinks Vladimir Putin once flew over her house. What we’re seeing is the difference between a child and an adult.
Also, Benen notes the strange phenomenon of Palin and Liz Cheney defending Hamid Karzai, who recently threatened to join the Taliban in their effort to rid Afghanistan of foreign occupiers.
Yours and Benen’s are my two favorite news analysis blogs — keep up the great work, and thanks!
Also — I’ve seen Benen on Rachel Maddow from time to time. Have you ever been asked, and would you go on the teevee machine?
In bed with Bibi Netanyahu
≈ Cross-posted from my diary — PM Netanyahu Avoids Humiliation in Washington ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
John Stewart and/or Stephen Colbert did a great job of showing what a complete fool and ignoramus Palin made of herself.
he’s been on a roll…and ICAM.
Watching Palin all friggin week and now Gingrich down in New Orleans I can’t help but wonder what a debate would look like between those two. What tact would Gingrich take to sway a crowd away from her phenomenal use of bumpersticker one liners should they both end up as forerunners in 2012?
Obviously, for those addicted to her one liners, it just won’t be the same to swoon over Newts thoughts. Sides he just won’t look as good in those zipper jackets she wears.
Juan Cole is reporting this:
Cole points out that Iran, unlike Israel, is a signatory to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, has not weapons production, no verified weapons programs or IAEA infractions, and is facing stringent sanctions promoted by the US.
So…diversion of bunker-buster bombs to Diego Garcia; denial of visas to Israeli nuclear scientists; restrictions on export of technical components and equipment to the Dimona bomb plant.
Is Bibi getting the message yet, or does he think Liz Cheney can protect him?
George S asks President Obama a direct question about Sarah Palin’s assinine “playground” comment the other day. President Obama did not bring it up himself (he rarely does actually, but amazingly no one ever mentions that)
President Obama, who unlike Sarah Palin, when asked a direct question, answers said questions with as much tact and truth as possible. Even though we would rather he’s have said who gives a flying… what Sarah palin said.
Sarah Palin in her speech in NOLA responds to said answer from President in her usually “you betcha” slogany way.
Chris Matthews on Hardball ponders should the President be getting into “spats” with Sarah Palin. No mention of the fact that the question was actually posed to Obama. Obama did not bring the subject of Sara Palin up at all.
So in the span of a day or less, we’ve gone from the President signing the very significant new START policy, to why is the President “fighting” with Sara Palin. All because Sara Palin is supposedly some big deal to the MSM and GOP, even though are fav/unfav or in the toilet.
It’s sad state of affairs.
in the video George S segues immediately to his question about Sarah P – wtf? that’s on a par with the START treaty signing? I don’t think so. media is so f*d up.
Even worse, ABC News played the video of Palin’s response without any correction about Obama’s actual accomplishments on the nuclear front as a senator.
Is a Cheney puppet.
I saw this too and wondered what your take on it would be.
Washington Monthly and Booman.
Two of my favorite blogs.
Sarah Palin.
Is she ever ashamed of being so uninformed?
“Is she ever ashamed of being so uninformed?“
Nope. I think she’s proud of it.
It’s not confusion.
They simply don’t care about what true and what’s not.
Until people start to grasp that, you all will just be whistling dixie, solemnly comforting each other with truth.