Mrs. ID has an overabundance of client projects in the hopper this week, so I’m taking a rare day off from my day job to help out. I have to speak at a candidate forum tonight, so its shaping up to be a long day. Hope the rain stays away for your walk.
That’s so nice that you take the day and give Mrs. ID a hand. Have fun together, and good luck at the candidate forum.
It’s looking like the rain isn’t going to even hold off until noon, I’m afraid. If it does hold off until noon, I might be able to take a lunchtime walk when I come home. We’ll see.
Good luck with the busy day. I have one also helping a friend get back into treatment for a dual diagnosis. He hit bottom again and cried out for help and I am trying to get him started. Hate to say it but this is the last time I can go through this with him. I just don’t have the strength to help if he will not help himself.
Good luck with your friend, refinish. I know you’ve worked hard to get yourself into a better place, and I can totally understand how you feel about not being able to help someone who won’t help themselves.
Sometimes letting go is the best for all.
Sometimes the safety nets allow us to stay exactly where we are.
Some of us are destined not to recover.
That’s just the way it is.
In any case, what happens to us is no one else’s responsibility.
If we don’t get that, nothing changes.
Some of us are destined not to recover.
[…] In any case, what happens to us is no one else’s responsibility.
I think that is very true, ww. Ultimately, recovery comes from inner strength – the support from loved ones is an important catalyst, but the recipient must, at some point, be willing to face the demons and determine which path to follow to conquer them.
In my own experience with recovery, I don’t feel I was actually assisted by loved ones or peers in what I really needed to do — which was to re-formulate my manner of being at an almost molecular level. It’s that intense a personal project.
You’re very complimentary, Lusciousness.
Fact is, though, that it takes a hell of a lot of courage & strength to live as an active addict & I couldn’t do it any more. Apparently I couldn’t die either, so there was only one choice left.
I wimped out!
I agree that the inner strength is the main point. It is what I am having to use to deal with my mental illness and also with my physical disability. I’m lucky that people are supportive but ultimately the work is mine to do.
Thank you!!! They are actually at an intake assessment for a treatment center this morning. Once they get in, they will be there for at least 30 days. My friend is already saying he would like to be there longer as there are so many demons to deal with before he would be ready for the outside. I think he has finally hit rock bottom which is where most have to hit before anything can help. The inner person must take over and find the strength and resolve to make a difference. I can be there to talk to but cannot do the work needed to overcome the problems.
It seems there’s a bit of that going around. We were all worrying about it at work today (commiserating about getting them finished and in some cases, paying what was owed).
Glad yours are done. I jsut got the email that mine are ready to be picked up.
yay for humpday! I’m looking forward to the weekend getting here…and so is Mr. Finn. Who I’m having a little morning chat with right now. He’s so darned cute.
Sounds fun chatting with Finn. have fun. I am looking forward to the weekend as I have a GLBT State of the State meeting at the capital from 9 am till 4pm with activist from all over the state. Some of then I haven’t seen in almost 2 years. It will be nice to see old friends again and meet new ones.
Thanks, NDD. Early spring is my favorite time of year — I love its sense of the new, the soft feel of all that newness, the kaleidoscope of all those shades of green, and getting to enjoy all of it while still being able to see the shape of the land.
My sympathies. I do have allergies but spring isn’t a problem for me because unless the pollen is concentrated and strongly scented, it doesn’t bother me. I’m much more sensitive to dust so the wetness of spring actually helps.
Morning Miss Andi!!! Looking forward to the diary. I have some I am looking for comments and suggestions on. I think I am addicted to my camera almost as much as I am to my computer.
Well spring has decided to be spring … from a high of 86 on Thursday to a high of 60 and a chance of frost. Why can’t it just stay in the mid-70s all the time?
That is interesting. Even though we have massive amounts of native pines, they must all be males because this was the worst season since I moved down here. Pollen was covering everything and a green haze hung in the air for almost a week. Now I am sitting on my deck amidst about a trillion of those little maple helicopters. So…must be a female littering tree.
