The Democrats had the worst week I can remember in the Research 2000/Daily Kos Poll, and I’m trying to figure out why. Two things dominated the news this week. The first was the nuclear summit. It’s hard for to attribute a public shift against the Democrats to the summit. Even if the public doesn’t agree with the goal of limiting the availability of loose nukes around the world, they would be unlikely to be angry with Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Democrats and the Democratic Party over it. They’d probably limit their wrath to the president who called the summit and made all the public pronouncements related to the summit.
So, the more likely culprit is the announcement by John Paul Stevens that he is retiring from the Supreme Court, and the accompanying speculation about who the president will announce as his replacement. We saw this before. Back in January, Nate Silver tried to figure out what killed Obama’s approval numbers. And he discovered something interesting:
If we look back at the trajectory of Barack Obama’s approval ratings, which began at about 65 at the time of his inauguration and have fallen to about 48 now, there were two periods that account for most of the decline. One was the period immediately following his inauguration until about the first week in March; Obama’s ratings fell by about 5 points over this interval. The other was a longer period from the end of May through mid-August, during which time Obama’s approval declined by 9 points or so. Those two periods collectively account for about 14 points of the roughly 17-point decline that Obama has experienced.
Correctly attributing the first instance of slippage to the end of the honeymoon, Silver looked deeper into the second period of decline:
From the period encompassing May 21st though July 14th, I have the Iranian elections being the lead story for 8 days, the SCOTUS vacancy and the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor being the lead for 9 days, and Sarah Palin (in particular, her decision to quit as Alaska’s governor) being the lead for 11 days. Otherwise, we had a hodgepodge of stories like Mark Sanford and the CIA torture probes, but none controlled the headlines for more than about 24 hours at a time.
I’m going to take it for granted that Obama wasn’t negatively impacted by Sarah Palin’s having gone rogue and left Alaska’s governorship. But could the other two stories — Iran and Sotomayor — have been bigger negatives than people think? On Iran, it seems extremely doubtful. The only poll released on Iran in conjunction with their disputed election was from CNN, and it showed just 15 percent of Americans saying that Obama had shown too little support for the protesters (versus 13 percent saying too much and 56 percent the right amount). Apart from a few Beltway pundits, there weren’t too many people critiquing his response.
Sotomayor, too, generally polled somewhat favorably (although most people are fairly indifferent toward SCOTUS nominations). One interesting bit, though, taken from Gallup’s weekly approval tracking by demographic groups. Sotomayor dominated the headlines from about May 26th through May 30th, in conjunction with her nomination. (Her actual confirmation several weeks later was something of an anti-climax.) In the week of May 18th-24th, just before Sotomayor’s nomination, Obama’s approval rating among men was 62 percent, according to Gallup. In the week just after her nomination, from June 1st-7th, his approval rating among men had fallen to 56 percent. So perhaps that nomination, while appealing to Obama’s base, gave him some problems among men — particularly white, independent men, an important swing demographic that has since turned against Obama.
I would argue that there is an additional factor at play. While part of it can be attributed to who Obama chose to replace David Souter, the other part is that he selected anyone. Democrats and Republicans both care passionately about the Supreme Court, but they think about it differently. The Democrats want to preserve the laws that are on the books. If they want change, they look to control of Congress and the presidency as the ways to create that change. Republicans are not agitating for new legislation. They are most passionate about striking down existing legislation as unconstitutional. They talk about repealing health care, but they know that will never happen. They know Congress can’t pass a law banning first-term abortions because the Court will rule in unconstitutional. They want the Court to expand the Second Amendment to cities and states. So, for them, the important thing is to win over control for their positions on the Supreme Court. They need a president willing to nominate ultraconservative judges and a Senate willing to confirm them, and there is nothing that is more important to them in the political arena.
So, it wasn’t just that independents (particularly, white men) didn’t like Sotomayor, it was that the mere fact that we were discussing the Supreme Court woke conservatives out of their post-election slumber. And I think this week’s polls reflect the same phenomenon. Regardless of who is nominated to replace Stevens, the Republicans are going to benefit in the short-term because they care much more passionately about the Supreme Court than we do.
