There are some fights that the president will win simply by virtue of being the president. The most famous example in somewhat recent history was the government shutdown of 1995. On the merits, the Republicans might have thought they had a shot at winning the argument, but they didn’t realize that the American people always have more respect for the president than they do for Congress. It seems to me that the Republicans are gearing up to repeat that mistake with their opposition to the Wall Street reforms. They think they are armed with solid Frank Luntz-created talking points, but they cannot compete with the voice of the president. If they embark on this fight, they will lose either way. If they cave, they’ll alienate a base that they’ve needlessly worked up into a froth, and if they stay united in opposition, they’ll be painted as radical protectors of the banksters, no matter how much they think their talking points will protect them.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
What the Republicans, in their desire to create their own reality, are overlooking is that there really aren’t enough banksters to make up a significant voting bloc. The portofolio of the person with two houses in the Hamptons was damaged along with the destruction of everyone else’s retirement savings. A % of the usual repub base is angry and worried about the banksters and angry about Bush’s bailouts.
Alas, but for the days of “vote early, vote often”… sigh…
Still here in Cook County, Illinois!
I’ve got to agree. The President has a built in advantage, whether due to primal instinct or whatever. Moreover, the banks are particularly unloved. The Republicans had might as well pick a fight over privacy rights of sex offenders.
You mean like David Vitter and John Ensign?
good idea, and will generate some fascinating bloviating
We’re about to see the political version of the TV series 1000 Ways To Die…
Speaking of picking fights, Rubio might have just killed his candidacy, giving Meek the win in the general:
A Florida senatorial candidate said that? Really? As a Florida native, all I can say is… wow.
No, a candidate for the Republican Senatorial Caucus who happens to live in Florida said that…
He should seal his fate by suggesting the same for Medicare eligibility.
How did that Frank Luntz strategy work out on healthcare reform? Seems it got flushed down the Waterloo.
I hope you’re right.
I don’t think Republicans, or conservatives for that matter, differentiate between dumb or smart fights.
It’s just all fighting. All the time.
Which is why I’m hesitant to negotiate with these people.
How do you negotiate with someone who just wants to beat you at all costs? No matter the price? Bad faith arguments be damned.
But what do I know. I’m just lower life form replicant of an Obamabot.
this IS who they are, Booman. they’re doing what’s in their hearts.
Some days I get scared thinking about the Republicans regaining power; other days… not so much.
May I suggest a new Democratic theme song on this issue?
I see that you cannot bring yourself to admit that a percentage of the attacks on the President are based on the fact that he is African American i.e. the basis of he attacks is racist not policy. The racism of many of these opponents trumps their respect for the office of the Presidency.
Stop being stupid and admit it. then you’ll realize the Republicans don’t care.
Racist opposition to Obama is obvious, but I’m not sure how the basis of opposition makes the Republican position any more comfortable.
There is a percentage of it that is racially based, to be sure, but much of what we’re seeing from the GOP would be the same if we were talking about President Edwards or President Clinton or President Biden. Maybe worse with Hillary. Definitely worse with Edwards and his love child…