I thought it was interesting too…and explains why I would have an allergy attack whenever I went down to the city in the springtime, even though I was fine in cabinland.
Our normally red Saturn has a decidedly green hue from the clouds of pollen coming from some huge pine trees near the parking area at work. I’m reminded the thing needs washing every time I’m headed west into the sun, but I usually forget by the time I get home. Maybe its Family Man’s slackerly influence.
I never knew about pine pollen until I moved to NC. There are very few pines around Cleveland. To be honest, I’d be happy to never see another one. We have more than a dozen 40 ft. pines in our small yard and it’s a constant barrage of pine needles, pine cones, pine bark and spring pollen. On second thought, I’d like to see them in my neighbor’s yard so I could enjoy them swaying in the wind without the cleanup duties.
I don’t remember seeing the green clouds come gusting across the street until a couple of years ago. I suppose they were there all along. The closest ones to our place are a half block away and normally downwind. Irrelevant trivia, they’re in my long-ago ex’s office yard.
We have oaks too, and the catkins were a couple of weeks ago. They’re still in the middle of the street where cars have blown them into piles that look, from a distance, like a body lying in the road. Fun fact: Raleigh is called City of Oaks….and there is a giant bronze acorn in the square downtown which they illuminate and lower at midnight on New Year’s eve. It’s a touch of quaintness in a metro area that’s approaching 2 million.
Another day…it’s supposed to turn rainy here today. I’m hoping it waits until after my early evening walk with Finn.
I have a busy day ahead of me at work. It’s nice to have some real projects to be working on.
Wait, I thought Finn was your “real” project and everything was just a hobby. 🙂
We are having glorious weather, which is really nice for Jim who is on a 3 day, 2 night outdoor education field trip with 81 six-graders.
I cannot imagine doing what he does! My 3 grandchildren wear me out. Kudos to Jim!
He keeps asking me to come along and just can’t understand why I don’t want to.
I love knowing that there are people out there who enjoy sixth graders. I think it’s a really tough age, and I’m glad Jim has fun with them.
My theory is that Jim and the kids are about the same emotional age so it works out well. 😉
I like kids, but what I like even more is giving them back to their parents when I’ve tired of them.
As a wise cousin once pointed out, a good child is one who goes home with someone else.
Mrs. ID has an overabundance of client projects in the hopper this week, so I’m taking a rare day off from my day job to help out. I have to speak at a candidate forum tonight, so its shaping up to be a long day. Hope the rain stays away for your walk.
Candidate forums are so much fun. LOL Good luck with that and with helping Mrs. ID.
That’s so nice that you take the day and give Mrs. ID a hand. Have fun together, and good luck at the candidate forum.
It’s looking like the rain isn’t going to even hold off until noon, I’m afraid. If it does hold off until noon, I might be able to take a lunchtime walk when I come home. We’ll see.
Good luck with the busy day. I have one also helping a friend get back into treatment for a dual diagnosis. He hit bottom again and cried out for help and I am trying to get him started. Hate to say it but this is the last time I can go through this with him. I just don’t have the strength to help if he will not help himself.
Good luck with your friend, refinish. I know you’ve worked hard to get yourself into a better place, and I can totally understand how you feel about not being able to help someone who won’t help themselves.
I wish you luck, rf.
Sometimes letting go is the best for all.
Sometimes the safety nets allow us to stay exactly where we are.
Some of us are destined not to recover.
That’s just the way it is.
In any case, what happens to us is no one else’s responsibility.
If we don’t get that, nothing changes.
Some of us are destined not to recover.
In any case, what happens to us is no one else’s responsibility.
I think that is very true, ww. Ultimately, recovery comes from inner strength – the support from loved ones is an important catalyst, but the recipient must, at some point, be willing to face the demons and determine which path to follow to conquer them.
Howdy, ask!
In my own experience with recovery, I don’t feel I was actually assisted by loved ones or peers in what I really needed to do — which was to re-formulate my manner of being at an almost molecular level. It’s that intense a personal project.
That takes an extraordinary amount of courage and inner strength. I wish I had some of yours in reserve. 🙂
You’re very complimentary, Lusciousness.