And with good reason. They can count on it to deliver for them, up to and including delivering the Presidency. Such is the result of the GOP justices embracing outcome-based-jurisprudence.
Set aside the fiasco of the Bush presidency, the conservatives on the Court got Alito and Roberts appointed, and that was what they were really after.
While it is possible that it was perceived by the conservatives (white males) that Sotomoyar was a vote to sustain the precedence of Roe v Wade, I wonder a bit about the effect of George Bush’s absence from the front page since Obama took over. It is quite evident, given the economic catastrophe he engineered, that George is being hidden from the public. Even though he quietly joined Clinton in the Haiti recovery, it is almost impossible to read or hear his name pronounced in the media.
A mistake, I think, because it resulted in Obama inadvertently taking blame for the economic turndown. It’s Obama’s economy now, including the foreclosure mess, while his advisors have created a stockmarket boom and a bonanza for the CEOs.
Well, the stock market is complicated. You don’t want another bubble, but you do want people’s wealth restored if for no other reason so that they can call on their reserves to make mortgage and rent payments. And, you want people investing in the economy because that creates jobs in the private sector. So, the balance is between creating a favorable investment environment and reinflating a bubble in certain sectors of the economy that will burst and start these problems over again.
Overall, it’s a good thing that the Dow Jones is back to 11,000. If it were still at 6,000 we’d see a lot more pain and anger.
Nice try, but the fanatic wingnuts have already been spoken for. Those who are not swept away by the current frenzies are not going to get drawn in by the fact of a vacancy on the court. The righties have not been in a slumber from which they awoke a week ago. Indies, by definition, don’t really care.
If you look at the charts, it appears that the Obama’s biggest loss for the week came from the Northeast, while he actually gained a little in the South. He lost most with indies and Dems, while his approval among Reps slightly improved. Which doesn’t track with the theory of a revved up rightwing demographic. The trouble appears to be on the indie/Dem side.
The slide among Dems and indies appears to be a continuation of a decline that began in the last week of April. My guess is that whatever perception of Obama and the Dems shifted then continues to gather steam now. Sadly, what pops out is the healthcare bill, but not among the conservative side. Indies being the pitiful flotsam that they are, it seems like they bought into the corporate-sponsored HCR hysteria and still are.
Your analysis would seem to indicate that the conservatives are beginning to run close to their upside potential in November.
The question is whether Democrats and especially Obama new voters can shake off their slumber.
BTW the NC Democratic Primary is going to be very interesting. Progressives are moving behind Ken Lewis, a black nominee with extensive experience in entrepreneurial incubators and direct job creation. The DCCC is backing Cal Cunningham, progressive enough, but whose primary qualification seems to be his military Bronze Star (as compared to Burr’s non-service). And the most experienced and widely known candidate is Secretary of State Elaine Marshall. Watch for the results on May 4.
If I had a vote, I’d vote for Marshall.
Why Lewis over Marshall? Marshall seems pretty good(better than Hagan) .. and is up in the polls .. beating the DSCC backed Cunningham
Check the ratings given to any president when people are having to fill out their tax forms. I don’t know but I suspect that you will find an anti government backlash.
Well I don’t think we should run from the fight because of polls. Appoint a super-smart, young female liberal to that seat, hopefully someone who didn’t go to Yale or Harvard.
I think Diane Wood would be a fine choice, but selecting someone who hasn’t been working as a judge (but who isn’t Harriet Miers-style incompetent) would be good as well. I’d love to see Dawn Johnsen up there but that would obviously be a huge fight (and she went to Yale, which is a minus in my book). Once Stevens is gone, all 8 remaining justices went to Harvard or Yale.
I share your distaste for the Ivy domination, but could get over it for Dawn Johnson. I’m still clinging to some hope that the withdrawal of her nomination telegraphs an intention to name her to the court. But that would be an escalation of open chutzpah for Obama.
“If they want change, they look to control of Congress and the presidency as the ways to create that change.”
What? What? Warren Court?
Besides, that’s what we need, a flaming liberal court to hammer down justice on the GOP until they explode. Congressional laws are generally more lasting but I’ll take the SCOTUS any day.