Charles Blow went to a Texas Tea Party. His conclusion?
Thursday night I saw a political minstrel show devised for the entertainment of those on the rim of obliviousness and for those engaged in the subterfuge of intolerance. I was not amused.
I like that phrase. When you’re on ‘the rim of obliviousness,’ is the danger that you will fall in or out of the cup?
Beautiful opening:
I think I can remember being on “the rim of obliviousness” several times during the late sixties, but definitely not for the same reasons as these jokers.
my favorite line was: It felt like a bizarre spoof of a 1980s Benetton ad.
yes loved that one also! Everyone should go watch Bamboozled now.
Tea party protest_1
I went to the Oceanside Tea Party to protest them, and it was me against the mob. Yeah, mob. There were signs saying “proud member of the angry mob.” Yeah, mob. I received many harangues and reactions, but not a single person I encountered had an intelligent idea about anything. Believe me, I had a thousand people who wanted to talk or yell at me. All fury without any content.
When I said that an advocate of “drill, baby, drill” should know how much oil we have and how much we use – they said we didn’t say that. That’s a lie. One said “A Black Man said that …” Huh? One confused ignorant woman chased me around with a sign saying “government out of my body.” It’s the Right-Wing that wants to interfere in a people’s procreation and sexual lives.
These fake “Independents” are just the rabble Republican base, played for fools by their leaders. Fake self-deluded Libertarians who don’t understand Freedom or our Constitution, defining Libertarianism as “my way.”
They threw me out. I’m an American Tax Payer and those people threw me out. I doubt their notion of “Freedom.”
My sign? Oh, yeah, … “the Stupids are here.”
Sometimes the most obvious statements are also the most spot-on. These morons are republican stooges masquerading as “fierce independents.” What a crock of bullshit…