Fact is, though, that it takes a hell of a lot of courage & strength to live as an active addict & I couldn’t do it any more. Apparently I couldn’t die either, so there was only one choice left.
I wimped out!
I agree that the inner strength is the main point. It is what I am having to use to deal with my mental illness and also with my physical disability. I’m lucky that people are supportive but ultimately the work is mine to do.
Yes. Because you’re unique.
Thank you!!! They are actually at an intake assessment for a treatment center this morning. Once they get in, they will be there for at least 30 days. My friend is already saying he would like to be there longer as there are so many demons to deal with before he would be ready for the outside. I think he has finally hit rock bottom which is where most have to hit before anything can help. The inner person must take over and find the strength and resolve to make a difference. I can be there to talk to but cannot do the work needed to overcome the problems.
Absolutely not. In fact, taking on too much on your friend’s behalf will make you sick.
Yes it will. I am walking a fine line between helping and getting suck into the muck.
Back at work today, taxes all done. Woohoo!
Have fun at work and congrats on the taxes.
Thanks RF! Those taxes were weighing heavily on my mind.
It seems there’s a bit of that going around. We were all worrying about it at work today (commiserating about getting them finished and in some cases, paying what was owed).
Glad yours are done. I jsut got the email that mine are ready to be picked up.
I’m hoping that you don’t have to pay anything this year.
Actually, I just got an email from the accountant saying that I am getting a small refund. I’m not sure how that happened, but I’ll take it.
drive by…does anyone have a link to omir’s 4nikator?
had a bit of a bowser glitch and lost all my bookmarks.
here ya go
Now with green!
click for larger
yay for humpday! I’m looking forward to the weekend getting here…and so is Mr. Finn. Who I’m having a little morning chat with right now. He’s so darned cute.
Sounds fun chatting with Finn. have fun. I am looking forward to the weekend as I have a GLBT State of the State meeting at the capital from 9 am till 4pm with activist from all over the state. Some of then I haven’t seen in almost 2 years. It will be nice to see old friends again and meet new ones.
Finn makes better conversation than many adults I can think of…
Sounds like a fun weekend – we’ll be expecting pictures of course. 🙂
And now I’m off to work- see y’all after lunch.
Isn’t it time for more Finn pics?
Delicious image, Andi. Delicious!
We’re getting a bit of springtime color here, too. Much outrageous blooming last week; much activity ‘mongst the fauna. For tonight: areas of frost.
Kinda sounds like my experience with marriage, wench.
Me, I’d compare it to my life experience in general.
I hope it was a lot moer outrageous blooming than areas of frost.
Equal measure of both, I think. Just like in the woods!
I particularly like that shot, as there’s such a variety of shapes, textures, colors, shadows, and on and on, I’m just mesmerized by it all.
Thanks, NDD. Early spring is my favorite time of year — I love its sense of the new, the soft feel of all that newness, the kaleidoscope of all those shades of green, and getting to enjoy all of it while still being able to see the shape of the land.
I just wish all that didn’t come with the allergy attack…
My sympathies. I do have allergies but spring isn’t a problem for me because unless the pollen is concentrated and strongly scented, it doesn’t bother me. I’m much more sensitive to dust so the wetness of spring actually helps.
Back from Bradford Woods.
Not enough superlatives!!!
Endorphins wearing off.
Exhaustion setting in.
You’re only now starting to feel exhausted? I was exhausted just reading about your impending adventure.
You know how it is with
wild animalssixth-graders, show any sign of weakness ….Surely there must be photos. 😉
Oh there are photos but he was too tired last night to do much more than sit upright (and not always successful at that).
Looking forward to the pictures and glad Jim had a good trip. Here is one of my reflection photos from yesterday to fill in til Jim uploads his.
It’s fun how camera make the world full of interesting details.
For a minute, I thought you were talking about Finn.
The photos are largely of kids and may not make much sense out of context. I take them to give to the kids. I may look at them tonight.
Good morning, everyone!
Photo below by curly (who is more html-challenged than I), from Madison Square Garden on Wednesday. Shot with Blackberry.
Morning!! Great photo. I am always surprised what you can get with phone cameras. The gardens look wonderful.
So pretty!
That’s just gorgeous. Are you back visiting or is she showing you what you’re missing?
She sent it to me on Wednesday.
I’m planning a NY-trip in two weeks, though.
I’m sure curly will be thrilled to have you back but I hope that doesn’t mean you won’t be around for the June 26th meet-up.
Duly noted in the calendar for the second trip home!
Cool, because we’re planning to be there too!
::burning with jealousy::
You can come too!
I need to win the lottery
us too 🙂
I wish you could come. It would be great to see you again.
Woo hoo. I’m really thrilled.
Today’s theme is Random — you choose, we enjoy.
Olivia will post the diary later this morning.
Morning Miss Andi!!! Looking forward to the diary. I have some I am looking for comments and suggestions on. I think I am addicted to my camera almost as much as I am to my computer.
Yep, camera’s will definitely do that to you.
Morning everyone.
Here’s the link: Random
Good morning.
I’ll have to go there and make some random comments. < rimshot >
Well spring has decided to be spring … from a high of 86 on Thursday to a high of 60 and a chance of frost. Why can’t it just stay in the mid-70s all the time?
in Chicago, we have four seasons:
Winter (cold, icy, windy, snowy)
Summer (hot, humid, sunny, hot)
Road Construction (tiring, frustrating, angering, pathetic)
Elections (tiring, frustrating, angering pathetic)
This is interesting.
That is interesting. Even though we have massive amounts of native pines, they must all be males because this was the worst season since I moved down here. Pollen was covering everything and a green haze hung in the air for almost a week. Now I am sitting on my deck amidst about a trillion of those little maple helicopters. So…must be a female littering tree.
I thought it was interesting too…and explains why I would have an allergy attack whenever I went down to the city in the springtime, even though I was fine in cabinland.
Our normally red Saturn has a decidedly green hue from the clouds of pollen coming from some huge pine trees near the parking area at work. I’m reminded the thing needs washing every time I’m headed west into the sun, but I usually forget by the time I get home. Maybe its Family Man’s slackerly influence.
I never knew about pine pollen until I moved to NC. There are very few pines around Cleveland. To be honest, I’d be happy to never see another one. We have more than a dozen 40 ft. pines in our small yard and it’s a constant barrage of pine needles, pine cones, pine bark and spring pollen. On second thought, I’d like to see them in my neighbor’s yard so I could enjoy them swaying in the wind without the cleanup duties.
I don’t remember seeing the green clouds come gusting across the street until a couple of years ago. I suppose they were there all along. The closest ones to our place are a half block away and normally downwind. Irrelevant trivia, they’re in my long-ago ex’s office yard.
If it was oaks in your yard instead, you’d have catkins on everything. Our cars look like the surrey with the fringe on top.
We have oaks too, and the catkins were a couple of weeks ago. They’re still in the middle of the street where cars have blown them into piles that look, from a distance, like a body lying in the road. Fun fact: Raleigh is called City of Oaks….and there is a giant bronze acorn in the square downtown which they illuminate and lower at midnight on New Year’s eve. It’s a touch of quaintness in a metro area that’s approaching 2 million.
My nose has been running for a couple of weeks from the pollen. Strangely, it has been okay today even though I spent time cutting the lawn.
Be careful what you say. Madame boran may decide you need to spend more time on yard work.
Heh. Not really possible since I do most of it already.
click for larger
What a stunning shot!!! Morning Miss Andi!!!
Here is a picture I took Saturday as I was waiting for the State Capital to open so I could get in to my conference.
I was quite a distance away. Click for larger image.
Howdy Mister RF. Nice use of your spare time. 🙂
It think it would very niiiice to see a picture of that bronze acorn — and doesn’t even have to be new year’s eve.
Good morning Andi! I’ll have to check this later when it isn’t blocked. ;-(
Now I see it! Cool shot!
I’m glad you could see it — no blocks at the courthouse?
Wow! That is incredible. worthy of a new cafe…